среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

How to open a business: 5 key stages

Creating a business is made up of several stages, consistently doing that and paying due attention to everyone, the future businessman create a profitable business quickly and with minimal risk.

The key to success when starting a business is not really the availability of fabulous start-up capital or having connections in the government. In fact, success is determined by good planning, detailed analysis and timely corrective action at all stages of the creation and operation of the business.

Step 1: Select niche

First of all, you need to determine the direction of future business. The underlying factors of the correct choice of the future activities should be two key factors:
● Personal knowledge, skills and experience. No matter how competent and professional employees were not, a novice businessman should understand the basic laws and the essence of the selected business, or strategic planning and monitoring are impossible.
● The size of the initial capital.

Of course, with a small budget should not think about such projects as opening a gas station or a pawn shop, but there is polygamy types of business to start that requires minimal investments.

I recommend choosing a niche through the business section of the size of investments, it is very convenient to all organized and presented at once three formats: ideas, plans, manuals.

Choosing the right direction can to seek their own niche within a particular type of business.

Niche - is not just a trend or activity, it is an empty space inside the market, which can fill a new service or product. For example, if you plan to open a bakery in your area is already very popular French sweet rolls, but no baking Caucasian dishes, this segment of the market and could be your niche.

Step 2: Market research and analysis

Actions market research can be divided into two areas: the study of the target audience and competitors' offers.

Planning to open a small business properly rely on the information on a particular area, residential area - the smaller will be the unit of study, the truer it will reflect the data and the future development of the business in a particular area (especially if there is a question of choosing the most suitable place rent or purchase premises for business ).

When you open a business with significant investment is better to resort to the help of experts in the remaining cases, the calculation of market capacity can be performed independently. As an option to define the target audience can use promotional tools offered by one of the most popular social networks. With this technique it is possible to define: the number of potential buyers, the main characteristics of the target audience - age, income level, interests and so on. It will help to form a range of goods and services, to count returns and to organize effective advertising campaigns.

Competition analysis is, first of all, to establish the number of competitors and the ratio of the amount of capacity to the market. It is useful to analyze the activities of competitors, identify their strengths and weaknesses and use this information when creating your business.

Step 3. Updates and the formation of a unique selling proposition (USP)

So, you already know what you want to do, who your target audience, which is better positioned the business as you have the potential competitors and customers than they attract. Now is the time to detail the concept of business and create a unique selling proposition on the basis of the needs and desires of your customers and analyzing the activities of competitors.

Business must find their unique "face" and features that distinguish it from competing companies. Suffice it to a few people to the advantages of easy to remember.

It is a mistake to believe that the decisive factor in moving a product or service is the price, and quite a few to reduce it to "lure" customers. Much more important is to create an offer that meets the needs of customers and provide a higher level of comfort than its competitors.

For example, in store for future mothers expedient to establish comfortable sofas, rather than to provide ten-percentage difference in the price of goods from competitors. And opening the catering for students - to ensure maximum service speed and complete package deals in the menu at budget prices.

Step 4: Calculation of initial investment and the development of a business plan

A clear plan of operation of the business, number of employees and their responsibilities, the target audience and detailing all the costs should be reflected in the business plan. It is he who will be the main document, according to which the activity will be carried out and monitored the results.
Step 5. Register all necessary instances

Entrepreneurship must be properly framed in terms of the legislation. The choice of legal form is caused by the activity and permissible form of taxation, the number of founders. For a small business relevant two forms: individual entrepreneurs and limited liability.

After selecting a legal form of doing business need to choose the mode of taxation. Tax Code of the RF Small businesses have special forms of taxation, which implies a simplified format of tax reporting and preferential terms for payment of taxes.

Detailed working through each step towards the creation of the business, and paying sufficient attention to detail, a businessman lays a solid foundation, which will build a successful and profitable enterprise.

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