вторник, 29 декабря 2015 г.

    33 rules to enhance their own productivity

Heuristics - method of solving problems, which is opposed to formal methods based on mathematical models.

The optimal solution is very complex problem is often unclear. The use of heuristics can take action even if it is impossible to imagine in what way will be able to solve the problem.
Assume that you are going to climb to the top of the mountain, and there is no paved route. Here are some heuristics may be used in this case: Head straight to the top as long as you meet an obstacle that can not be overcome. When you come across such an obstacle, go around it to the right side as long as it can move again to the top. It is not the most intelligent heuristics, but in many cases it is possible to achieve using goal.

The heuristic does not guarantee either that you will find the best solution or that you will find it all. However, in certain situations it works. Its strength is that it helps to overcome the hesitancy and start acting. And acting, you explore the area making that improves your understanding of the problem. Getting more and more information about the problem, you can make improvements to the current operation, thereby improving the chances of finding a solution. In dealing with the problem, the solution of which is not known, you can find it in the course of work, and such, which you were not even aware before you begin to act. This is especially true for creative work, such as software development.

Heuristics are used in different areas, but my favorite - personal productivity. Heuristics productivity - a set of rules, both general and depending on the situation, to help people to do the work more efficiently. Here are some of my favorites:

1. destroy it. The most effective way to deal with the problem - delete it. If it is not necessary to do, remove it from the agenda.

2. The daily goal. Without focus easily distracted. Set goals for each day in advance. Decide what you need to do. And then do it.

3. The first - the worst. To defeat procrastination and delay on then you need to learn how to do the most unpleasant jobs in the morning, instead of postponing it to another time of the day. This small victory will allow for a very productive day.

4. The peak of activity. Determine the time at which you work most effectively, and plan on him important tasks. Above the secondary tasks not work at peak activity.

5. The zone without interaction. Place blocks of time for work that requires concentration, one after the other. Plan simple tasks and tasks that you can be distracted doing in the area of ​​cooperation, and important tasks - in the area without interference.

6. Mini kilometer posts. When you start the task, define a goal that must be achieved before you stop working. For example, if you are working on a book, you can decide not to get up until then, until you write at least 1000 words. To achieve this goal in spite of everything.

7. Limitation of time. Allow yourself a specific time, such as 30 minutes, to shift the problem from the scene. Do not worry about how far you can go. Just work during this time.

8. The grouping. Group together similar tasks, such as phone calls or errands into one unit, and straightened with them in one go.

9. Early Bird. Get up early in the morning at 5 am and immediately begins to work on the most important task. Most likely, before 8am you make more than most people do in a day.

10. Corner of silence. Take a laptop without Internet access and WiFi, and go to where you can work till you drop without the risk that distract you, such as the library, the park, the coffee shop or at your backyard.

11. Temp. Deliberately select a rhythm and try to act a little faster than usual. Speak soon. Walk faster. Print faster. Read faster. Come home early.

12. Relaxation. Reduce your stress, creating a relaxing and tidy workplace.

13. Agenda. Issue written agenda to all participants. This greatly increases the efficiency of their attention. And it can be used for phone calls.

14. The Pareto principle. The Pareto principle, or the principle of 80-20, argues that the 20% effort for 80% of the results. Focus on these important energy 20% and not less important overboard 80%.

15. Prepare-Aim-IPT. Defeat delay starting to operate as soon as the set a goal, even if the action is not well planned. The plan can always tweak along the way.

16. The decision for a minute. As soon as you feel that you have gathered all the information needed to make a decision, set the timer and give yourself exactly 60 seconds for it to take it. During this minute may vary and doubt yourself all you want, but once it's over, you need to make a choice. Once the choice is made, you need to take some kind of action in this direction.

17. Deadline (deadline). Put the deadline for completion of the assignment and use it as a reference, not to go astray.

18. Promise. Tell people about their decisions, they will help you not to abandon them later.

19. Punctuality. At all costs, come on time. A better early.

20. Read during pauses. Read during pauses, for example, when you are waiting for the start of the meeting, standing in a queue or wait until the coffee is brewed. If you are a man, you can read when shaving (preferably over that it was electric). You can read 365 articles a year.

21. Resonance. Imagine that you have achieved your goal. Carry it in your head, and soon you will realize it in life.

22. Glittering prizes. Give yourself frequent gifts for their achievements. Watch the movie, read a book, go to a professional massage or spend a day at an amusement park.

23. The second quadrant. Feature truly important tasks from the merely complicated. Take time to work on the critical tasks of the quadrants 2, which are often important and rarely urgent, such as exercise, writing a book or search for a mate.

24. Continuity. At the end of the day, determine the problem on which you start work the next day, prepare the materials in advance. The next day begin working on a task immediately.

25. Divide and conquer. Divide complex projects into small and specific task. Focus on one of these jobs.

26. The single-tasking. Once you have started to carry out a task, work on it until you finish it 100%. Do not switch between jobs in the middle. When things distract you, just write it down in order to find out later - when you're done.

27. Make the accident. Select a random challenge of a larger project, and complete it. Pay by random. Make a phone call. Write page 42 of his book.

28. Insanely bad. Overcome procrastination by completing the task deliberately disgusting, knowing that no one need to share the results of the work. Write a blog post about the taste of salt, create badly dysfunctional website or business plan that guarantees the bankruptcy in the first year. If the outline of your project so bad, then you have no other way but to the top.

29. 30 days. Determine what new habit you want to create and stick to it for 30 days. The temporary commitment is much easier to keep than a permanent one. Read article Success in 30 days

30. Delegate. Convince someone to do the work for you.

31. Cross-pollination. Engage in martial arts, start a blog or join a drama club. Often ideas from one area can improve your productivity in the other.

32. Intuition. Trust your intuition. She's probably right.

33. Optimization. Identify the process that you perform often and write it down step by step. Make them improve on paper. Then test the improvements in the work. Sometimes hard to see what is right under our noses without a microscope.

понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

Five enemies of personal savings

Enemy number one - inflation.

$ 100 now and five years ago - different money. Save stash of price growth will help the bank deposit. If inflation does not cover, at least to reduce the losses.

Enemy number 2 - the devaluation.

The ruble exchange rate depends on what happens in the world economy. More specifically, on one factor - the price of oil. To protect against the fall of the need to place the money in dollars and euros. All of them can not be impaired. If savings are stored in different currencies, you retain the status quo.

Enemy number 3 -spekulyatsiya.

Namely, the desire to get profit. Do not try to capitalize on fluctuations in the dollar, gold or shares of large companies. It's almost always a lottery, the future we can not predict. Keep the money in different financial instruments correctly. But it is stored, rather than playing.

Enemy number 4 - thieves.

Keeping savings under the pillow or in a tank of the toilet - is too antiquated method. Interest does not work, but still can rob. Home is best to keep no more than one or two monthly salaries. All the rest - to the bank.

Enemy number 5 - yourself.

Priceless ruble spender and the ILO. Someone lazy to walk to the bank and open a deposit. Someone funneling money through their fingers. And someone says boring to postpone a few thousand a month and dreams of millions of falling from the sky. Stop being lazy, to dream and to squander. There is a goal? It's time to create a financial plan and execute it!

Construction of garages. Business in the construction of garages

Building today a business with good profitability and construction of garages capable of bringing good profits, but in contrast to the construction of residential buildings, requires less paperwork.

Scheme of the garage business is simple. The first step is to find a customer, and then specify the amount of the order, which includes the cost of building materials and their delivery, rent a crane, if necessary, and of course the cost of the construction.

The area in which you plan the future placement of the garage, the customer has to provide. To help in this matter can provide counseling, including information on how to find and execute a plot of land to host the garage. In this case, to the immediate construction can begin in just a few months, when all the necessary documents to be furnished and the formalities are met.

Interestingly, the squatter garages we are still relevant. By law, they can not build without a permit on land, but in practice you can often get off with a fine in the amount of $ 100-200.

An amount of $ 8-10 thousand. For the construction of the garage very best option. Who garage can sell for $ 15-18 thousand. Depending on the area, so this price can quickly find customers.

