вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Do not worry: How to get rid of the fears that interfere with business

Fear of public speaking

People who because of panic avoid speaking in public, psychologists call glossofobami. Fear of public speaking ranks second in the classification, after phobias fear of death. Scientists have found that a large number of people in a public statement released the amount of adrenaline, commensurate with what is released during a parachute jump. This phobia is usually attributed to the fact that as a child, parents often forbid a child to say, embarrassed or ignored it. Fear is stronger in high school when a teacher criticized answers to students and give them for evaluation.

There are many ways to get rid of this fear. For example, it is possible to imagine that during a speech you do not say, and are acting as a self-confident person. It helps to turn it from a monologue into a discussion: asking the audience, you will translate attention to his person for the whole room. Professional speakers will never go on stage without preparation. They are advised to rehearse many times before the presentation of the mirror, remembering not only the words but also gestures. During rehearsals should visualize what success is waiting for you, imagine the applause, as well as to work out the answers to questions that you can ask. You can work out in the pronunciation of speech to a close friend. During a speech to the audience you need to find someone who you kindly set, and focus on it. Smile and deep breathing can help reduce stress.

Fear of success

This paradoxical at first glance, a phobia is also called complex ions, first described by Abraham Maslow. According to legend, God commanded Jonah to be a prophet and go to Nineveh to preach repentance, but Jonah was afraid, thought that can not cope with such a responsible thing, and fled. Maslow wrote: "If you're deliberately going to become less important person than allow your abilities, you will be deeply unhappy person."

The complex ions is fear of man to realize his natural ability, his fear change, even uninteresting and limited, but somehow the existence of well-established. The absence of the great achievements of these people consider a guarantee that they bypass the crash and severe disappointment. They set themselves goals and long paltry "celebrating the victory", reaching them.

Escape from Freedom consists in the fact that people prefer to give up freedom in exchange burdensome
on a guaranteed minimum sustained prosperity

With complex ions are bound and the concept of freedom, which Maslow defines as responsible for his every life choice for their own destiny and not only. Escape from Freedom consists in the fact that people prefer to cede burdensome freedom in exchange for a guaranteed minimum sustained prosperity. Maslow distinguishes eight modes of behavior that allow overcome fear of success. It offers to imagine life as a process of continuous choice between progress and retreat. Any development occurs only after the realization of who you are and exactly what you want, so you need to separate yourself from imposed public purposes. The true goal may subconsciously scare that require significant changes in his "I", but this can happen only when the goal was not chosen you, and for you.

Fear of failure

Scientists call the fear of failure atychiphobia. People obsessed with her, often disclaim any action, because they believe that they are waiting for the inevitable failure. They subconsciously underestimate their own talents and abilities, cease to look for new solutions. Fear of failure in them is stronger than the potential joy of success.

Psychologists see the reasons phobias that people grew up in a family where love and approval directly linked with the achievements of the child. As a result, a person grows up with the feeling that he rejected, if he makes a mistake. These people choose the path of mediocrity and avoid the risk, it is unpleasant situation of competition.

For the treatment of phobias, psychologists often use the method of systematic desensitization, in which a person gets into a situation somewhat similar to those that cause him to panic attacks, but painless and taken out. In these situations, the person can control his fear, and the difficulty level rises gradually. The therapist shows how the fear response in them can be replaced by another: for example, anger, excitement, relaxation. Getting rid of the fear of failure is not possible without the realization that failure - an integral part of any experience.

Fear of change

Fear of change and uncertainty go hand in hand. The brain senses any changes as a source of stress, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Any changes required to adapt and change the established view of the world. The most comfortable state for a man - a stable, predictable routine. It gives people a sense of control. Out of fear of losing control, they subconsciously avoid things that can dramatically change their lives. For example, they prefer to communicate in a limited circle of people who share their views on the world. They continue their relationships unsatisfying work on unloved work, because they are afraid to feel that they have lost in vain time. By repeating day after day, the same thing, they are experiencing an illusory sense of security.

In order to somehow get out of this vicious circle, psychologists advise to take the brain as the program requires constant updating. Fear of the unknown is generated by ignorance, so they are advised to try to replace fear with curiosity. This will move the focus to the feeling of fear in the direct action and the search for knowledge. Any failure to act only increases the fear, but activity gradually gives the necessary experience and confidence. Fear - it is an illusion, deception of the mind that takes a negative scenario for the only possible. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "When confident guy goes one on one with the world and his frightening lack of beard, every time he was surprised to realize that this fake beard and frightens only those who are afraid of it."

Fear of making decisions

Obsessive fear of decision-making called decidophobia. The cause of phobia is usually considered a habit encouraged by their parents to do what others do not solve their own problems. In addition, the cause of phobia may be incorrect decision, which resulted in unpleasant consequences. Decidophobia prefer to find someone who will make decisions for them. In this role can perform parents, spouse or boss. Very often decidophobia believe in superstition and fate, which, as it deprives them of control over their lives.

The choice itself - not such an important point, as it is sometimes presented. This is only the beginning of the job. Make the "right" choice - it is rather a theoretical concept. Who knows what the result would have been obtained in the implementation of other options? If two or more alternatives like, the choice between them is not so critical. Decidophobia need to learn to listen to their own desires, no longer to think about how to please others. They tend to exaggerate the extent to which their actions closely followed by others. You can lose or win, but most people do not even notice

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