воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

How to do business in the expired goods

Opening his store of goods - it's a great idea for a profitable business. People are always, by virtue of its physical characteristics, different eat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. Without them we can not survive. That is, creating your store, realizing food, you can always be sure that your product will be in demand.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages, which are derived from one another. For example, one of the downsides - a variety of competitors. Especially in our time, when a large number of cities have large retail stores, and even more significant megastore. Even small "yard" stores divorced enough.

Another drawback of any merchant shop, which follows from the foregoing is that the various products and the consumer does not find. Food has a single property - they have a shelf life, during which they need to sell, and it is desirable to use as food. Some products may be subject to long-term preservation (buckwheat, rice, frozen products, pasta), while others are required to be implemented as soon as possible by eating (dairy products, sausages, some fruits).

How is the Russian practice - where some 30% of the food is not sold in this period on the package and go in the trash. In the West - this number even further. For example, in the United States from 24 to 52% of all food sold soon find themselves in the trash. All this, of course, sad. After all, for the manufacture of other goods or spent a lot of time, effort and money. Deplorable when these goods have not reach the buyer.

How to resolve this situation?

The easiest option - to bring to the store small batches of either product. That is correct, but almost impossible. In the beginning, it is difficult to predict how many customers will take. In addition, large wholesale shipments fall shopping cheaper. Yes, and the other owners of grocery stores are not averse to sell expired products to its customers. In our country, unfortunately, is a very common technique. But something interesting.

Not many goods will become unsuitable for use in food after the expiration date. When it comes to meat or milk, then everything is clear. They are not desirable to eat beyond the expiration date. Either can happen very sad results (poisoning, or the like). But commodities such as cereals, pasta, some fruits and vegetables, chocolate, nuts, frozen goods, cookies, different chips - it is possible to use even after the period of use specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.

We took advantage of the representatives of the modern movement today who call themselves "freegans." Freegans - are the citizens who are looking for food, clothing, household appliances and all the creature comforts ... on trashcan. Rather, in the trash next to the great restaurants and megastore. And not to be confused with the other owners of local landfills and musorok - homeless. These people, representatives of several other "subcultures".

In the beginning, the general representatives frigana were vegetarian movement. The main feature was the fact that they could have, and food of animal origin. One condition for such foods, should not be purchased at retail locations. But look for in a garbage can with bacon crisps, a bottle of yogurt, milk or yogurt Bank - all this is possible.

It is necessary to tell that frigana, if you compare them with their "competitors" - the homeless, not just only have their own house or apartment, but can easily afford the usual forays over the goods to the nearest store. Why should they then go in the trash? - You might say. All the standard. They see the world quite as much of the common people. They comprehend the complexity and cost of the production process.

And I do not want to tolerate a system that allows a significant number of products simply rot in the trashcan. Moreover, this approach to Retrieving food adds them to save a very significant number of money.

In our country, the direction freegans still poorly distributed. But other representatives can already be found in the large cities of our country. If you take the West - it is quite a common practice. There's a whole different group of freegans. The Internet is their page, where a lot of valuable information on the worst places, one or the other of the city. After that, do not be surprised that the business idea has occurred there.

Bench expired goods

It looks like a utopia, but intends to open a store in the United States. The former head of the well-known retail shopping store Trader Joe's Doug Raugh seems, wants to overturn the entire food trade. After all, he's going to open a chain of pavilions implementing expired products (or those who will soon be over the period of validity). Yes, he wants to succeed in transgressing one of the rules of proper food trade. The success of any shopping store - fresh products. And Mr. Raugh initially wants to give customers stale (even - overdue) foods.

Naturally, such a business must be met special safety measures. After all, no one who would like to see the day after the establishment of such a store came a crowd of unhappy customers, who received poisoned goods purchased. Therefore, more importantly, before the implementation of overdue items in large stores, they will be good to check for the presence of mold. Next in store such products will work specially trained people.

They will explain to customers about the real shelf life, or those of other products, explain what happens to the goods after the expiry date, will train customers to cook such purchases.

The advantage of such a business for buyers will be in the main part, in the price of goods. After all, from the beginning, all products will be bought in supermarkets at a low enough price. It turns out that other shops will be happy to give a gift even overdue product. They even will save money for garbage disposal.

And, therefore, in the shop of Mr. Raugha all of these products will be evaluated very inexpensive. The conclusion is to reduce the percentage to throw trash on the goods, and customers will get a chance to get fully fit for the food products at a very attractive price. In the end, everyone is happy, everything to gain. That such and must be a modern business.

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