It is important that customers have on hand the documents to the site, a place for construction to remind the epicenter of the meteorite fall, and, of course, important order amount. Payment is as follows: the customer pays half after the foundation is poured, and the remaining amount - before the roof is covered with a box. Annual construction of five parking garages will bring you an income equal to forty-two thousand dollars. Note that the construction of the garage take about four weeks.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

What is the time management or time management?

Time management and time management - planning and filling it, the most efficient way to achieve the objectives.

1. Setting goals

The first thing to do - pick a target for a better understanding on what to focus their time and energy.

You must select global goals you want to achieve within 15-20 years.
Global targets should be divided into long-term goals for a period of 3 to 5 years.
Long-term goals, divided into short-term goals for a period of 3 months to 1 year.
Short-term objectives divided into goals.
Each task to paint on the steps.

2. Collection of information

To the least effort to achieve performance objectives, we need to collect the necessary data and information to get rid of the noise.

3. Planning

Once the information is collected, go to planning to achieve your goals.

4. Setting priorities

When a plan and achieving the goal laid out step by step, we will set priorities for the productive use of your time.

5. Finally, the act!

6. Delegation

If a lot of problems or want to free up time for something different, then you need to delegate (delegate) to perform certain tasks.

7. Motivation and recreation

To improve performance - motivate yourself and qualitative rest.
               3 correct ways to make money:

1. Convert time into money.

This method uses the vast majority of people in the world. Plumbing and lawyers, bank clerks and janitors, salesmen and office managers - all they earn, giving their time in exchange for money.

2. To make profitable investments that the output is even more money.

A good way, a significant advantage is that the cash investments multiplied by themselves, without constant monitoring from your side. To start earning with it enough to consult a specialist, who tells the most profitable target for investment of your finances.

3. make a profit due to the efforts of others.

You should organize their income so that they mined efforts of the people working for you. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to spend all their earnings on the time available - one for you to spend other people you are organizing to perform the selected case.

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

9 good reasons to use infographics in marketing

Infographics can be really striking tool, but why it is still necessary to use?

1. Bright and attractive

There is one thing that I learned when I started blogging: people love facts, figures and statistics. Add several intriguing images and graphics, and - voila, before you content that is addictive!

2. It is easy to perceive

Most people - visuals, and since 90% of the information that enters the brain, visual, you need to aim at the "optic nerve."

3. Viral potential

Due to the visual appeal of infographics, the likelihood that it will share in social networks and has become a real virus, it is much higher than that of plain text content.

4. "Portability" (embeddable)

When creating, developing and publishing infographics link to its insertion into the WordPress blog is available in the form of embedded code. Thus, when it is placed on third-party sites will automatically receive a link to your site.

5. Universal coverage

In a world where everything that is published online, is available worldwide, is just a click away, infographics can ensure complete coverage that the print media is simply impossible.

6. Awareness of the brand

Create an infographic with the logo of your brand - it is a powerful tool to increase "brand awareness."

7. The increase attendance

Always zalinkovannaya nature and involving, infographics will catch up traffic to your site every time people will be "sherit" and "clicking".

8. Improve SEO

The viral nature infographic makes people leave links to your site every time they post your infographic at. With this Google index your site above using a proprietary algorithm "Page Rank". This increases the importance of the presence of your website in search engines.

9. Demonstration of expert in this issue

Research needed to create infographics, demonstrate your knowledge and present you as an expert in his category or topic.

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

51 way of getting new customers

1. Create a site
2. Contextual advertising
3. teaser ads
4. Banners on portals
5. CPA network (pay for the actions of users on the site)
6. Create a group on social networks
7. Advertising in social networks (payment for impressions or clicks)
8. Affiliate Programs
9. Place banner with useful information on its website
10. Place a subscription form on your website
11. Start capture page
12. Create your own channel on YouTube
13. Advertising on YouTube
14. Make a share of the goods locomotive
15. Start Flyers
16. Conduct a lottery
17. staged a "Gift to friend-friend"
18. Use partnerships flyers adjacent to the target audience
19. Mailing
20. Kuponatory
21. Goods on credit
22. Make a free thematic information products for client contact
23. Prozvonit old customers
24. Conduct a live seminar, conference
25. Conduct an online seminar
26. Carry out the sale
27. Ask for references from old customers
28. Find a Dealer
29. Cold calling
30. Lottery exhibition
31. Participation in the exhibition
32. Open office
33. Start the content on the basis of
34. Billboards
35. Start Buzzbox (viral recommendation service)
36. Pavement
37. An article in a magazine or newspaper
38. The ad unit in a magazine or newspaper
39. TV advertising - video
40. TV advertising - ticker
41. Advertising on radio
42. Presentation on the radio - a format expert
43. Write a book
44. Electronic bulletin boards (Avito, Slando, niche)
45. Advertising on the screens in the shopping center, cafes, shuttles
46. ​​Speaking as a guest at the conference
47. Scripts for salespeople
48. Distribution of the test version of the product - probes
49. The system of employee motivation (bonuses for certain indicators)
50. SEO-optimization
51. Loyalty program - gift card each client

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

           27 rules of finance in our time

Read the list of short, simple, clear and very effective rules of finance that will assist you in daily life.

1. Spend less than you take

If there is a key fundamental rule of conducting finance, this is it: your expenses should be less revenue. You MUST follow this rule, otherwise your whole future life is put under a big question. Get into debt and live on credit, because "all is well"? So say the people who give you credit, and they did everything will be fine. And you? You have accumulated debts without making savings. Gain financial well-being of such an approach to life can help a miracle. Do you believe in miracles?

2. Simplify your financial life

The more loans and credit cards, the greater the chance of loss of funds to miss or skip the next payment. The more deposits and accounts, the more difficult to monitor them and not make it easier to respond to emerging issues. The more complex your financial life, the more time and effort it takes. At the same time increases the chance to get confused and make a financial mistake.

3. Never let your "future self" to control the situation in the present

You want to buy something that you can not afford now because in the future you will get more and easy to get out of debt? Chances are, you'll regret that decision a very long time, because your "future self" can get as much or even less, if any, loses his job. Even if in the future your financial situation improves, there will be other expenses, which will not be so easy to deal with and without mistakes of the past.

4. Start the path to the correct financial management

Step 1: Create a cash reserve for emergencies. The cash is still needed and solve unforeseen problems quickly on the spot, without going to the bank, without the hassle of bank cards, and maintenance issues. Proceed to the creation of the reserve is very simple. Begin to postpone a certain percentage of revenue each month. For example, 10%. Or 15%. This goes in line with the first rules of finance, and a year later you can enjoy a decent amount of money saved up, which will help you out in any emergency. In the future, part of the accumulated funds can be transferred to a deposit or to start up in business.

Step 2: get rid of the debt with the highest percentage. Sort your debts on the growth of debt, select the one with the highest percentage, and then begin to repay the debt in half the time, that is, double payments. Do this monthly until the debt is repaid. Then add the entire amount of the released money spent on repayment, the payment of the second debt, and yet he will not be repaid. And so for all future debts.

Step 3: when there is a nest egg in case of emergency, and the debts are closed, you can start to think about retirement. This could be a bank account, investments and any other means to preserve and increase capital.

5. Create a budget, just do it right

Budget - this is the best means of control and financial planning, but only if the right approach.

As budget plans smart man? It does so on the basis of expenditure statistics for previous months. That is, you can fantasize and say to yourself: "So, uh, I'll be going to spend so much and no more." But then comes the harsh reality and put everything in its place. It is best not to rely on assumptions as to the real cost statistics.
You're spending leads the statistics, right? It will not only plan, but also to find articles overruns.

6. Optimize all your planned expenses

We get a lot of accounts. You can even start with the same services of the cellular operator.
Are all the connected paid features do you need? Then 50 rubles, there are 20 rubles, 100 rubles somewhere else. The sum will turn out very well, and all this just so you are giving every month. Such useful to do spring cleaning every few months.

7. Calculate your real earnings

Is deducted from the annual income tax and all costs directly related to the work, including a dinner outside the home, I work clothes and things like that. Then you think how many hours per year do you actually spend on the job, including all overtime and completion of the house. Share real return on the actual number of working hours. That much you actually get per hour.

8. Use your real earnings as a measure for any purchases

Now buy will be much more interesting. The purchase price becomes the numerator and real earnings - denominator. That this application is two hours of my life. Is it worth it? And this TV is worth two months of life? Maybe it's better to take out the smaller one? Now you will always be able to answer his own question: "What do I spend my life?".

