вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.


Red - sets a determination, it can cause a person has a strong desire to make this or that act and, in relation to the topic of our conversation, to make vigorous efforts and buy, for example, the advertised product. This color is like no other, is able to quickly attract the attention, fix the gaze on the subject of advertising. The semantics of this color - 'attention, do not pass by, act for the sake of action: boldly, recklessly, yielding first to the senses. " The red color and also has a certain sexual charge. This is especially necessary to take into account those who advertises products are designed for men for whom red color has always been significant.

But do not overestimate this color too: he is good in moderation. So, a small detail ad or directory allocated red, would be appropriate and immediately attract attention, while its excessive use can cause consumer aggressiveness and even irritated the subject of advertising.

Orange - helps cause a surge of vitality, giving an optimistic tone. The ancients considered it the color of health and creativity. This color is best used in the advertising of medicines, children's products and services in health and education. Orange adds activity, but it gives a sense of inner balance and spiritual harmony.

Yellow - adjusts to communicate. It is the color of openness and sociability. He also helps to give the waxing balance emotions, to find inner peace, calm the anxiety. In addition, yellow is able to "give" the subject of intelligence, therefore, for example, advertising products such as "high tech" is best done in yellow. This color will be successful in the advertising of children's products, services, travel agencies, as well as advertising and PR-agencies.

Green - all softens, takes the edge off emotions. This color has a healing, relaxing effect. And it will be appropriate and effective in the advertising of medicines, water purification systems, dental clinics and pharmacies, veterinary clinics, health centers, and environmental protection.

Pink - a great assistant in the field of personal relationships: it enhances the senses, making us more alert, affectionate and sensitive. The range of use of this color may be the most wide: advertising perfumes, goods for women and children to the services of marriage agencies and family centers.

Blue - is also set to a region of feelings, but more elevated, more platonic than mundane. It is the color of friendly affection, kinship of souls. Blue - the color of peace and universal harmony. It gives an opportunity to feel an invisible connection with the universe and is able to give a holistic view of the subject, and the subject or business - Global and a favorable outcome.

Blue - helps to concentrate on the essentials: small things are not blurred, do not throw away. Blue item in the catalog or brochure immediately attract attention and, in contrast to the red, will never cause negative emotions.

Purple - the color of inner concentration. This color helps to deepen the internal: it helps to abstract from all unnecessary at the moment and concentrate on the main issue. Another interesting detail - a well-violet stimulates the brain and contributes to the solution of creative problems. It is no accident purple so love creative people. Therefore, if you are promoting a product, with which you want to emphasize the creativity of the goods or services are dedicated to providing creative elite detail in purple is a must!

Black - the color of self-immersion: it helps to isolate themselves from everything, withdraw and concentrate on solving a particular problem. At the same time, this color can be set to the melancholy and despondency. The black comes a sense of loneliness and isolation from the outside world. That is why the color in the print advertising is better not to use. This recommendation is, of course, does not apply to text and tables. Just in terms of their a few exceptions, it is better not to experiment.

White - the color of complete openness, a willingness to see the world in all its diversity. And the color is good because it does not bear any discomfort. One has only to note that monoispolzovanie of colors in print advertising can create a neutral effect when consumer advertising just reported the information about the product, without establishing any accents and priorities.

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