воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

If you have enough, and even an excess of resources (money, skills, material assets) - so you do not have ideas. Or do you want to accomplish too ordinary and familiar to any ideas that do not make you grow and develop.

Okay, I agree that it is quite a controversial statement. Anyway, the lack of start-up capital - a hell of a common problem.

What to do if you do not have enough money to start a business?

Of course, when it comes to the critical shortage (capital ten times less than the target), then nothing can be done. No tricks will not help. We need to beat out money from investors or try to get a bank loan.

And in other cases (when there is half or less than the calculated amount), the following options may be appropriate.

The increase in the establishment and development of original "test" the business. Ie for example, you decide to run a start-up. But even the modest technological breakthrough we need money. So first, you can make a version of the product (website, application, etc.), which operates under the traditional scheme. This will allow a well to test the market and make the first customer (and if lucky, and money). This applies not only and not so much to innovation in IT. Quite the contrary: the traditional business for the establishment of a "trial" version may be easier.

Involving friends and acquaintances. They can make you a discount on your services. Familiar lawyer or an accountant for the novice businessman - its weight in gold. Optional brazenly loading friends their requests - but some help is quite possible to get a reasonable price for a bottle of good cognac.

Attracting grants and other assistance from the state. Actually get a grant is not easy. But the support is not limited. For example, now almost everywhere established business incubators. One of their main services - provision of premises, which saves on space.

Partnership. It's all clear, we'll do just focus on the fact that the partner can not only be your classmate, but also quite a large structure - if you can convince her that you will do for them part of the work, you will find benefit for them. Again, it makes sense to look towards not only private but also public institutions. Bureaucracy, of course, is jammed, but the money we have in the power shall be considered rejected. With the master's table can fall quite a solid support.

Rejection of all the extra food, the concentration on the USP. At times the mass of the services prevents the company to position itself in the market. Therefore, the refusal by most of them can not only save money, but also to improve business processes.

Search unconventional methods of promotion - "guerrilla" marketing. Of course, advertising in any case, have to spend, but all of a sudden be able to find a cunning and effective way to express yourself?

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