9. Ignore the "experts"

The media are full of articles on various financial "experts." However, you can not remember the name of any such expert, which would be applicable phrase: "The things he said really helped." This also applies to all sorts of soothsayers and other advisers. They may be paid for the publication, aimed at the interests of third parties, but not on yours.

Why would any such expert publicly disclose some valuable information? He paid for it? Then the company for which he works, certainly took the advice, and you will get the crumbs at best. A third-party expert will never know everything that is happening with the reader of its publication. Their data can be misleading and often unfounded.

If you can not make plans and forecasts based on independent analysis and you definitely need an expert, then you have a problem. Reliably predict the future, it is no wonder no one has learned. If you fear for the future, the only remains for you to do this more conservative investment. The rest is up to you - working on its own resilience to risk.

10. Set big goals and remind yourself of them

What do you still want? For what all this dvizhuha with the money? This is a complex issue, but that it may be the strongest motivator for you and tell the right path in life and help them to pass. Do you want to stop working early? You want to start a business? Trip around the world? Whatever it was, remember the goal keep in mind. Surround yourself with reminders of your main goals. They help make the right decisions in many situations on the road to the desired.

11. Buy a practical car

Practicality - is low cost of maintenance and repairs, low fuel consumption, minimal transportation tax and the imputed cost of insurance. Otherwise, you get the money sucking monster, which will leave a decent share of the income. Pontus more money - the main vital truth fool. All in all do not care for you and your cool cars as well.

12. Treat the car as a reasonable person

Since we are talking about the economy, do not forget about the fines and fuel consumption depending on the speed. And if the next news from the DPS everything is clear, the fuel consumption - is a more subtle question.

When engineers create a practical car, it is calculated as a rule, that it will go through the city and at the speed allowed in the city. In this mode, the engine consumes less fuel, and constant acceleration at high speed from a traffic light to traffic lights - the way to more frequent refueling and emergency repairs. Inadequate tire pressure increases fuel consumption, while ignoring insignificant signal fault car can cause major damage and accidents.

13. Understand paying utilities

Perhaps you are still paying for the radio receiver which was thrown out even before last during repairs. Deem fit and size of economies in the transition from the average tariffs on account of water and gas, and two-tariff electricity meter. And still buy these energy saving light bulbs. They actually reduce bills for light.

14. Master the basic skills in home repair

We do not offer you a self-laid tiles in the bathroom or cook pipe, but replace the outlet or replace the gasket in the dripping faucet so easy. On the Internet there are many understandable videos on these topics.

15. Teach your children financial literacy by example

As mentioned in the beginning, we were not taught. But now you can become a teacher to develop in their children these skills in practice, demonstrating the benefits of competent handling money. It is important to not only broadcast but also to show them the rules of everyday life.

16. Ignore the advertisements

Perhaps most important, this rule can be placed immediately after the first fundamental law of the predominance of revenues over expenditures. We live in a consumer society. Demand in such a society is born in the minds of people, and imposed from the outside. Advertising creates artificial needs, values ​​and ideals. And she does it so skillfully that we sincerely believe that a particular icon in the ordinary smartphone makes it an exceptional and specific tag on the shirt of conventional cotton increases its price by 10 times is justified.

Brands, image, style - we have long been based on the notion, far beyond really necessary for comfortable living things. Understanding what is happening all around, a clever man would not rush to extremes, that is, does not want to become an ascetic. He just will best avoid the imposition of external and buying things just by analyzing their needs.

If you learn you do not buy unnecessary things, you can keep the lion's share of income for more efficient spending.

17. Find the inexpensive hobby

Many hobbies require a decent cash infusions. Saying that the cost is not considered a hobby, invented by cunning men, to sell something related to a particular hobby. The only question is, what hobby you choose for yourself the unique collection of mechanical watches or improving the skills of playing a musical instrument that you already have.

18. Seek and try free

People somehow tend to find like-minded people. So formed clubs. They are non-profit, that is, you will not be there to shake the money. Thus it is possible to find good friends and would not pay.

Surely in your town there are fans of fishing at any time of year, is not offering to rent a boat and expensive equipment. There is a desperate travelers, travel agents do not. Thanks to social networks to find such communities become easier. Try to give them a chance. It is possible that it will allow you to do what he likes in the company of enthusiastic people and you do not pay for anything.

19. Do not pay attention to what others think

Laws of the consumer society is not only pointless, but also very aggressive. I do not follow the rules? You will become an outcast. Fortunately, this only works with very dim-witted people, and a more or less sensible person understands that neither the machine nor the other attributes not impress others as the mind, intellect, ideas and actions.

20. Do not pay attention to how others spend their money

Have you ever thought about what kind of person that's better than you, because he is behind the wheel of a sports car, and you do not? You do not have to spend money on things like other people. Take them what you like.

21. Invest time in building a good, reliable, long-term relationship
The presence of multiple personal and professional relationships with other people will serve you well in life. It's emotional, social, vocational, spiritual and financial support for all of your ideas and initiatives. Becoming the support of others, you will find in them support for themselves.

22. Spend one hour a week to analyze your finances, career and life

The more often you review your current situation and the situation, the more likely the early detection of discrepancies with its objectives. Consider the events that occurred over the past week. Think for a week ahead.

Is everything fits into the concept of your long-term goals? What is your greatest achievement this week? What is wrong happened and why? How to avoid this in the future? Are your long-term goals are as welcome to you as before?

23. Make your dream a secondary business

Each of us has a lesson, which we would like to devote my life. The problem is that we do not see a way to monetize such activities, and therefore leave it only in dreams. Try to devote to the case of his free time.
Just start doing it, dreamed about. In the process you will surely come up with a way to earn money on the occupation of their dreams. This can be a channel on YouTube, website or book. Just start to engage in the work of the dream in my spare time.

24. Use the rule of 10 seconds for cheap shopping

Fight impulsive shopping helps generally 10 seconds. They saw something inexpensive and immediately want to buy? Keep this thought in my head 10 seconds and honestly ask yourself: Does this thing do you need?

Do not hide yourself from the negative aspects of the purchase. Active walk on the reasons that you do not buy this thing. Will this purchase to achieve your goals? Comparable whether the benefits of this purchase with its price? Often, those 10 seconds is enough to understand whether you need a thing really.

25. Use the rule of 30 days for expensive purchases

For expensive items usually 10 seconds will not work, because in this case we are talking about the purchase, the appropriateness of that in such a short time could not be determined. When there is a question of serious expenditure, it is necessary to wait 30 days.

You clearly notice the first impulse, the first internal call to purchase, and then calmly biding month. During these days you will be able to thoroughly examine the planned purchase, learn about it a lot. What you do not show advertising. It is likely that after 30 days from your burning desire to buy this thing will be over.

26. Create a menu for the week

Clear diet - it is not only health benefits and figures, but also the economy. Improvisation in the question "What to take to dinner," resulting in higher costs for food. Once again, you will be just too lazy to think, and you order a pizza. Or dare to go to dzhankfud cafe. All this is bad, including for finance.

27. Walk for groceries only on the shopping list

The App Store and Google Play dozens of shopping lists. For these purposes, you can adjust the built-in reminders and generally any application where you can create a simple list. Plain paper, too, has not been canceled. The meaning of shopping lists, not only to do not forget to buy, but also to not buy too much. Walked on the list, leave everything planned in the basket - and to the booths. All this yummy, especially on an empty stomach, can make you commit impulsive purchases, but with a pre-planned list of the chance to make a hasty action greatly reduced.
How to open a business: 5 key stages

Creating a business is made up of several stages, consistently doing that and paying due attention to everyone, the future businessman create a profitable business quickly and with minimal risk.

The key to success when starting a business is not really the availability of fabulous start-up capital or having connections in the government. In fact, success is determined by good planning, detailed analysis and timely corrective action at all stages of the creation and operation of the business.

Step 1: Select niche

First of all, you need to determine the direction of future business. The underlying factors of the correct choice of the future activities should be two key factors:
● Personal knowledge, skills and experience. No matter how competent and professional employees were not, a novice businessman should understand the basic laws and the essence of the selected business, or strategic planning and monitoring are impossible.
● The size of the initial capital.

