среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

           27 rules of finance in our time

Read the list of short, simple, clear and very effective rules of finance that will assist you in daily life.

1. Spend less than you take

If there is a key fundamental rule of conducting finance, this is it: your expenses should be less revenue. You MUST follow this rule, otherwise your whole future life is put under a big question. Get into debt and live on credit, because "all is well"? So say the people who give you credit, and they did everything will be fine. And you? You have accumulated debts without making savings. Gain financial well-being of such an approach to life can help a miracle. Do you believe in miracles?

2. Simplify your financial life

The more loans and credit cards, the greater the chance of loss of funds to miss or skip the next payment. The more deposits and accounts, the more difficult to monitor them and not make it easier to respond to emerging issues. The more complex your financial life, the more time and effort it takes. At the same time increases the chance to get confused and make a financial mistake.

3. Never let your "future self" to control the situation in the present

You want to buy something that you can not afford now because in the future you will get more and easy to get out of debt? Chances are, you'll regret that decision a very long time, because your "future self" can get as much or even less, if any, loses his job. Even if in the future your financial situation improves, there will be other expenses, which will not be so easy to deal with and without mistakes of the past.

4. Start the path to the correct financial management

Step 1: Create a cash reserve for emergencies. The cash is still needed and solve unforeseen problems quickly on the spot, without going to the bank, without the hassle of bank cards, and maintenance issues. Proceed to the creation of the reserve is very simple. Begin to postpone a certain percentage of revenue each month. For example, 10%. Or 15%. This goes in line with the first rules of finance, and a year later you can enjoy a decent amount of money saved up, which will help you out in any emergency. In the future, part of the accumulated funds can be transferred to a deposit or to start up in business.

Step 2: get rid of the debt with the highest percentage. Sort your debts on the growth of debt, select the one with the highest percentage, and then begin to repay the debt in half the time, that is, double payments. Do this monthly until the debt is repaid. Then add the entire amount of the released money spent on repayment, the payment of the second debt, and yet he will not be repaid. And so for all future debts.

Step 3: when there is a nest egg in case of emergency, and the debts are closed, you can start to think about retirement. This could be a bank account, investments and any other means to preserve and increase capital.

5. Create a budget, just do it right

Budget - this is the best means of control and financial planning, but only if the right approach.

As budget plans smart man? It does so on the basis of expenditure statistics for previous months. That is, you can fantasize and say to yourself: "So, uh, I'll be going to spend so much and no more." But then comes the harsh reality and put everything in its place. It is best not to rely on assumptions as to the real cost statistics.
You're spending leads the statistics, right? It will not only plan, but also to find articles overruns.

6. Optimize all your planned expenses

We get a lot of accounts. You can even start with the same services of the cellular operator.
Are all the connected paid features do you need? Then 50 rubles, there are 20 rubles, 100 rubles somewhere else. The sum will turn out very well, and all this just so you are giving every month. Such useful to do spring cleaning every few months.

7. Calculate your real earnings

Is deducted from the annual income tax and all costs directly related to the work, including a dinner outside the home, I work clothes and things like that. Then you think how many hours per year do you actually spend on the job, including all overtime and completion of the house. Share real return on the actual number of working hours. That much you actually get per hour.

8. Use your real earnings as a measure for any purchases

Now buy will be much more interesting. The purchase price becomes the numerator and real earnings - denominator. That this application is two hours of my life. Is it worth it? And this TV is worth two months of life? Maybe it's better to take out the smaller one? Now you will always be able to answer his own question: "What do I spend my life?".

9. Ignore the "experts"

The media are full of articles on various financial "experts." However, you can not remember the name of any such expert, which would be applicable phrase: "The things he said really helped." This also applies to all sorts of soothsayers and other advisers. They may be paid for the publication, aimed at the interests of third parties, but not on yours.

Why would any such expert publicly disclose some valuable information? He paid for it? Then the company for which he works, certainly took the advice, and you will get the crumbs at best. A third-party expert will never know everything that is happening with the reader of its publication. Their data can be misleading and often unfounded.

If you can not make plans and forecasts based on independent analysis and you definitely need an expert, then you have a problem. Reliably predict the future, it is no wonder no one has learned. If you fear for the future, the only remains for you to do this more conservative investment. The rest is up to you - working on its own resilience to risk.

10. Set big goals and remind yourself of them

What do you still want? For what all this dvizhuha with the money? This is a complex issue, but that it may be the strongest motivator for you and tell the right path in life and help them to pass. Do you want to stop working early? You want to start a business? Trip around the world? Whatever it was, remember the goal keep in mind. Surround yourself with reminders of your main goals. They help make the right decisions in many situations on the road to the desired.

11. Buy a practical car

Practicality - is low cost of maintenance and repairs, low fuel consumption, minimal transportation tax and the imputed cost of insurance. Otherwise, you get the money sucking monster, which will leave a decent share of the income. Pontus more money - the main vital truth fool. All in all do not care for you and your cool cars as well.

12. Treat the car as a reasonable person

Since we are talking about the economy, do not forget about the fines and fuel consumption depending on the speed. And if the next news from the DPS everything is clear, the fuel consumption - is a more subtle question.

When engineers create a practical car, it is calculated as a rule, that it will go through the city and at the speed allowed in the city. In this mode, the engine consumes less fuel, and constant acceleration at high speed from a traffic light to traffic lights - the way to more frequent refueling and emergency repairs. Inadequate tire pressure increases fuel consumption, while ignoring insignificant signal fault car can cause major damage and accidents.

