воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Types mailings

Any delivery costs money, so it only makes the company, and with the sole purpose - to sell. Only here they reach this aim in different ways. I dressed for the three types of mailings: gaming, utility and sales.

Firstly, the game. In this case, the company has created an interesting literary character, which tells the letters and stories to share with the readers their opinions about everything. This type of delivery, for example, was the "iMobilco" and "Buddhists,". Game mailing entertain readers and at the same time sell any product. The game is sure to split and sale as interesting film is separated from advertising. Good product offers to mix in an interesting article only know how the great masters.

The second type - this educational magazine, such as the business that we do in "Megaplane." We find ourselves reprint or write useful, interesting material and report it to the audience. The ultimate goal of this mailing - to form a loyal audience that is more likely to use the services of a good friend of delivery, rather than choose at all strange. Its main task - to readers were interested.

The third type - the most inefficient - it's a direct sales distribution. They readers to specific product offering. Those to whom it is not suitable, just press the "Spam" and always remove themselves from the mailing database. Recently copywriter Dmitry Cota published a book of lists, in which he says that the correct letter from the company must contain 80% of useful information and 20% of advertising goods. The situation where the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe: some react to the proposal, and those who are not interested in the goods, just read the cognitive part of the distribution.

How not to fall into the spam

Spam - is advertising, which proved to be futile. If a person responded to a spam "cheap Viagra", for it is not spam. Newsletter - a very risky thing, because it means an invasion of personal space man. And if it turns out that what you tenderly and lovingly wrote, is irrelevant to the reader, it turns out that you have created spam. To reduce the number of complaints must strive to ensure that the delivery was interested in the widest possible range of your readers.
"Newsletter - it's not a magic thing that immediately attracts customers to your site"
For example, I understand that most of our readers are not interested in reading about the specifics of "Megaplan" so I write articles on broader topics related to business issues. Products and services, special offers and promotions, as a rule, no one is interested. Another thing, when you write in general about life and the world around. It is much more important, and people with great pleasure reading about it.

Forming the base

Performance indicators distribution is largely dependent on the quality of the base. You have to be prepared for the fact that only 20% of the base - a "real" people, and the remaining 80% of the users instead of the workers left their "landfill" addresses, or simply never open e-mail. Once I heard this phrase: "History should be such that people want to pay for it, to read it." This is a key principle. The most high-quality base consists of people who do subscribe to our newsletter. They clearly understand why they need it, and read it in good faith.

"It is necessary to specify personal mail. People love to talk
with real people, not just comments on the page, it is not clear to whom the company in Facebook »

Assemble a base enormously difficult. This can be done only if you treat the delivery as a separate product to sell - to show customers what benefits they will get from it. Most often it is different: the base of the collected addresses, posted in the registration or written on business cards collected at conferences. As a result, 2/3 of the base receive mail, they do not really wanted.

Terms of good distribution

Newsletter - it's not a magic thing that immediately attracts customers to your site. In fact it's just a letter in the box. However, there are a few rules that help increase its effectiveness. First of all, everything that is connected with the sales of new services and promotions should always go under the trailer after the feature useful content. I never suggest people buy something from "Megaplan" before they'll give myself something useful. This is how the principle of mutual exchange.

Secondly, I never shunt advertisement or offer in the useful article. This prohibition reception, so do not. The reader sees that you are trying to him to hide something to sell, you lose confidence and sends e-mail spamming.

Third, in the ad unit should contain a call to action for the reader know what to do next. It may be a button "Register now" or a telephone number by which you want to call.

In addition, the newsletter - it is a conversation between man and man. There is a simple rule: never send anything that you would not show your mother or wife. I always remember what they read, and never publish something for which I would be ashamed in front of them. So I'm not trying to "Provisional Government" product, try not to be false, do not use kantselyarizmov not too familiar. In the design of distribution do everything possible to read it was easier: droblyu large chunks of text into paragraphs, add subtitles, tie, quotes, sometimes dilute the text images. All this together develops into a good, honest and pleasantly decorated newsletter.

In general, I always point out sending personal mail: in any letter should be the possibility of direct communication with the author. People like to deal with real people, not just comments on the page, it is not clear to whom the company to Facebook. Write just like you readers will not, they need motivation: a specific question, the theme and the occasion to communicate. If I ask the mailing list readers about something, I get 40-50 letters in response. All the work in the "Megaplane" I got only five to seven aggressive letters from inappropriate people. Usually people in the letters of praise, give advice, criticism, and everything is generally very useful.

Where to begin

The first thing to do - is to understand why you do need it. Next is to answer the question whether your company is something unique, what she could share. This may be a personal experience of staff and the head, the presence of an expert, a resource that will provide your e-mail from the rest. The only way it can become an effective tool of promotion.
"The person in charge of mailing, two main objectives: a stylistic and Content"

In the preparation stage you have to decide who will be responsible for sending and how often it should do. Optimal performance is not here, it all depends on your ability and themes lists. You can experiment with the frequency to see when people do unsubscribe. In general, the Internet is easy to overdo it, and nedoborschili difficult, so delivery times per month - that's okay too. The main rule is - it should go on chёtkomu schedule. You can not treat it as something secondary, which can wait a week or denёk. Irregular distribution will not work and would be a waste of money and effort.

The man in charge of dispatch, - two main objectives. Firstly, stylistic. He should be able to create a coherent, clear and understandable texts. Secondly, content. He must have a clear understanding of what is necessary to write. In this sense, he also assumes the functions of editor, journalist and analyst. His task - to find a huge information flow material that deserves attention, convert it, add something from himself and wrote the text, understand, I wonder whether it is to its readers.

The usual PR-manager with this task can not cope. Such a specialist should be sought among journalists and linguists, people who have the creative and literary taste and are used to working with the text. To assess the adequacy of the candidate, ask him to write a test text, and get to know the customers, whether he liked it. A good specialist will ask in return, what is your audience what topics they are interested in, what sites and magazines they read.

It is not necessary to plan, what will be your delivery within a year, to spend three months on the road design, the selection of authors and those of the future. I advise you to start small and test everything. Do not build the palace at once, start with the one-story house.

Work with hypotheses that are easy to implement, and see what answer they cause readers. Newsletter should be conducted sparingly, otherwise it simply will not have enough time and effort. It does not have to be perfect and super-cool. Primarily it should go out and simply be of acceptable quality.

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