Of course, with a small budget should not think about such projects as opening a gas station or a pawn shop, but there is polygamy types of business to start that requires minimal investments.

I recommend choosing a niche through the business section of the size of investments, it is very convenient to all organized and presented at once three formats: ideas, plans, manuals.

Choosing the right direction can to seek their own niche within a particular type of business.

Niche - is not just a trend or activity, it is an empty space inside the market, which can fill a new service or product. For example, if you plan to open a bakery in your area is already very popular French sweet rolls, but no baking Caucasian dishes, this segment of the market and could be your niche.

Step 2: Market research and analysis

Actions market research can be divided into two areas: the study of the target audience and competitors' offers.

Planning to open a small business properly rely on the information on a particular area, residential area - the smaller will be the unit of study, the truer it will reflect the data and the future development of the business in a particular area (especially if there is a question of choosing the most suitable place rent or purchase premises for business ).

When you open a business with significant investment is better to resort to the help of experts in the remaining cases, the calculation of market capacity can be performed independently. As an option to define the target audience can use promotional tools offered by one of the most popular social networks. With this technique it is possible to define: the number of potential buyers, the main characteristics of the target audience - age, income level, interests and so on. It will help to form a range of goods and services, to count returns and to organize effective advertising campaigns.

Competition analysis is, first of all, to establish the number of competitors and the ratio of the amount of capacity to the market. It is useful to analyze the activities of competitors, identify their strengths and weaknesses and use this information when creating your business.

Step 3. Updates and the formation of a unique selling proposition (USP)

So, you already know what you want to do, who your target audience, which is better positioned the business as you have the potential competitors and customers than they attract. Now is the time to detail the concept of business and create a unique selling proposition on the basis of the needs and desires of your customers and analyzing the activities of competitors.

Business must find their unique "face" and features that distinguish it from competing companies. Suffice it to a few people to the advantages of easy to remember.

It is a mistake to believe that the decisive factor in moving a product or service is the price, and quite a few to reduce it to "lure" customers. Much more important is to create an offer that meets the needs of customers and provide a higher level of comfort than its competitors.

For example, in store for future mothers expedient to establish comfortable sofas, rather than to provide ten-percentage difference in the price of goods from competitors. And opening the catering for students - to ensure maximum service speed and complete package deals in the menu at budget prices.

Step 4: Calculation of initial investment and the development of a business plan

A clear plan of operation of the business, number of employees and their responsibilities, the target audience and detailing all the costs should be reflected in the business plan. It is he who will be the main document, according to which the activity will be carried out and monitored the results.
Step 5. Register all necessary instances

Entrepreneurship must be properly framed in terms of the legislation. The choice of legal form is caused by the activity and permissible form of taxation, the number of founders. For a small business relevant two forms: individual entrepreneurs and limited liability.

After selecting a legal form of doing business need to choose the mode of taxation. Tax Code of the RF Small businesses have special forms of taxation, which implies a simplified format of tax reporting and preferential terms for payment of taxes.

Detailed working through each step towards the creation of the business, and paying sufficient attention to detail, a businessman lays a solid foundation, which will build a successful and profitable enterprise.

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Opened his own travel agency

Admission: 100 - 500 thousand. Rub.
The minimum size of the population of 100 000 people
Market conditions: high saturation of the market
Evaluation of the complexity start: 3/5

It is said that in the tourist industry, there are two basic concepts - a travel agency and tour operator. Do not confuse these concepts. According to Russian law is quite different organizational structures. Travel Agency is committed to selling a tourist product (tour on vacation, tours), acting as agent. That is an intermediary between the consumer services (tourist) and the tour operator. The travel agency can be registered as a physical entity (SP), and the legal entity (LLC).

In turn, the tour operator - is an organization that is directly responsible for the provision of tourism services. It creates a tourist route, entered into agreements with all parties, it defines the time Book hotels, negotiates with the carriers, guides, and so on. The tour operator is more than just a travel agency than or travel agent. And the demand with a correspondingly higher. Therefore, the tour operator in accordance with the law, can only be registered as a legal entity.

By its very nature, a travel agency may be referred to as a travel agency and tour operator. In other matters, in this article we will call a travel agency, a travel agency in the first place, since the material is devoted to the discovery of just such an organization.

The scheme of travel agencies and tour operators
The scheme of work is inherently simple. Tour operator enters into an agency agreement with a travel agency, according to which the second attracts customers, that is selling services, and the first - pays for this commission. The fee usually ranges from 6 to 15% of the amount sold services.

In addition, tour operators provide various bonuses to agents, eg for meeting or even exceeding the sales plan. It's kind of incentive programs. Tour operators can give gifts, hold rallies, raffles among travel agencies (agencies). There are cases when employees of travel agencies benefit even cars.

Organizational matters and a ticket to the cause
What good is this business because this is an extremely low entrance ticket to the cause (which is why so many travel companies are opened). In an office suit any room with an area of ​​15 m2. Important in this case be arranged in an office workers 2-3.

At the same time, some will be important office location. If located in a large shopping center with high traffic, it is possible to ensure a good flow of customers. However, it is important to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", as in the large shopping center is extremely high price of rent. If you stay more than a quiet place, for example in a residential area of ​​the city you will significantly save on rent. However, the need to increase the cost of advertising the business, or the client you will never find.

In fact, the basic costs of opening a travel agency will consist of the costs: minor repairs premises (often it is not needed) and ~ 15 thousand. Rub., The purchase of office equipment (fax, computer, printer, scanner) ~ 70 th. Rub., Buy furniture for staff and visitors (tables, chairs, a small sofa) ~ 50 th. rubles, and of other costs (fuel, sole proprietorship, etc.) ~ 10 th. rub. Ultimately, the total cost at the start of the case amount to a little over 100 thousand. Rubles.

However, at the start of the case may take a little longer than indicated above. And this is due primarily to the reserve fund, which is a must-have on the "just in case." 50 - 100 thousand. Rubles will never be superfluous. The fact is that in the first months of the travel agency 99% will operate at a loss, as the customer base is not yet tried and tested. And to pay salaries and rent - it's your obligation, which will not go away. In addition, you need to think about the development of the business, such as advertising services to promote your product. In this, too, need the money.

What services can have a travel agency?
The list of services that can have a travel agency, is very diverse. Suppose that in its specifics, and they are all similar. You can earn the following services:

Sale of tours to any country of the world. First of all, in the resort and tourist countries in the world: Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Europe, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and others.
River cruises. You can offer customers a river tours on the rivers of Russia.
Selling hot tours, tours, designed for a few days before departure.
Bus tours - sale of bus tours through Europe.
Sale of tours combined. This fashionable direction now. Summer tours are popular common in several European countries, for example: in Greece, Spain and Italy.
Wedding tours. You can offer customers a wedding in exotic countries.
Sale of vouchers for children's activities in Russia and foreign countries.
Health tours to such countries as China, Israel, Dominican Republic.
Services travel insurance.
Visa processing.
As you know, the wider the range of services you provide, the greater the potential earnings of the company. Nevertheless, a wide range of recruitment services requires an appropriate number of employees. Take employment for at least 2 managers, lawyers and accountants.

Educational program for the beginner mistakes typical travel agencies
One of the most common mistakes novice travel agencies - selling tours at great discount prices. Even 5-10% - it is impermissible discount. Yes, so customers start walking "jamb", but the travel agency at the same time earns nothing. And if you do not earn - and then does not develop at all. The basic postulate of a successful travel agency - to be able to sell as expensive as possible! Anyone can sell cheap, sell dear but ...

Another classic mistake is connected with the desire of the business owner to participate in the sale of tours and resolve unnecessary operational objectives. Remember - the sale of business managers, but it does not travel agency owner. If you start to sell you will not have time for other, more important things. We must learn to look at the matter systematically, "top", to understand how the whole mechanism of it and that it can be corrected.

It should be closely related to the filling of all documents related to customer relationships. If you do not understand - better to hire an experienced lawyer. Litigation in this area are not uncommon. Lack of professionalism in affairs - minus any strong organization and not only travel agencies. It is better to spend a month at 15-20 thousand. Rubles to pay for a lawyer than once "to fork out" hundreds of thousands of rubles offended customers.

