вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Top 9 best methods of struggle for the client

1. Talk with customers

Again, polls show that customers are very happy to share their experiences of good and bad service (4 of 6 people have confirmed this). After speaking with a single customer, finding out his attitude to service, after learning of his claims is to your service, you turn on word of mouth. Even if he is not liked all overshadow the sincere attention of the staff and management.

Do not forget to call customers by name. Talk to them like human beings, not-Manager (the language of the press release). Especially in social networks. Save the business of anonymity.

For example, American Express polite and timely respond to all complaints. One feels that the message is not gaining support, and people. And gaining them personally for each client. In addition, each response on Twitter was signed initials of the employee.

2. Always listen to what your customers say

It is easy to start a dialogue with the client. It is difficult to listen to it carefully. By listening to the appeals of the buyer, keep in mind how your company can change on this feedback.

Here are some smart ways to get quality feedback: focus groups, observation in the trading room, communication at the POS, monitoring social networks.

3. Continue to meet the needs - offer continuous support and discounts

Do your best to regularly remind customers about yourself and your cool products. Answer quickly and enthusiastically. Be ready at the right time to propose new special offers and discounts. Suggest more.

Any delay like a death in the age of the Internet. The researchers also managed to compare dozens of companies working in the same field. So, 81% of companies with a strong social side, outperform their less agile competitors.

Come up with a couple of long-term interest in the multi-level tours and regular news updates and details. From you just do not retreat.

4. Think of the client as a valued partner

As mentioned above, take customer opinion seriously and take note and implement rational thought. What is the meaning to listen, if you are not going to reap the benefits? Make sure customers know that you are waiting for their opinions and value them as equal partners.

If you're looking for an example of how to show its importance to the client, look for a company Buffer App, which helps businesses and individuals to plan for the content of their groups / pages in social networks. Every month they publish in his blog "The report of happiness": in figures and words explain in detail how many received them by e-mail questions and suggestions as quickly reacted to their managers, and how to change the ratio of customers to their companies after the responses (to make such statistics, Buffer App added to the end of the letter estimates emoticons). That's nice, dammit.

5. Quickly inform clients about important changes in the company

Of the 13 responses to the question "whether such knowledge is useful?" 12 was very short: "Yes." Notifications of important changes - good and bad - form a trusting relationship. And relate accurately to changes in your products and services. Customers have already got used to them, but a habit - a strong piece.

Here is an example of how to do.

Recently updated Instagram decided that explicit explanation of the new rules, users do not need. But almost all the customers have understood from developer blog that according to the new privacy policy of the service, he can use any photo for promotional purposes. Of course, the entire Internet angrily shaking: the owners of highly training, and those who just need to shake your fists to mind. But a lot of "fat" people quite logically decided that would be easier and safer to leave. For example, National Geographic.

Developers quickly came to life and wrote a post-pointer to where told that no such thing had in mind. But trust has been undermined.

Hence a natural question: how to gain the trust?

- Report any major changes in the company;

- Develop a versatile and intuitive way of presenting to the public of these changes;

- If during the modification, you screwed up, do not hesitate to talk about this.

6. Be transparent

What does it mean to be "transparent"?
- Do not be afraid of feedback;
- Create a situation in which there is nothing to hide;
- Consolidate the identity and position of your staff;
- Want to conduct a dialogue with customers and employees.

7. Keep your word

This is your communication with customers, a direct result of feedback and a sense of trust. If you are consistent in the promises and their fulfillment, customers will know what to expect from you in the future.

8. Accept their responsibilities

Regardless of the circumstances, the customer is always right. Buyer showed full solidarity in three ways (better - all at once):

- Come up with a universal friendly phrase that will meet your employees to customer complaints;
- Keep communication with customers under the personal supervision, help employees, analyze their actions;
- Create a step by step guide responses to customer complaints. It must be about the points of satisfaction of claims.

9. "Thank you" - your investment in the future

3 of 4 people surveyed say they continue to buy from the company that left a good impression. The main bar of the impressions - friendly "Thank you." With each new appreciation for your time and buy you fascinate customers more and more. This word will never become old-fashioned.

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