воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

7 secrets of effective sellers

1. Treat people with respect
Relation to other should not depend on their status and position, age and gender, skin color and nationality. It should all be treated with equal respect. Remember: humility - aerobatics for the business person.
It is not necessary to assume that the businessman should be a serious person - it is not. First, you need to sell your charm, and only then - the idea of ​​services and goods.
2. Learn a lifetime
Only by constantly absorbing new knowledge, you can keep up with progress, be prepared for the inevitable changes in life fully realized.
Reading at least one new book a month, you can become a better 90% of sellers. One week - 99% to become stronger competitors. And it's not just about the business literature, but also literature, especially the classics. Customers like to deal with educated and intelligent people.
3. not work all
Seller that comes an hour earlier and leave an hour later, while working at maximum efficiency, can double the personal selling. To do this, you need only learn how to take care of their own and other people's time. In business, everyone should do their job.
It will be useful if the seller will develop your own personal sales plan. Moreover, its strap should be at least twice the established leadership. If personal sales plan is executed by 70%, it will still be much higher standards established outside.
4. Know how to listen
During a conversation with a client, try to follow these rules:
• focus on the speaker, always be alert, try to soak up all the nuances of what has been said;
• respond quickly when necessary, but do not interrupt the interlocutor for nothing;
• if necessary, ask questions to clarify the above;
• occasionally comment on some important points to demonstrate their understanding.
It is useful to record the important moments of conversation. It should offer a product or service, only adding the real needs of the client.
5. Overcome your fears
How to become a dealer №1? Read, learn, try and develop, did not dwell on failures. It is not necessary to draw conclusions about your abilities before you try them out in practice. Knowledge and skills - the best means to defeat the anxieties and lack of confidence. Remember, fear disappears with the arrival experience.
6. Forget about sales
The customer or knows exactly which product he wants or not. In both cases, he will need the expert. If the buyer has not yet decided what kind of product he wants, try to find out what challenges it faces. Only after the purchase of the real motive becomes clear, ask the really right product or service.
7. Think about your family
To succeed, we must be able to set goals. If you want to succeed in sales, try to answer himself, for whom and for what you want. The best motivation - this, of course, family. If the family yet - create it and live for the sake of loved ones and friends.

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