Well, in the completion. Do you want to become a successful travel agency? Required Get a personal page on the Internet. Well what a normal firm operating without a website, such probably is not. Today, 80% of people looking for goods and services is through the Internet. This is especially important for large towns and cities. On the creation and promotion have to allocate at least 60 thousand rubles. But it is - justified investment.

How to do business in the expired goods

Opening his store of goods - it's a great idea for a profitable business. People are always, by virtue of its physical characteristics, different eat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. Without them we can not survive. That is, creating your store, realizing food, you can always be sure that your product will be in demand.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages, which are derived from one another. For example, one of the downsides - a variety of competitors. Especially in our time, when a large number of cities have large retail stores, and even more significant megastore. Even small "yard" stores divorced enough.

Another drawback of any merchant shop, which follows from the foregoing is that the various products and the consumer does not find. Food has a single property - they have a shelf life, during which they need to sell, and it is desirable to use as food. Some products may be subject to long-term preservation (buckwheat, rice, frozen products, pasta), while others are required to be implemented as soon as possible by eating (dairy products, sausages, some fruits).

How is the Russian practice - where some 30% of the food is not sold in this period on the package and go in the trash. In the West - this number even further. For example, in the United States from 24 to 52% of all food sold soon find themselves in the trash. All this, of course, sad. After all, for the manufacture of other goods or spent a lot of time, effort and money. Deplorable when these goods have not reach the buyer.

How to resolve this situation?

The easiest option - to bring to the store small batches of either product. That is correct, but almost impossible. In the beginning, it is difficult to predict how many customers will take. In addition, large wholesale shipments fall shopping cheaper. Yes, and the other owners of grocery stores are not averse to sell expired products to its customers. In our country, unfortunately, is a very common technique. But something interesting.

Not many goods will become unsuitable for use in food after the expiration date. When it comes to meat or milk, then everything is clear. They are not desirable to eat beyond the expiration date. Either can happen very sad results (poisoning, or the like). But commodities such as cereals, pasta, some fruits and vegetables, chocolate, nuts, frozen goods, cookies, different chips - it is possible to use even after the period of use specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.

We took advantage of the representatives of the modern movement today who call themselves "freegans." Freegans - are the citizens who are looking for food, clothing, household appliances and all the creature comforts ... on trashcan. Rather, in the trash next to the great restaurants and megastore. And not to be confused with the other owners of local landfills and musorok - homeless. These people, representatives of several other "subcultures".

In the beginning, the general representatives frigana were vegetarian movement. The main feature was the fact that they could have, and food of animal origin. One condition for such foods, should not be purchased at retail locations. But look for in a garbage can with bacon crisps, a bottle of yogurt, milk or yogurt Bank - all this is possible.

It is necessary to tell that frigana, if you compare them with their "competitors" - the homeless, not just only have their own house or apartment, but can easily afford the usual forays over the goods to the nearest store. Why should they then go in the trash? - You might say. All the standard. They see the world quite as much of the common people. They comprehend the complexity and cost of the production process.

And I do not want to tolerate a system that allows a significant number of products simply rot in the trashcan. Moreover, this approach to Retrieving food adds them to save a very significant number of money.

In our country, the direction freegans still poorly distributed. But other representatives can already be found in the large cities of our country. If you take the West - it is quite a common practice. There's a whole different group of freegans. The Internet is their page, where a lot of valuable information on the worst places, one or the other of the city. After that, do not be surprised that the business idea has occurred there.

Bench expired goods

It looks like a utopia, but intends to open a store in the United States. The former head of the well-known retail shopping store Trader Joe's Doug Raugh seems, wants to overturn the entire food trade. After all, he's going to open a chain of pavilions implementing expired products (or those who will soon be over the period of validity). Yes, he wants to succeed in transgressing one of the rules of proper food trade. The success of any shopping store - fresh products. And Mr. Raugh initially wants to give customers stale (even - overdue) foods.

Naturally, such a business must be met special safety measures. After all, no one who would like to see the day after the establishment of such a store came a crowd of unhappy customers, who received poisoned goods purchased. Therefore, more importantly, before the implementation of overdue items in large stores, they will be good to check for the presence of mold. Next in store such products will work specially trained people.

They will explain to customers about the real shelf life, or those of other products, explain what happens to the goods after the expiry date, will train customers to cook such purchases.

The advantage of such a business for buyers will be in the main part, in the price of goods. After all, from the beginning, all products will be bought in supermarkets at a low enough price. It turns out that other shops will be happy to give a gift even overdue product. They even will save money for garbage disposal.

And, therefore, in the shop of Mr. Raugha all of these products will be evaluated very inexpensive. The conclusion is to reduce the percentage to throw trash on the goods, and customers will get a chance to get fully fit for the food products at a very attractive price. In the end, everyone is happy, everything to gain. That such and must be a modern business.

7 secrets of effective sellers

1. Treat people with respect
Relation to other should not depend on their status and position, age and gender, skin color and nationality. It should all be treated with equal respect. Remember: humility - aerobatics for the business person.
It is not necessary to assume that the businessman should be a serious person - it is not. First, you need to sell your charm, and only then - the idea of ​​services and goods.
2. Learn a lifetime
Only by constantly absorbing new knowledge, you can keep up with progress, be prepared for the inevitable changes in life fully realized.
Reading at least one new book a month, you can become a better 90% of sellers. One week - 99% to become stronger competitors. And it's not just about the business literature, but also literature, especially the classics. Customers like to deal with educated and intelligent people.
3. not work all
Seller that comes an hour earlier and leave an hour later, while working at maximum efficiency, can double the personal selling. To do this, you need only learn how to take care of their own and other people's time. In business, everyone should do their job.
It will be useful if the seller will develop your own personal sales plan. Moreover, its strap should be at least twice the established leadership. If personal sales plan is executed by 70%, it will still be much higher standards established outside.
4. Know how to listen
During a conversation with a client, try to follow these rules:
• focus on the speaker, always be alert, try to soak up all the nuances of what has been said;
• respond quickly when necessary, but do not interrupt the interlocutor for nothing;
• if necessary, ask questions to clarify the above;
• occasionally comment on some important points to demonstrate their understanding.
It is useful to record the important moments of conversation. It should offer a product or service, only adding the real needs of the client.
5. Overcome your fears
How to become a dealer №1? Read, learn, try and develop, did not dwell on failures. It is not necessary to draw conclusions about your abilities before you try them out in practice. Knowledge and skills - the best means to defeat the anxieties and lack of confidence. Remember, fear disappears with the arrival experience.
6. Forget about sales
The customer or knows exactly which product he wants or not. In both cases, he will need the expert. If the buyer has not yet decided what kind of product he wants, try to find out what challenges it faces. Only after the purchase of the real motive becomes clear, ask the really right product or service.
7. Think about your family
To succeed, we must be able to set goals. If you want to succeed in sales, try to answer himself, for whom and for what you want. The best motivation - this, of course, family. If the family yet - create it and live for the sake of loved ones and friends.

10 kicks to help you start your journey to success.

1. Analyze your prospects for the future, leaving the same situation today - that is waiting for you when you are no longer able to work.
2. Talk to retirees - what they say, what to wear, how they live on a pension penny - you want the same?
3. Make it a rule for a month only contact with the atmosphere of success. Watch programs and films about the rich, visit places accessible to people with a fat wallet, go on expensive shopping - find out what is available for successful people, read books about the powerful. Take a whole month to study the atmosphere of success.
4. Analyze your classmates, peers. Only those who are successful you - And you want to be a loser?
5. Make a list of your desires - if possible with photos. Next to each write its value. Calculate the total amount. And now divide it on your monthly income - How many lives you need to achieve all your desires.
6. Calculate your finances - how much they will suffice in the case of force majeure. If this period is less than 20 years - you should think.
7. Collect enough serious money for you - about 2-3 monthly income and allow yourself to them shikanut - relax, buy yourself something to please a loved one, throw away all the problems, and just relax for a while - and remember the feeling of joy and delight that will have you inside. And you want to live as much of your life? Then what are you waiting for?
8. Locate in the city of successful people with disabilities. That is, people who have any health problems, but who are successful and happy life. Talk to them. If too lazy to do it, then enter into a search engine - Paralympic Games. Read about those who have no arms or legs winning Olympic medals. What's stopping you begin to change your life?
9. Arrange a freelance correspondent in any newspaper, and start interviewing famous people of your city about their lives and achievements. Feel the taste of victory, find out how they came to this, recharge their energy.
10. Begin to visit all places where the elite is going in your city - Exhibitions, workshops, meetings, restaurants, clubs and so on. Begin to communicate with those who are more successful than you.

