среда, 23 сентября 2015 г.

The customer is always right?

The golden rule of trading, "The customer is always right!" Everyone knows. But is this law true? In some situations, a well-known principle of business is ineffective? As an entrepreneur to solve disputes with the buyer of its products and services?

According to experts, properly resolve the dispute can be, an example of the "shirt" of the seller or the buyer in a particular situation. Each of us can act both as a buyer and as a seller. Buying goods in shops, we act as buyers by offering products and services - as sellers.

In most cases, the rule regarding the undoubted innocence of buyers really fair. After all, the customer is the main source of income of the enterprise. It is at the expense of consumer goods and services, the company makes a profit, and its employees - wages.

But sometimes customers become unbearable: excessively using their authority to require the seller that the latter is unable to provide.

The basic rules of correct solutions of disputes with the client

The first rule is: do not rush to answer the claims of the customer. Hurry up with the reaction in disputed situations with customers is not necessary, as you should not try to please in every way. Having dealt with the scandalous situation in the consumer, the entrepreneur will be able to figure out where the organization of the working process, he made a mistake.

The second rule: a mandatory analysis of the situation. Before you decide, well, analyze the situation. After hearing the complaints of the client, specify which out of the situation he sees and what the result of his suit. Most often, it is the buyer's response is a major clue in solving the dispute. Action taken together, will enable the company to reduce losses, maintain the good reputation of the company and meet the needs of customers, making them regular consumers of goods and services.

The third rule - an instant solution to the conflict. Once the cause of the dispute is found and identified ways of its decision, should immediately proceed to the liquidation of a dispute.

The fourth rule - the elimination of aggressive situation in controversial issues. The faster will be repaid passion, the more quickly to resolve the dispute.

Conclusions: There is no need to justify to the client, to curry favor with him or argue. Knowing your rights and responsibilities - that is the key to successful communication with the consumer. The main weapon has always been a seller restraint and composure. Not all customers are the same. Some because of their ignorance and inexperience using the phrase "the customer is always right!" Even in situations where their wrongness is obvious. In this situation, wrap the main dispute, so that customers feel like a winner: a sale is consummated, and the profit obtained. It is important to remember that trade has always been under the creative affairs and diplomatic relations. Knowing this will allow to agree with the phrase "the customer is always right!" In all situations.

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