четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

20 facts from the world of business.

1) Today, Amazon is selling 158 products per second.

2) Volkswagen owns Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati and Porsche.

3) In 1997, Yahoo rejected an offer to acquire the entire Google for $ 1 million. Today, Google is worth $ 250 billion.

4) About 92% of all pop songs - about sex.

5) The words "face", "book", "wall", "poke" and "like" registered Facebook, as trademarks.

6) For every person on Earth Lego's created more than 50 detalek.

7) «Gangnam Style» - the first video that has ever scored a billion views in Youtube.

8) British Hair stylists bovine semen used as hair conditioner.

9) McDonald's in 2010, fired 155 employees just because of the fact that they were handing out food leftovers to the homeless.

10) Steve Jobs was the executive producer of the animated film "Toy Story."

11) At 25 million Facebook accounts already dead.

12) In Finland, the penalty for exceeding the speed is determined by the annual revenue of the driver. One day, a man received a $ 200,000 fine.

13) This year's Thanksgiving was the lowest rating view porn online.

14) Louis Vuitton as the discount can not be bought. Not sold goods company simply burns.

15) Leo Fender, guitar makers Fender, never knew how to play the guitar.

16) Average statistical productive worker about 3.5 hours on Monday.

17) The money that has been spent on Black Friday could feed the starving children around the world for 2 years.

18) Bill Gates every second earns $ 250.

19) John D. Rockefeller was 4-5 times richer than the current richest man in the world.

20) Rubik's best-selling product of all time. In second place iPhone.

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