Thus, by performing at least 3 points out of 10, you really realize that something needs to change.
If all 10 - you already begin to move toward success. Since the last two points already imply certain actions from you and voltage gyrus.
Therefore, do not delay the case indefinitely, begin to act.

Types mailings

Any delivery costs money, so it only makes the company, and with the sole purpose - to sell. Only here they reach this aim in different ways. I dressed for the three types of mailings: gaming, utility and sales.

Firstly, the game. In this case, the company has created an interesting literary character, which tells the letters and stories to share with the readers their opinions about everything. This type of delivery, for example, was the "iMobilco" and "Buddhists,". Game mailing entertain readers and at the same time sell any product. The game is sure to split and sale as interesting film is separated from advertising. Good product offers to mix in an interesting article only know how the great masters.

The second type - this educational magazine, such as the business that we do in "Megaplane." We find ourselves reprint or write useful, interesting material and report it to the audience. The ultimate goal of this mailing - to form a loyal audience that is more likely to use the services of a good friend of delivery, rather than choose at all strange. Its main task - to readers were interested.

The third type - the most inefficient - it's a direct sales distribution. They readers to specific product offering. Those to whom it is not suitable, just press the "Spam" and always remove themselves from the mailing database. Recently copywriter Dmitry Cota published a book of lists, in which he says that the correct letter from the company must contain 80% of useful information and 20% of advertising goods. The situation where the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe: some react to the proposal, and those who are not interested in the goods, just read the cognitive part of the distribution.

How not to fall into the spam

Spam - is advertising, which proved to be futile. If a person responded to a spam "cheap Viagra", for it is not spam. Newsletter - a very risky thing, because it means an invasion of personal space man. And if it turns out that what you tenderly and lovingly wrote, is irrelevant to the reader, it turns out that you have created spam. To reduce the number of complaints must strive to ensure that the delivery was interested in the widest possible range of your readers.
"Newsletter - it's not a magic thing that immediately attracts customers to your site"
For example, I understand that most of our readers are not interested in reading about the specifics of "Megaplan" so I write articles on broader topics related to business issues. Products and services, special offers and promotions, as a rule, no one is interested. Another thing, when you write in general about life and the world around. It is much more important, and people with great pleasure reading about it.

Forming the base

Performance indicators distribution is largely dependent on the quality of the base. You have to be prepared for the fact that only 20% of the base - a "real" people, and the remaining 80% of the users instead of the workers left their "landfill" addresses, or simply never open e-mail. Once I heard this phrase: "History should be such that people want to pay for it, to read it." This is a key principle. The most high-quality base consists of people who do subscribe to our newsletter. They clearly understand why they need it, and read it in good faith.

"It is necessary to specify personal mail. People love to talk
with real people, not just comments on the page, it is not clear to whom the company in Facebook »

Assemble a base enormously difficult. This can be done only if you treat the delivery as a separate product to sell - to show customers what benefits they will get from it. Most often it is different: the base of the collected addresses, posted in the registration or written on business cards collected at conferences. As a result, 2/3 of the base receive mail, they do not really wanted.

Terms of good distribution

Newsletter - it's not a magic thing that immediately attracts customers to your site. In fact it's just a letter in the box. However, there are a few rules that help increase its effectiveness. First of all, everything that is connected with the sales of new services and promotions should always go under the trailer after the feature useful content. I never suggest people buy something from "Megaplan" before they'll give myself something useful. This is how the principle of mutual exchange.

Secondly, I never shunt advertisement or offer in the useful article. This prohibition reception, so do not. The reader sees that you are trying to him to hide something to sell, you lose confidence and sends e-mail spamming.

Third, in the ad unit should contain a call to action for the reader know what to do next. It may be a button "Register now" or a telephone number by which you want to call.

In addition, the newsletter - it is a conversation between man and man. There is a simple rule: never send anything that you would not show your mother or wife. I always remember what they read, and never publish something for which I would be ashamed in front of them. So I'm not trying to "Provisional Government" product, try not to be false, do not use kantselyarizmov not too familiar. In the design of distribution do everything possible to read it was easier: droblyu large chunks of text into paragraphs, add subtitles, tie, quotes, sometimes dilute the text images. All this together develops into a good, honest and pleasantly decorated newsletter.

In general, I always point out sending personal mail: in any letter should be the possibility of direct communication with the author. People like to deal with real people, not just comments on the page, it is not clear to whom the company to Facebook. Write just like you readers will not, they need motivation: a specific question, the theme and the occasion to communicate. If I ask the mailing list readers about something, I get 40-50 letters in response. All the work in the "Megaplane" I got only five to seven aggressive letters from inappropriate people. Usually people in the letters of praise, give advice, criticism, and everything is generally very useful.

Where to begin

The first thing to do - is to understand why you do need it. Next is to answer the question whether your company is something unique, what she could share. This may be a personal experience of staff and the head, the presence of an expert, a resource that will provide your e-mail from the rest. The only way it can become an effective tool of promotion.
"The person in charge of mailing, two main objectives: a stylistic and Content"

In the preparation stage you have to decide who will be responsible for sending and how often it should do. Optimal performance is not here, it all depends on your ability and themes lists. You can experiment with the frequency to see when people do unsubscribe. In general, the Internet is easy to overdo it, and nedoborschili difficult, so delivery times per month - that's okay too. The main rule is - it should go on chёtkomu schedule. You can not treat it as something secondary, which can wait a week or denёk. Irregular distribution will not work and would be a waste of money and effort.

The man in charge of dispatch, - two main objectives. Firstly, stylistic. He should be able to create a coherent, clear and understandable texts. Secondly, content. He must have a clear understanding of what is necessary to write. In this sense, he also assumes the functions of editor, journalist and analyst. His task - to find a huge information flow material that deserves attention, convert it, add something from himself and wrote the text, understand, I wonder whether it is to its readers.

The usual PR-manager with this task can not cope. Such a specialist should be sought among journalists and linguists, people who have the creative and literary taste and are used to working with the text. To assess the adequacy of the candidate, ask him to write a test text, and get to know the customers, whether he liked it. A good specialist will ask in return, what is your audience what topics they are interested in, what sites and magazines they read.

It is not necessary to plan, what will be your delivery within a year, to spend three months on the road design, the selection of authors and those of the future. I advise you to start small and test everything. Do not build the palace at once, start with the one-story house.

Work with hypotheses that are easy to implement, and see what answer they cause readers. Newsletter should be conducted sparingly, otherwise it simply will not have enough time and effort. It does not have to be perfect and super-cool. Primarily it should go out and simply be of acceptable quality.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

Find your "I": the personal qualities of entrepreneurs and classification

In every life there comes a stage revision purposes. You begin to suffer, and suffer from the realization that all striving for, suddenly devalued, and ceased to be so important, how it looked. At this moment, someone changes the place of residence and social circle, the other - activity, the third - the profession, well, born to be leaders and loving independence begin their own business. How not to be mistaken with the choice, if in fact you are destined to become the second G.Fordom? After all, at the crossroads of thought susceptible to external noise and the impact of information.


Being a business owner - is extremely attractive, but the strength is not for everyone. Interestingly, official sources meets the following definition of entrepreneurship: "This type of work an adventurous person, the content of which is autonomous decision making and implementation of search and use of new market opportunities in a personal financial risk in order to obtain business outcomes."

Thus, we see that for the development of a science, as a business, it should be independent, have a tendency to adventurism and risk. But are these three properties are sufficient? Perhaps there is a different category of persons, each in its own way created to lead, organize, inspire, well, to be responsible, respectively.

Part 1. Entrepreneur: the qualitative characteristics

Back in the last century domestic economists surveyed A.I.Ageevym which identified ten essential qualities for an entrepreneur. Let us consider the main ones. The focus of scientists set search capabilities and creativity, which are expressed in the use of new and unusual business opportunities, as well as real actions that occur before circumstances forced them to. In other words, "through the thorns to the stars" can come by any means and forces.

