воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

The main task that you must decide where to take clients and how to provide quality services. 

To organize your business for the delivery of clean water, you will need to establish a logistics and competently to advertise. These are the two most important components.

How to start a business?
We recommend to start with the business of writing a detailed business plan for the delivery of water. It is necessary to reflect not only the income and expenses, but also various options for advertising your own business, finding customers, obtaining additional funds for the development of business, etc.

Official business registration
To conduct a legitimate business, it is necessary at the outset to define as a form of business is most beneficial for you. Most likely, you will have to open IE. In more rare cases LTD.
Options for starting a business for water delivery
Starting a business for the delivery of water from the ground

We recommend to start with the easy option of starting a business for the delivery of water from the ground. The easiest way to do business on the Internet and look for their customers through the Internet. To do this, you need to create a simple website with the order form water. The only thing that is needed - is to analyze the competition on the Internet and to estimate the cost of website promotion to the first position on the Internet.

Doing Business Online
If you decide to do business online, then you need to think about renting an office or some storage space for water bottles. An excellent option is to have a garage in which you can open in addition to water some production in the garage.

Finding customers for the delivery of water

Delivery of water to the apartments
Until recently, employers have not carried water to the house to the customer. Individual customers, especially those who live somewhere on the outskirts of the city, costly delivery (wages people petrol). This business has always felt uncomfortable and unprofitable.
Profitability whether home delivery?
To make sure your business was unprofitable, it is necessary every day to sell 15 - 20 cans with water. This is the minimum needed to profit from the delivery of water. A family of two adults and one child drinks a bottle of water per week. For the normal course of business must have 120 - 150 families who have ordered your services.

Even though it does not give a big profit, but the company will provide a steady income. If your customer base will be orders for home and office, the first number can be reduced, as the service for businesses profitable. These customers consume more water and usually their shipping address - city center. This significantly reduces the cost of shipping water.

Delivery of water to the office as a business
The main consumers of drinking water that comes in cans are office staff. Studies have shown that it is the office of clients account for 80% of the market for the delivery of water. Unfortunately, in recent years these customers become less. This fact is due to the fact that the drinking water is included in the benefits package, but due to the protracted crisis, it began to devote a lot less money.
Prior to that, the company wrote off a large amount of their income to the social package, so pay less taxes, but in modern times the profits of enterprises have fallen, and they ceased to underestimate earnings. Therefore, the novice entrepreneur must pay attention to the delivery of water in the house, because at this time the market is stable.
Now the company for the delivery of water to the office and the house began to develop this market, as the demand for clean water will melt more and more. Today offices bought 10-15 bottles of water for at least a week. On average, each person drinks 0.3-0.8 liters per day. If the staff includes 50 people, while a day spent 15-40 liters.
Offer customers the installation of water filters, it will bring a good extra income.

What you expect the cost?
1. Costs for the rental stock. To start a business, you will be quite 20 square meters. If you are going to not only deliver water, but also to organize a collection point for plastic bottles, will not prevent an additional 10 square meters.
2. Vehicles.
In this business without transportation anywhere, because you need to quickly take water from the supplier and to deliver the orders to your customers. In this part of the expenses included lease or purchase of the vehicle, fuel, maintenance and driver's salary (the driver can be yourself). If you already have your own small truck (for example, Gazelle) or minibus, or these costs can be minimized.
In this case, to start a business for water delivery to home or office can last about 300 $ -400 $. This investment will pay for itself rather quickly. Experienced carriers say it is better to buy a car "Gazelle", running on gas. It can fit both 50 - 70 cans with water. The costs of delivery will comprise two rubles per kilometer.
3. Purchase of cans. The cost of one empty bottle is $ 4.
The required number of empty containers is considered to be as follows: the number of customers multiplied by 3 (one canister of water from the client, the other with water in a warehouse, and a third empty for filling transported manufacturer). In the water supplier can be ordered empty cans. One such container will be enough for at least one year.
In what season is best to ask for water?
Aspiring entrepreneurs should rejoice that in Water Related business no distinct seasons. Any time of year is a good demand for water in cans and bottled water tend to buy in the hot season.
Nuances of water delivery:
• need to carry out the delivery at a convenient time for your client;
• Carefully consider the schedule moves, that was not too early visit to the client or delays;
• Is the route so that at any moment it could change and minimize the loss of fuel and time due to the unexpected cancellation of any order.

