суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

Find your "I": the personal qualities of entrepreneurs and classification

In every life there comes a stage revision purposes. You begin to suffer, and suffer from the realization that all striving for, suddenly devalued, and ceased to be so important, how it looked. At this moment, someone changes the place of residence and social circle, the other - activity, the third - the profession, well, born to be leaders and loving independence begin their own business. How not to be mistaken with the choice, if in fact you are destined to become the second G.Fordom? After all, at the crossroads of thought susceptible to external noise and the impact of information.


Being a business owner - is extremely attractive, but the strength is not for everyone. Interestingly, official sources meets the following definition of entrepreneurship: "This type of work an adventurous person, the content of which is autonomous decision making and implementation of search and use of new market opportunities in a personal financial risk in order to obtain business outcomes."

Thus, we see that for the development of a science, as a business, it should be independent, have a tendency to adventurism and risk. But are these three properties are sufficient? Perhaps there is a different category of persons, each in its own way created to lead, organize, inspire, well, to be responsible, respectively.

Part 1. Entrepreneur: the qualitative characteristics

Back in the last century domestic economists surveyed A.I.Ageevym which identified ten essential qualities for an entrepreneur. Let us consider the main ones. The focus of scientists set search capabilities and creativity, which are expressed in the use of new and unusual business opportunities, as well as real actions that occur before circumstances forced them to. In other words, "through the thorns to the stars" can come by any means and forces.

Researchers identify personality traits such as persistence and perseverance, even though efforts have been made repeatedly and "have to beat all the gates."

An important feature of the entrepreneur is to focus on efficiency, because such a person easily finds ways to do everything better, cheaper, faster, and is focused on the highest results. Such a line can be called a more fashionable word "perfectionism", which is now very popular.

It stresses the importance of commitment as a long-term vision of the situation and problems in general. "Conquer the world and become the number N list of Forbes», - here, for example, the objectives pursued by the proper businessman.

An important quality is the ability to persuade and establish links. At the same time entrepreneurs tend to use careful strategy for influencing people. In addition, a real businessman strives to be informed: he personally collects information about colleagues, customers, suppliers and even competitors. By the way, do you remember names and birthdays of all your employees?

Of course, complementary touches to the portrait of a true "man of action" independence and self-confidence, because a tendency to rely on ourselves, faith in the ability to perform difficult tasks can bring great success.

In the end, in front of us, like a mosaic formed a solid image of a businessman, it combines the positive qualities with extraordinary abilities. But that's all theory. And in practice? No matter how trite it sounds, but: "All people are different!" - The history knows one S.Dzhobsa and B. Gates.

Part 2: Entrepreneur: species and subspecies

If you have not found the properties of all the above, do not despair! It turns out that the prevalence of certain qualities in one person is a prerequisite to the formation of different types of businesses, much of them can accurately find their alter ego.

It is known that the archetype technology quite often. Among the "technology" is dominated by extroverts-oriented full self-realization of his analytical and intuitive abilities. These people avoid subordination, slightly worried about their personal financial well-being, and the business is considered a matter of life.

The new - is well forgotten old. However, businessmen-innovators think otherwise. Absolutely non-economic motivation, thirst for social recognition - that is, what motivates people who are ready to defend their revolutionary ideas and innovative looks.

Popular form of small entrepreneur other than an optimistic view and a high capacity for work. Here are just a goal it more tangible than the altruistic "technology".

What is a business in the broadest sense of the word? The answer is simple: "Play!" Because in the business world there are entrepreneurs champions. The main thing - the participation and the opportunity to compete, the rest - only related bonuses.

There are people who believe that business - it is a way of self-realization, because there are the makings of each. Such business is called the mass, the main indicator of success for them is the value of the indicator "revenues" in the statement of income.

Birds are the high-flying entrepreneurs strategy. "I came, I saw, I conquered" - their credo and motif in one.

We conclude the list of types intermediaries. Such entrepreneurs prefer to act, so to speak, at the outer edge organization, though only in order to achieve success, is able to increase the feeling of self-worth and bring a state worthy of material welfare.

Here is a matrix of types of common business. To some extent, it may partially resemble the essence E.Bёrna games, only games entrepreneurs extremely expensive in the truest sense of the word.

I sincerely hope that, being at the crossroads, you will remember that what we discussed today. And perhaps it is waiting for you is a wonderful recognition of the world, of which you, being in nature, for example, the "innovator" and never dreamed of. Virtually anyone unable to turn their abilities and inclinations in the business direction and to meet unexpected waterfall features, ideas, experience, and risk all that we call business. Therefore, believe in yourself, trust intuition and the voice of the heart and not be afraid to change - they make the world a better place!

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