Researchers identify personality traits such as persistence and perseverance, even though efforts have been made repeatedly and "have to beat all the gates."

An important feature of the entrepreneur is to focus on efficiency, because such a person easily finds ways to do everything better, cheaper, faster, and is focused on the highest results. Such a line can be called a more fashionable word "perfectionism", which is now very popular.

It stresses the importance of commitment as a long-term vision of the situation and problems in general. "Conquer the world and become the number N list of Forbes», - here, for example, the objectives pursued by the proper businessman.

An important quality is the ability to persuade and establish links. At the same time entrepreneurs tend to use careful strategy for influencing people. In addition, a real businessman strives to be informed: he personally collects information about colleagues, customers, suppliers and even competitors. By the way, do you remember names and birthdays of all your employees?

Of course, complementary touches to the portrait of a true "man of action" independence and self-confidence, because a tendency to rely on ourselves, faith in the ability to perform difficult tasks can bring great success.

In the end, in front of us, like a mosaic formed a solid image of a businessman, it combines the positive qualities with extraordinary abilities. But that's all theory. And in practice? No matter how trite it sounds, but: "All people are different!" - The history knows one S.Dzhobsa and B. Gates.

Part 2: Entrepreneur: species and subspecies

If you have not found the properties of all the above, do not despair! It turns out that the prevalence of certain qualities in one person is a prerequisite to the formation of different types of businesses, much of them can accurately find their alter ego.

It is known that the archetype technology quite often. Among the "technology" is dominated by extroverts-oriented full self-realization of his analytical and intuitive abilities. These people avoid subordination, slightly worried about their personal financial well-being, and the business is considered a matter of life.

The new - is well forgotten old. However, businessmen-innovators think otherwise. Absolutely non-economic motivation, thirst for social recognition - that is, what motivates people who are ready to defend their revolutionary ideas and innovative looks.

Popular form of small entrepreneur other than an optimistic view and a high capacity for work. Here are just a goal it more tangible than the altruistic "technology".

What is a business in the broadest sense of the word? The answer is simple: "Play!" Because in the business world there are entrepreneurs champions. The main thing - the participation and the opportunity to compete, the rest - only related bonuses.

There are people who believe that business - it is a way of self-realization, because there are the makings of each. Such business is called the mass, the main indicator of success for them is the value of the indicator "revenues" in the statement of income.

Birds are the high-flying entrepreneurs strategy. "I came, I saw, I conquered" - their credo and motif in one.

We conclude the list of types intermediaries. Such entrepreneurs prefer to act, so to speak, at the outer edge organization, though only in order to achieve success, is able to increase the feeling of self-worth and bring a state worthy of material welfare.

Here is a matrix of types of common business. To some extent, it may partially resemble the essence E.Bёrna games, only games entrepreneurs extremely expensive in the truest sense of the word.

I sincerely hope that, being at the crossroads, you will remember that what we discussed today. And perhaps it is waiting for you is a wonderful recognition of the world, of which you, being in nature, for example, the "innovator" and never dreamed of. Virtually anyone unable to turn their abilities and inclinations in the business direction and to meet unexpected waterfall features, ideas, experience, and risk all that we call business. Therefore, believe in yourself, trust intuition and the voice of the heart and not be afraid to change - they make the world a better place!
             How to conduct a meeting

1. The planning session should not be long, a maximum - 30-40 minutes.

2. At the planning meeting conducted a journal in which to write all the things that leaders are going to achieve during the week.

3. The meeting starts with the fact that the company's goal is read. This refers to the big goal. For example: "To raise the competitiveness of Russian companies, through ...". Then read out the current target, for example: "Raise your income 5 times this year."

4. The master planning meetings (usually it's or founder or executive director) asked department heads to talk in turn about what they did last week in order to achieve the goal. This main function is to control the meeting leading to acting manager does not "poured water" and did not allow phrases such as "we have increased the effectiveness of sales by 15%." In this case, he just politely asked what specific steps were taken and what the result.

Response, for example, might be:

We conducted training for the sellers. We sent more than 500 letters to our potential customers. A total of 118 calls were received from interested customers and was exposed 53 accounts totaling 3 mln.600 thousand. Total revenue for the department this week was 1, 8 million. Rubles. which is 15% more than last week.

Such a response is acceptable. Leading planning meetings may initiate a short applause from other leaders.

If the manager is trying to "pouring water" or "imposing shadow on the fence", the lead problem is that other leaders saw it. Suitable, for example, the following sentence: "It was not an easy week. We thought a lot ..."

By continuing such efforts leading briefings interrupted the speaker and says it is planning session and if there are no concrete results, then move on to the next department. Or may request the Secretary to read the entries from the last planning meetings, and that it is planned to achieve this week in this department.

For example:

1. Conduct a survey about the new product from the 400 customers. Made? No.

2. an invoice totaling 2 mln.800 thousand. Rubles. Made? Put up for 17 thousand rubles.

3. Provide training vendors. Made? No, we were overwhelmed.

It is clear enough. Go to the next.
I note that such a planning meeting opened and made visible to all other managers who achieve results and really helps us move toward the goal, and who cleverly poses as a flexible hose and simulates useful activity.

5. Once all the presented results, the aim is for the next week for the entire company, and leading up to the consent of the participants for this purpose.

Facilitator asks leaders took turns to say that they are going to do to achieve this goal in their fields, and it is logged.

6. Managers can ask for something extra to do the other leaders, if their units are connected and their joint action is needed. With regard to this agreement is reached and recorded in the log.

After all this, leading briefings asked whether they are ready to really achieve the purpose of this week, and announced the launch!

This simple and effective form of briefings allows achieve interesting results. Heads or start to really produce and deliver results, or run away from us, under various pretexts, freeing up room for new leaders who really want to contribute to the team, not just to portray the appearance of useful activity, being in the glory and honor to give an earning.

And most importantly - this form allows even very productive leaders to achieve even more, what I want and you frankly.

среда, 28 октября 2015 г.

Business idea: Airbrushing

What is the airbrush?

Airbrush or aerobrashing - is a technique of applying art images on various surfaces liquid or powdered dye using compressed air. Images are applied with a special device which be ordered airbrush.

Airbrush (in general, it is - spray) supplies a continuous ink jet. The width of the stream is regulated - so you can get rough brushstrokes and dabs more subtle. After applying the ink figure allowed to dry and then coated with several layers of lacquer anchor. This pattern becomes indelible.

Airbrush as a business: Pros

It is believed that airbrush fully protects the car against theft. Moreover, the greater the painted surface of the car, the more likely that the hijackers do not want to mess with it at all. If the pattern has only a door or hood, the risk of theft, though reduced, but remains.

Airbrush as a business: Cons

There are people, and these many who believe that the painted car signals the complete absence of taste and intelligence at its host.

Airbrush: How to start this business?

Airbrush resembles something in the wizard tattoo parlor. So the main thing in this business to have a good portfolio with examples of their work. Without Portfolio to start making money on the client flow will fail. Before opening a business, you need a long time working as an apprentice and gain experience as well as an archive of photographs, the authenticity of which you will always be able to prove. It is no secret that often works to his portfolio stolen amateur painter competitors ...

But that's not all. Before embarking on airbrush artist must master the program in Corel and Photoshop, as the necessary preliminary sketches often are today, not on paper, but "in the computer." Although, of course, the artist must, first of all, be skilled in the traditional pattern - that is, able to draw on paper.

Airbrush as a business: Seasonality

This business does not seem to depend on the season, but it is only at first glance. According to the observations of the players of the market, some seasonal in nature orders is still there. Thus, in winter there is the greatest demand for registration of motorcycles; spring and autumn comes orders for painting cars; summer - artists airbrush paint repaired apartments and cottages.

Airbrush as a business: How to start a business idea?

This type of business can be possible only if there is available a real artist "with his face." How Sophisticated connoisseurs and amateurs, people are going for this service, focusing only on the artist. Every craftsman - his own style, his own individual style. Put airbrushing on stream, depersonalize it, yet no one could. Each painted with an airbrush machine becomes good piece. By the way, the price of the sale of the vehicle not only decreases, but, conversely, increased - by 10-15%!

Next. If you want to be successful in this business, you have to plunge into the element of motorists - tuning forums on the Internet. It is there that you find out all the latest trends and can gain the most specialized and up to date information at first hand.

