воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Opened his own travel agency

Admission: 100 - 500 thousand. Rub.
The minimum size of the population of 100 000 people
Market conditions: high saturation of the market
Evaluation of the complexity start: 3/5

It is said that in the tourist industry, there are two basic concepts - a travel agency and tour operator. Do not confuse these concepts. According to Russian law is quite different organizational structures. Travel Agency is committed to selling a tourist product (tour on vacation, tours), acting as agent. That is an intermediary between the consumer services (tourist) and the tour operator. The travel agency can be registered as a physical entity (SP), and the legal entity (LLC).

In turn, the tour operator - is an organization that is directly responsible for the provision of tourism services. It creates a tourist route, entered into agreements with all parties, it defines the time Book hotels, negotiates with the carriers, guides, and so on. The tour operator is more than just a travel agency than or travel agent. And the demand with a correspondingly higher. Therefore, the tour operator in accordance with the law, can only be registered as a legal entity.

By its very nature, a travel agency may be referred to as a travel agency and tour operator. In other matters, in this article we will call a travel agency, a travel agency in the first place, since the material is devoted to the discovery of just such an organization.

The scheme of travel agencies and tour operators
The scheme of work is inherently simple. Tour operator enters into an agency agreement with a travel agency, according to which the second attracts customers, that is selling services, and the first - pays for this commission. The fee usually ranges from 6 to 15% of the amount sold services.

In addition, tour operators provide various bonuses to agents, eg for meeting or even exceeding the sales plan. It's kind of incentive programs. Tour operators can give gifts, hold rallies, raffles among travel agencies (agencies). There are cases when employees of travel agencies benefit even cars.

Organizational matters and a ticket to the cause
What good is this business because this is an extremely low entrance ticket to the cause (which is why so many travel companies are opened). In an office suit any room with an area of ​​15 m2. Important in this case be arranged in an office workers 2-3.

At the same time, some will be important office location. If located in a large shopping center with high traffic, it is possible to ensure a good flow of customers. However, it is important to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", as in the large shopping center is extremely high price of rent. If you stay more than a quiet place, for example in a residential area of ​​the city you will significantly save on rent. However, the need to increase the cost of advertising the business, or the client you will never find.

In fact, the basic costs of opening a travel agency will consist of the costs: minor repairs premises (often it is not needed) and ~ 15 thousand. Rub., The purchase of office equipment (fax, computer, printer, scanner) ~ 70 th. Rub., Buy furniture for staff and visitors (tables, chairs, a small sofa) ~ 50 th. rubles, and of other costs (fuel, sole proprietorship, etc.) ~ 10 th. rub. Ultimately, the total cost at the start of the case amount to a little over 100 thousand. Rubles.

However, at the start of the case may take a little longer than indicated above. And this is due primarily to the reserve fund, which is a must-have on the "just in case." 50 - 100 thousand. Rubles will never be superfluous. The fact is that in the first months of the travel agency 99% will operate at a loss, as the customer base is not yet tried and tested. And to pay salaries and rent - it's your obligation, which will not go away. In addition, you need to think about the development of the business, such as advertising services to promote your product. In this, too, need the money.

What services can have a travel agency?
The list of services that can have a travel agency, is very diverse. Suppose that in its specifics, and they are all similar. You can earn the following services:

Sale of tours to any country of the world. First of all, in the resort and tourist countries in the world: Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Europe, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and others.
River cruises. You can offer customers a river tours on the rivers of Russia.
Selling hot tours, tours, designed for a few days before departure.
Bus tours - sale of bus tours through Europe.
Sale of tours combined. This fashionable direction now. Summer tours are popular common in several European countries, for example: in Greece, Spain and Italy.
Wedding tours. You can offer customers a wedding in exotic countries.
Sale of vouchers for children's activities in Russia and foreign countries.
Health tours to such countries as China, Israel, Dominican Republic.
Services travel insurance.
Visa processing.
As you know, the wider the range of services you provide, the greater the potential earnings of the company. Nevertheless, a wide range of recruitment services requires an appropriate number of employees. Take employment for at least 2 managers, lawyers and accountants.

Educational program for the beginner mistakes typical travel agencies
One of the most common mistakes novice travel agencies - selling tours at great discount prices. Even 5-10% - it is impermissible discount. Yes, so customers start walking "jamb", but the travel agency at the same time earns nothing. And if you do not earn - and then does not develop at all. The basic postulate of a successful travel agency - to be able to sell as expensive as possible! Anyone can sell cheap, sell dear but ...

Another classic mistake is connected with the desire of the business owner to participate in the sale of tours and resolve unnecessary operational objectives. Remember - the sale of business managers, but it does not travel agency owner. If you start to sell you will not have time for other, more important things. We must learn to look at the matter systematically, "top", to understand how the whole mechanism of it and that it can be corrected.

It should be closely related to the filling of all documents related to customer relationships. If you do not understand - better to hire an experienced lawyer. Litigation in this area are not uncommon. Lack of professionalism in affairs - minus any strong organization and not only travel agencies. It is better to spend a month at 15-20 thousand. Rubles to pay for a lawyer than once "to fork out" hundreds of thousands of rubles offended customers.

Well, in the completion. Do you want to become a successful travel agency? Required Get a personal page on the Internet. Well what a normal firm operating without a website, such probably is not. Today, 80% of people looking for goods and services is through the Internet. This is especially important for large towns and cities. On the creation and promotion have to allocate at least 60 thousand rubles. But it is - justified investment.

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