воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

10 kicks to help you start your journey to success.

1. Analyze your prospects for the future, leaving the same situation today - that is waiting for you when you are no longer able to work.
2. Talk to retirees - what they say, what to wear, how they live on a pension penny - you want the same?
3. Make it a rule for a month only contact with the atmosphere of success. Watch programs and films about the rich, visit places accessible to people with a fat wallet, go on expensive shopping - find out what is available for successful people, read books about the powerful. Take a whole month to study the atmosphere of success.
4. Analyze your classmates, peers. Only those who are successful you - And you want to be a loser?
5. Make a list of your desires - if possible with photos. Next to each write its value. Calculate the total amount. And now divide it on your monthly income - How many lives you need to achieve all your desires.
6. Calculate your finances - how much they will suffice in the case of force majeure. If this period is less than 20 years - you should think.
7. Collect enough serious money for you - about 2-3 monthly income and allow yourself to them shikanut - relax, buy yourself something to please a loved one, throw away all the problems, and just relax for a while - and remember the feeling of joy and delight that will have you inside. And you want to live as much of your life? Then what are you waiting for?
8. Locate in the city of successful people with disabilities. That is, people who have any health problems, but who are successful and happy life. Talk to them. If too lazy to do it, then enter into a search engine - Paralympic Games. Read about those who have no arms or legs winning Olympic medals. What's stopping you begin to change your life?
9. Arrange a freelance correspondent in any newspaper, and start interviewing famous people of your city about their lives and achievements. Feel the taste of victory, find out how they came to this, recharge their energy.
10. Begin to visit all places where the elite is going in your city - Exhibitions, workshops, meetings, restaurants, clubs and so on. Begin to communicate with those who are more successful than you.

Thus, by performing at least 3 points out of 10, you really realize that something needs to change.
If all 10 - you already begin to move toward success. Since the last two points already imply certain actions from you and voltage gyrus.
Therefore, do not delay the case indefinitely, begin to act.

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