13. Understand paying utilities

Perhaps you are still paying for the radio receiver which was thrown out even before last during repairs. Deem fit and size of economies in the transition from the average tariffs on account of water and gas, and two-tariff electricity meter. And still buy these energy saving light bulbs. They actually reduce bills for light.

14. Master the basic skills in home repair

We do not offer you a self-laid tiles in the bathroom or cook pipe, but replace the outlet or replace the gasket in the dripping faucet so easy. On the Internet there are many understandable videos on these topics.

15. Teach your children financial literacy by example

As mentioned in the beginning, we were not taught. But now you can become a teacher to develop in their children these skills in practice, demonstrating the benefits of competent handling money. It is important to not only broadcast but also to show them the rules of everyday life.

16. Ignore the advertisements

Perhaps most important, this rule can be placed immediately after the first fundamental law of the predominance of revenues over expenditures. We live in a consumer society. Demand in such a society is born in the minds of people, and imposed from the outside. Advertising creates artificial needs, values ​​and ideals. And she does it so skillfully that we sincerely believe that a particular icon in the ordinary smartphone makes it an exceptional and specific tag on the shirt of conventional cotton increases its price by 10 times is justified.

Brands, image, style - we have long been based on the notion, far beyond really necessary for comfortable living things. Understanding what is happening all around, a clever man would not rush to extremes, that is, does not want to become an ascetic. He just will best avoid the imposition of external and buying things just by analyzing their needs.

If you learn you do not buy unnecessary things, you can keep the lion's share of income for more efficient spending.

17. Find the inexpensive hobby

Many hobbies require a decent cash infusions. Saying that the cost is not considered a hobby, invented by cunning men, to sell something related to a particular hobby. The only question is, what hobby you choose for yourself the unique collection of mechanical watches or improving the skills of playing a musical instrument that you already have.

18. Seek and try free

People somehow tend to find like-minded people. So formed clubs. They are non-profit, that is, you will not be there to shake the money. Thus it is possible to find good friends and would not pay.

Surely in your town there are fans of fishing at any time of year, is not offering to rent a boat and expensive equipment. There is a desperate travelers, travel agents do not. Thanks to social networks to find such communities become easier. Try to give them a chance. It is possible that it will allow you to do what he likes in the company of enthusiastic people and you do not pay for anything.

19. Do not pay attention to what others think

Laws of the consumer society is not only pointless, but also very aggressive. I do not follow the rules? You will become an outcast. Fortunately, this only works with very dim-witted people, and a more or less sensible person understands that neither the machine nor the other attributes not impress others as the mind, intellect, ideas and actions.

20. Do not pay attention to how others spend their money

Have you ever thought about what kind of person that's better than you, because he is behind the wheel of a sports car, and you do not? You do not have to spend money on things like other people. Take them what you like.

21. Invest time in building a good, reliable, long-term relationship
The presence of multiple personal and professional relationships with other people will serve you well in life. It's emotional, social, vocational, spiritual and financial support for all of your ideas and initiatives. Becoming the support of others, you will find in them support for themselves.

22. Spend one hour a week to analyze your finances, career and life

The more often you review your current situation and the situation, the more likely the early detection of discrepancies with its objectives. Consider the events that occurred over the past week. Think for a week ahead.

Is everything fits into the concept of your long-term goals? What is your greatest achievement this week? What is wrong happened and why? How to avoid this in the future? Are your long-term goals are as welcome to you as before?

23. Make your dream a secondary business

Each of us has a lesson, which we would like to devote my life. The problem is that we do not see a way to monetize such activities, and therefore leave it only in dreams. Try to devote to the case of his free time.
Just start doing it, dreamed about. In the process you will surely come up with a way to earn money on the occupation of their dreams. This can be a channel on YouTube, website or book. Just start to engage in the work of the dream in my spare time.

24. Use the rule of 10 seconds for cheap shopping

Fight impulsive shopping helps generally 10 seconds. They saw something inexpensive and immediately want to buy? Keep this thought in my head 10 seconds and honestly ask yourself: Does this thing do you need?

Do not hide yourself from the negative aspects of the purchase. Active walk on the reasons that you do not buy this thing. Will this purchase to achieve your goals? Comparable whether the benefits of this purchase with its price? Often, those 10 seconds is enough to understand whether you need a thing really.

25. Use the rule of 30 days for expensive purchases

For expensive items usually 10 seconds will not work, because in this case we are talking about the purchase, the appropriateness of that in such a short time could not be determined. When there is a question of serious expenditure, it is necessary to wait 30 days.

You clearly notice the first impulse, the first internal call to purchase, and then calmly biding month. During these days you will be able to thoroughly examine the planned purchase, learn about it a lot. What you do not show advertising. It is likely that after 30 days from your burning desire to buy this thing will be over.

26. Create a menu for the week

Clear diet - it is not only health benefits and figures, but also the economy. Improvisation in the question "What to take to dinner," resulting in higher costs for food. Once again, you will be just too lazy to think, and you order a pizza. Or dare to go to dzhankfud cafe. All this is bad, including for finance.

27. Walk for groceries only on the shopping list

The App Store and Google Play dozens of shopping lists. For these purposes, you can adjust the built-in reminders and generally any application where you can create a simple list. Plain paper, too, has not been canceled. The meaning of shopping lists, not only to do not forget to buy, but also to not buy too much. Walked on the list, leave everything planned in the basket - and to the booths. All this yummy, especially on an empty stomach, can make you commit impulsive purchases, but with a pre-planned list of the chance to make a hasty action greatly reduced.

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