воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

For the efficient operation of the salon and getting stable earnings in an increasingly increasing competition to attract new customers, you must apply all the more original advertising techniques.

Beauty advertising campaign can be divided into two strategic objectives: to attract new customers and internal marketing for permanent retention.

We recommend you review the material from deystvuschego entrepreneurs on how to open your salon.

Methods to attract new customers

Traditional means of advertising do not work as effectively as before, so it is necessary to resort to a more thoughtful and highly directional action. Development of the campaign will consist of the following stages:

The study of competitors, their territorial distribution, pricing, range of services, conditions for regular customers.
Determining your target audience, segmentation of their income levels, preferences, age.
Identify ways to reach the target group in the area, places where the main events will be held on promotion - shopping malls and shops, medical centers, fitness and sports clubs, restaurants and cafes, business centers.
The development of effective means to attract customers.
Draw analyst traditional means of advertising, which can be used for the promotion of Beauty (Table 1).

Table. 1 - Comparative analysis of advertising media.

Means of advertising
TV (local channels)
wide coverage, the possibility of combining images and sound
the high price of accommodation
(local radio station)
wide coverage
Only sound, the high price of accommodation
reasonable price for accommodation
low popularity
Internet publications
reasonable price for accommodation
small coverage
Outdoor advertising
attraction, an effective means of attracting attention
narrow local coverage
Based on these data, we can make the following entries:

TV and radio, even local channels and stations, will not be an effective means of advertising because of the relatively high cost; the best option may be running line on cable ducts;
accommodation in the print media (newspapers) is possible, but only if the spread of the circulation in the area of ​​the passenger compartment; expensive glossy magazines are not suitable because of the high cost of accommodation and long-term impact;
posting on the Internet efficiently and at acceptable cost;
outdoor advertising is very effective, good for the consumer.
The methods that will be effective for increasing the number of new customers beauty:

development and manufacturing of colorful advertising leaflets with photographs of clients 'before' and 'after' (anti-aging treatments, hairstyle, make-up), with a detailed description of services, contact details, the arrangement of interior;
conducting cross-marketing - sharing partner clients - an agreement on the placement of advertising leaflets with potential partners at the reception fitness centers, sports clubs, hospitals, travel agencies, etc .;
placement of advertising leaflets in the racks of luxury homes, shopping and business centers, pharmacies, etc .;
carrying out promotion activities in a local shopping center - for example, a day free of makeup, hairstyles and so on. for everyone, with advice from experts and the distribution of flyers and business cards;
distributing flyers beautiful girls - models in crowded places (at bus stops, near the shops).
Methods for saving regular customers

Besides promotional activities, the management of the salon should also pay great attention to programs for the conservation of regular customers, because they form the basic income of the cabin. But most importantly, they recommend the salon family and friends, and such advertising is most effective.

Measures to increase the loyalty of regular customers:

conduct surveys to better understand customer needs, and to promote the development of the programs;
training staff for their professional skills and knowledge;
formation of a system of bonuses, discounts, loyalty cards;
development of client-oriented company standards, to comply with their all staff of interior.

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