People who have achieved success in the Water Related business, they say that if you have no way of delivering water on a schedule, you can not get a good profit.
How to enter the Water Related business?
1. Its pure water production and sales. Water Related This kind of business is the most expensive. As the first investment required a lot of money. If you have no capital, you can get a bank loan. To really make the water quality at the initial stage it is necessary to dig a well. If water is not pure, it will require additional expenses for water.
For such businesses need to build a plant, where the water will flow in the vessel. The latest step is the sale of finished products. There are several options: a manufacturer of working with the dealers or he is looking for clients.
2. Buying a franchise well-known company. This is advantageous when there is a constant customer base, which can supply their products.
3. Dealership. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to start Water Related business. First, find a trusted manufacturer of water that had worked well, he concluded a long-term contract. Regular customers large companies provide discounts that grow with increasing turnover.
At the initial stage of business for the delivery of water is not necessarily to gain a large staff of employees. First you need to take two or three people. This is a simple business that does not require a huge investment and the normal organization very quickly begins to generate income.
Supplement to the article by Anton Znamenskoye dealing Water Related business with 14 years:
In both cases, someone else will be selling water. What it will give us - all the responsibility for defective goods (rotten water, blossom, cockroach in the bottle and so on) - a hemorrhagic manufacturer before you clean conscience. Second - you can create a variety of different brands of water. Once you've decided to go with his trademark, it is certain hemorrhagic and a little money, but you can be filled still with the same supplier and responsible for bad water will carry it, not you.
Oh, and do not be superfluous to have on hand a contract with the supplier. Not necessarily, but it is desirable. Ideally dealership.
1. Work for yourself. We buy junk - a gazelle for 100,000 rubles. It can be even cheaper)) or the type of heel Izha - even cheaper. the first time you should not rely on large orders, so even a passenger car will go.
We are looking for where to store the water. Garage, about which it is written in the article, there is a forest, maybe in the winter the water tends to freeze and heating will fly to the normal amount. Look for the cellars. Go to the housing office or whatever it is called, pay rent money and the keys to the basement. In fact, you can even with the janitor for a bottle of vodka to agree.
Further - it is desirable to choose an expensive water for 200-250 rubles. Large companies zapadlo carry private traders, they have a maximum price tag, and we'll be just them and snap off. In short, buying an expensive 200 bottles of water, you give her 100 rubles as pretty at such delivery, and suggest that water is much cheaper than all the privates. 150-200rubley. And we take them from the surrounding buildings, preferably new high-rises where people live slishnimi attendants. Just walk with beautiful daddy and offer water.
What is the result?
- Supplier of ships you 200 cans (later more) at a time, and be happy.
- Customers get branded good water for 15-20 percent cheaper. too happy.
- You live on the difference and hopefully happy.
Further development think for yourself.
- Private entrepreneurs are working day. Therefore, it is more convenient to have brought the water in the evening. Many large companies have only day delivery, then you win. You can work during the day on the main site, to take orders on mobile and evening deliver water. 20 bottles is easy, especially if in one district, and profits mower.
- Private entrepreneurs - a black cash. Black does not like to cash in Russia, only a complete idiot. If you are a vendor to buy 500 bottles at a time and pay in cash, you will be the director himself brewed coffee and talk about how to go fishing.
- Heavy water ((
- Sooner or later you are rested into the ceiling
- The money is there, but not as much as I would like to
2. The second way later - I am writing from the phone, tired.
The second way - is the way that I went with my mother.
We have worked in the water company that was selling purified tap water (now such filters after cleaning artesian water tap and consider that the same), but many customers wanted to fundamentally artesian. We asked the founders, nor will they mind if we sell artesian, use the warehouse, transport, accountants and managers - they agreed. We just took over part of the cost. Suppose that company exports 9,000 bottles a month, and we are 1000. By end of the month to count and pay 10 percent of the company's main cost (rent, electricity, stationery, salaries, etc.). This is beneficial to both parties, the terms of cooperation have been clear - we are not being taken away from them and sell their customers more water for 10 rubles. Then we first telephoned those customers who withdrew from the main company in the artesian and returned them to have their company - it gave a no turnover. The next step - we have given the sales managers at more than 1 percent commission for its water. And even though they were selling our water for 10 rubles more expensive, but more willing to push, of course, her. So we have been working for two and a half years, until he felt something that can work independently, we have enough money for its warehouse and office and so on. And gone.

Of course, care has been a milestone, because we razosralis with the company to charges of theft from both sides started a small voynushka where we started derbanit customers from each other, I was summoned to the prosecutor's office, and so on, but a year later, everything had settled down, and we are working quietly. Here, too, a very real way to start a business based on personal experience, without investment - because we use other people's transport stranger office and warehouse, and only pay upon shipment. The money is needed only on the packaging and the purchase of water.
There is a third way for unscrupulous ublyudosov, which I hate. Unfortunately, a lot of them ...

Remove the basement, put strainers to delay rust and bottles are not yellowed over time, fill with tap water hose in the bottle, write on the label artesian all things, blessed by Metropolitan , recommended by the Institute of Medical Sciences, recommended for children and so on, that the head vzbredet and set a very low price tag. Believe me, the customers will be. Firstly, with tenders where the lowest price wins. Second, people think that water is also 250 rubles from the tap - our people are suspicious, and if there is no difference, why pay more. Third, many directors do not give a shit that drinking their staff, they even his office can enjoy good water and bad staff - that's a fact. Fourth, it is building with unqualified personnel - Uzbeks, who certainly do not care to drink, even from a puddle.
His production of a good standard - a utopia, if you are not lying under the pillow Lyamov 30-40.
If there Lyamov smaller, that is the good old way - to buy up smaller companies.
And most importantly - accounting, analysis, planning. it is something without which one can not survive any business, even extremely profitable, even selling heroin wholesale die without these three pillars. at least in Excel or in an old notebook, but they should be !!!

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