Airbrush as a business: What is required to start

2 thousand dollars - a start-up capital for the opening of the studio airbrushing. The money will go to:
1.arendu area (have to work in a sealed box with good lighting and extractor fan).
2.registratsiyu documents for companies and
3.pokupku equipment (a set of necessary tools - primarily an airbrush gun and compressor). Other necessary equipment part - the drying chamber. Without it, the pattern becomes unstable, and this - the main disadvantage in the work. In such a drying chamber machine is completely isolated from external influences such as dust and temperature extremes.

Airbrush as a business: Prices for services

In order that you can estimate how profitable is this business, we present the average rates that exist at the moment.

Generally, the final price of the work consists of the following components: the cost of reinforcement, painting works and materials, the degree of sophistication and detail drawings, promoted the artist's name.

Simple monochrome outline drawing without background will cost the customer in the amount of 8000 rubles.

Sophisticated design with artistic background and study of small parts will cost the customer in the amount of 17 thousand rubles. These tsifry- price is only one element of a vehicle. So much is paint, for example, a door, fender, roof rack, spare tire cover. Painting the whole surface of the car will be much more expensive.

Airbrush as a business: Features of technological process

Service airbrushing studio includes work (at least) three experts: tinsmith, painter and artist itself. However, the artist in any case it is better to work a year or two in the service station - assistant painter.

Before applying the pattern, the surface of the vehicle must be removed all her available chips, dents, scratches encountered during operation. Therefore the skills of the artist should be combined with the skills and abilities of an ordinary employee service center.

"Those are mistaken studios, which charge it all to one person" - believe market players. Such work often turns into a hack.

Where is the exit? In poorer entrepreneurs have access - with its own garage, they invite artists to their areas, to fulfill the order for airbrushing. The main requirement is to have a good business contacts with several artists who are always ready to help. The task of the entrepreneur is to ensure that through the mediation of the artist appears interested client, and the client - the possibility to use the services of well-known for his works of the master.

Airbrush Where to study?

Moscow master - painter aerografist Ilnur holds three-day courses for those who wish, the cost of which - 450 euros. During these three days, he only explains the features of the car. Therefore, courses should come already formed artists - the basics of painting and Photoshop were not taught.

Airbrush as a business: In addition to the hood ...

Airbrush - it's not just cars. It is also a painting of mobile phones, refrigerators, computers, skateboards. Many newcomers to hone their skills is on tiny surfaces, and then to go to work with the car.

At first, the newcomers have no more than 1-2 mini-car orders - 100 -150 dollars a month. This money goes to buy paints and rent. But this stage are all - important to become famous by word of mouth.

If you are willing to work for two years with varying success and earn themselves a clientele of this difficult time - the airbrush can give you the opportunity to earn not only to life but also to the pleasures of life.

10 countries in which citizenship can be obtained for the money

Malta, Hungary, Cyprus, Bulgaria and others.

Many countries are working to change the law and make it easier to obtain citizenship for investors and businessmen. Also good conditions for doing business in them you will find the sea and sandy beaches. iBusiness collect information from States, you can obtain a passport for investment.


In 2012, the Hungarian legislators adopted amendments to the immigration law that allows foreigners to obtain citizenship of the investment. This program is considered to be the best in Europe. First granted a residence permit and the offer to purchase of government bonds by about 330 thousand dollars (250 thousand euros), after five years, the state returns the money to the investor. The program does not require the constant presence in the country, or the acquisition of property for a certain time.


Since 2013, there Maltese program for individual investors (MPII). It has one limitation: people who obtained citizenship in this way, will not exceed 1800. At the moment, the application for MPII filed about 600 people from 40 countries, including Russia and Ukraine. To obtain Maltese citizenship applicant and other family members must pay a non-refundable fee to the National Fund for Social Development (an organization engaged in the development of national projects).

Upon receipt of the letter of approval MPII applicant must contribute to the fund of 650 thousand euros, a spouse of 25 thousand euros for the children of unmarried, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six years will have to pay 50,000 euros for each, for parents (grandparents, who want to join) and 50 million euros alone. Information resources for citizenship of Malta is a refinement that Bitcoins are not suitable for payment - this currency in the country is not recognized as legitimate.

Within five years, will need to rent or buy real estate is not less than 350 thousand euros. After the conclusion of the lease or purchase of property the applicant is issued an electronic card of a resident of the country, and a year later granted citizenship. Must necessarily be resident in the country a little more than six months.

For people who have acquired citizenship of Malta in this way can remain more favorable tax status. The biggest bonus is the acquisition of citizenship of Malta lies in the fact that you can not pass the border control to get into the 26 EU countries, including Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary and others.


The "Citizenship for investment" operating in the country since 2013. It was originally aimed at attracting investors from Russia. With the passport of Cyprus can enter into many EU countries, but Cyprus is not part of the Schengen zone.

Passport of the country can be obtained in about three months. There are several ways of making investments:

to invest in the Republic of Cyprus itself at least 5 million euros;
buy property for 500 thousand euros;
buy a package of real estate for 5 million euros;
make a personal or corporate contribution to the Bank of Cyprus not less than 5 million euros, as well as to purchase a property for 500 million euros;
offered the opportunity to split investment: contribution to the State treasury (as a contribution to national investment company) more than 2 million, the purchase of real estate by 500 thousand euros, 500 thousand euros contribution to the Foundation for Research and Technology.


To obtain citizenship of the investor has to invest 1 million leva (about 512,000 euros) in government bonds. The percentage of such bonds to the depositor will not be paid (as in Hungary), but the money is returned after 5 years. An application for citizenship can be obtained through the same five years from the date of receipt of permanent residence. To abandon their old nationality is not necessary - Bulgaria recognizes dual citizenship. In this country, there is also a form of investment credit, on which an investor can invest in the government bonds of 180 thousand euros, but no return.


The investment program for the acquisition of citizenship is also represented on the island of Dominica from North America to the Caribbean. The applicant for citizenship must provide a non-refundable investment to the Government of Dominica in size from 100 thousand dollars to 200 thousand dollars (the cost varies depending on the number of family members who also want to obtain citizenship).

Prior to 2015, to those who wish to acquire such nationality it was necessary to interview. Now just check the profiles of the applicant and provided information. Dominica in 2013 had more than 500 million dollars of foreign debt, the country in such a way to raise capital for debt repayment.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis - the federal structure of the state, which is on the eastern Caribbean Sea, consists of two islands: St. Kitts and Nevis. The investment program was adopted here in 1984. Application for registration of citizenship consists of only three pages. Quickly find the reasons for the acquisition of citizenship, sources of income and the estimated annual income.

Prospective citizens may invest 400 thousand dollars in real estate or to make a donation to the charitable Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF) in the amount of 200 thousand dollars. The volume of investment depends on the selected program, the overall amount ranges from $ 250 thousand to 400 thousand dollars.

Antigua and Barbuda

Established by the Government program for the acquisition of citizenship through investment was approved in 2013. The state is on the same island east of St. Kitts and Nevis. In the future citizens of the investment program has a choice:

invest in real estate of $ 400 thousand;
a donation to the National Development Fund (NDF) is not less than 200 thousand dollars;
Terms of consideration take three to six months from the date of application. After consideration of the applicant takes the passport.


The state in the southeast of the Caribbean requires future citizens to invest about 210 thousand dollars in companies operating in Grenada. At present the volume of investments includes all fees for registration. The current program was adopted in 2013. Prior to 2001, he worked as an old program that was relatively cheap and had great success with wanting to live in Grenada.


"Visa Gold" Spain involves buying real estate in the amount of not less than 500 thousand euros, but if the property was acquired earlier (before applying for an investment visa), it will not be taken into account. It also assumes the purchase of government bonds in an amount not less than 2 million euros, 1 million euros investment in local companies or financial institutions in the country. To apply for the acquisition of nationality should have annual visa of the state.


To make an investment immigration need to make at least 200 thousand lats (300 thousand dollars) for a period of at least five years, to purchase real estate, whose value varies depending on the region, to invest in the economy of Latvia is not less than 25 thousand lats (36 million euros). After the purchase of real estate investor can issue a residence permit for five years.

Similar methods can acquire citizenship in Germany, Australia, Switzerland, the UK, Slovakia, Portugal and other countries.