суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

Business idea: the production of screw piles for foundations

Have your dream vacation home, without exception, all the more so now in the construction market are well represented various assembly house. "I was interested frame house 5x4 m, with a price tag of just over 250 thousand rubles, - says his project Andrei Smirnov from Rostov-on-Don. - Collect a house I can myself. It stops a foundation problem. Concrete blocks - it's expensive, troublesome, long time. The same thing - the tape foundation. Is there a simple solution - fast, "their own hands" and at the same time reliable? ".

It turns out that such a decision is, and popular both in Europe and in America. "This is a screw piles for foundations, - says Mike Hops from the portal« Home Construction »in his article" The minimization of construction costs without compromising quality. " - Developers tend to care about their income, and customers - on their spending. So, for a total estimated construction of a private home mortgage 15-17% -e costs of foundation works. When used screw piles, you can get 2-3%. "

Building on the foreign and Russian experience of the start, we decided to tell you about one of the ideas for the business with their own hands - screw piles for the foundation - and how to capitalize on their production.

Will the demand for this product?

The main question of any entrepreneurial endeavor is whether demand for its products. "The subject, of course, interesting, - says the businessman Maxim Nagnibeda. - But will it demand? That is the question. Our people are conservative, solid, not at home - and builds a fortress with air-raid shelter in the basement. " Of course, a fair share of skepticism in the opinion of entrepreneurs takes place. At the same time, customers and independent developers already have positive experience of western building technologies focused on minimizing costs in the construction of buildings.

"Why the house of OSB and mineral wool insulation of a strong foundation? - Says an expert on the construction of Rodion Kalanov. - One screw pile diameter 108 mm, depending on the soil type is capable of withstanding a load of from 3 to 9 tons. While the Canadian House of SIP-panels with a total area of ​​150 square meters weighs no more than 15 tonnes. If we consider the groundwater level and depth of soil freezing, the foundation of the screw piles will be even stronger than concrete. "

Thus, screw piles has predictably prospect to fill the niche of budgetary foundations for light private homes. In particular, the Agency ORFEI.ltd analyst Mark N. Katz is convinced that this product has all the prerequisites for the next 3-5 years to become a bestseller. "The idea is good, however, it is often discredited by poor-quality production. As a result, fast rusting pipes, and sometimes blades break during the screwing - said the expert. - However, when "foam" come down and remain responsible manufacturers, the demand will be very high. "

What you should know about the production of screw piles?

Any business idea before you get a start in life, is interpreted in terms of production - Worth It. Here - the same thing. "This is a common pipe, usually with a diameter of 108 mm and a thickness of not less than 4 mm, - says Victor Kon'kov, an entrepreneur who organized the manufacture of screw piles. - The end of the tube is pointed in the same welded blade. Its size depends on the soil. This defines the range of the piles. " In all of this businessman is confident that the most important thing in this business - quality control of welding. This requires tools for non-destructive analysis, such as ultrasonic flaw UD2-70.

At the same time has a value and type of steel material of the pile. In particular, the use of steel alloys 34NK precision can significantly increase the lifetime of such a foundation. "Do not forget also about the protection of pipes against corrosion, - tells Rodion Kalanov. - Simple antirust paint can not do, because during the screwing a screw piles in the ground, it is experiencing high abrasive load. Apply to be lining, ie the application of polyurethane, and the most persistent compounds. "

According to the expert, it is necessary to apply to firms with specialized equipment. Rate the quality of protection and self-driving can be, without sophisticated instruments. "I usually wriggle out of a pile and look at the back cover, - shares his experience Viktor skates. - If the pipe is rubbed to the metal, it is possible to speak about poor treatment. "

In general, compliance with three simple rules will ensure a high quality screw piles:

- Control of welding ultrasonic flaw detectors;
- The use of pipes of precision steel alloys;
- The application of a reliable coating of polyurethane resins.

About this business say a word

As for the business of producing screw piles, for its promotion it will take time. "I have long been engaged in installing fences - wrote forumchanin CSMPE. - Once the customer himself has given us screw piles for fences. A sort of pipe diameter 54 mm, with a screw at the end. It is screwed into the ground, then pulls mesh netting, and then pull up driving around the hole half-meter depth and betoniruesh. So we decided to do the same, but for a holiday wooden houses and baths. Hundred pieces manufactured, the benefit of that is easy. Then they sold them a year, but it's gone. "

Nikolai Markov at a forum on this product, put the following post:

"I do not know why, but the foundation on piles have not received such an extension, as in the West. Probably because of the misconception about the complexity. Immediately drawn pictures of great technique and enormous piles of iron. If everyone knew that there are piles with a diameter of 18 cm and they can drive yourself, the situation would be radically changed. " Indeed, the information in the media is not enough.

"With such a pile foundation, managed to run the business for the construction of frame houses, - said the commercial director of LLC" Its roof over your head "Alexander Ivankov. - Speed, ease of installation and low cost - all this makes this product very interesting. We have already developed specific business for its own production. Price start - 500 thousand rubles. Payback period - summer season. I am sure that everything will turn out! ".

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