среда, 28 октября 2015 г.

10 countries in which citizenship can be obtained for the money

Malta, Hungary, Cyprus, Bulgaria and others.

Many countries are working to change the law and make it easier to obtain citizenship for investors and businessmen. Also good conditions for doing business in them you will find the sea and sandy beaches. iBusiness collect information from States, you can obtain a passport for investment.


In 2012, the Hungarian legislators adopted amendments to the immigration law that allows foreigners to obtain citizenship of the investment. This program is considered to be the best in Europe. First granted a residence permit and the offer to purchase of government bonds by about 330 thousand dollars (250 thousand euros), after five years, the state returns the money to the investor. The program does not require the constant presence in the country, or the acquisition of property for a certain time.


Since 2013, there Maltese program for individual investors (MPII). It has one limitation: people who obtained citizenship in this way, will not exceed 1800. At the moment, the application for MPII filed about 600 people from 40 countries, including Russia and Ukraine. To obtain Maltese citizenship applicant and other family members must pay a non-refundable fee to the National Fund for Social Development (an organization engaged in the development of national projects).

Upon receipt of the letter of approval MPII applicant must contribute to the fund of 650 thousand euros, a spouse of 25 thousand euros for the children of unmarried, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six years will have to pay 50,000 euros for each, for parents (grandparents, who want to join) and 50 million euros alone. Information resources for citizenship of Malta is a refinement that Bitcoins are not suitable for payment - this currency in the country is not recognized as legitimate.

Within five years, will need to rent or buy real estate is not less than 350 thousand euros. After the conclusion of the lease or purchase of property the applicant is issued an electronic card of a resident of the country, and a year later granted citizenship. Must necessarily be resident in the country a little more than six months.

For people who have acquired citizenship of Malta in this way can remain more favorable tax status. The biggest bonus is the acquisition of citizenship of Malta lies in the fact that you can not pass the border control to get into the 26 EU countries, including Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary and others.


The "Citizenship for investment" operating in the country since 2013. It was originally aimed at attracting investors from Russia. With the passport of Cyprus can enter into many EU countries, but Cyprus is not part of the Schengen zone.

Passport of the country can be obtained in about three months. There are several ways of making investments:

to invest in the Republic of Cyprus itself at least 5 million euros;
buy property for 500 thousand euros;
buy a package of real estate for 5 million euros;
make a personal or corporate contribution to the Bank of Cyprus not less than 5 million euros, as well as to purchase a property for 500 million euros;
offered the opportunity to split investment: contribution to the State treasury (as a contribution to national investment company) more than 2 million, the purchase of real estate by 500 thousand euros, 500 thousand euros contribution to the Foundation for Research and Technology.


To obtain citizenship of the investor has to invest 1 million leva (about 512,000 euros) in government bonds. The percentage of such bonds to the depositor will not be paid (as in Hungary), but the money is returned after 5 years. An application for citizenship can be obtained through the same five years from the date of receipt of permanent residence. To abandon their old nationality is not necessary - Bulgaria recognizes dual citizenship. In this country, there is also a form of investment credit, on which an investor can invest in the government bonds of 180 thousand euros, but no return.


The investment program for the acquisition of citizenship is also represented on the island of Dominica from North America to the Caribbean. The applicant for citizenship must provide a non-refundable investment to the Government of Dominica in size from 100 thousand dollars to 200 thousand dollars (the cost varies depending on the number of family members who also want to obtain citizenship).

Prior to 2015, to those who wish to acquire such nationality it was necessary to interview. Now just check the profiles of the applicant and provided information. Dominica in 2013 had more than 500 million dollars of foreign debt, the country in such a way to raise capital for debt repayment.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis - the federal structure of the state, which is on the eastern Caribbean Sea, consists of two islands: St. Kitts and Nevis. The investment program was adopted here in 1984. Application for registration of citizenship consists of only three pages. Quickly find the reasons for the acquisition of citizenship, sources of income and the estimated annual income.

Prospective citizens may invest 400 thousand dollars in real estate or to make a donation to the charitable Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF) in the amount of 200 thousand dollars. The volume of investment depends on the selected program, the overall amount ranges from $ 250 thousand to 400 thousand dollars.

Antigua and Barbuda

Established by the Government program for the acquisition of citizenship through investment was approved in 2013. The state is on the same island east of St. Kitts and Nevis. In the future citizens of the investment program has a choice:

invest in real estate of $ 400 thousand;
a donation to the National Development Fund (NDF) is not less than 200 thousand dollars;
Terms of consideration take three to six months from the date of application. After consideration of the applicant takes the passport.


The state in the southeast of the Caribbean requires future citizens to invest about 210 thousand dollars in companies operating in Grenada. At present the volume of investments includes all fees for registration. The current program was adopted in 2013. Prior to 2001, he worked as an old program that was relatively cheap and had great success with wanting to live in Grenada.


"Visa Gold" Spain involves buying real estate in the amount of not less than 500 thousand euros, but if the property was acquired earlier (before applying for an investment visa), it will not be taken into account. It also assumes the purchase of government bonds in an amount not less than 2 million euros, 1 million euros investment in local companies or financial institutions in the country. To apply for the acquisition of nationality should have annual visa of the state.


To make an investment immigration need to make at least 200 thousand lats (300 thousand dollars) for a period of at least five years, to purchase real estate, whose value varies depending on the region, to invest in the economy of Latvia is not less than 25 thousand lats (36 million euros). After the purchase of real estate investor can issue a residence permit for five years.

Similar methods can acquire citizenship in Germany, Australia, Switzerland, the UK, Slovakia, Portugal and other countries.

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