вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

Simple and honest manual for those who want to succeed at work.

1. Change yourself never stops.
Every day you have to decide whether to go forward or backward. You change yourself every day. Always something moving.
2. It is necessary to start from scratch.
All categories of past life - just vanity. Were you a doctor? You studied at an elite university? You had millions? Did you have a family? No one cares. You have lost everything. You - zero. Do not try to prove that you are something more.
3. Do you need a mentor.
Otherwise, you go to the bottom. Someone has to show you how to move and how to breathe. But do not worry about finding a guru (read on).
Three types of mentors.
4. If you do not have a passion for something, do not worry.
Do you have the desire to be healthy. Start with this. Go small steps. To succeed, need not obsession. Doing their job with love and success will come by itself.
5. The change itself will take five years.
Here's how to pass the years:
The first year: you toss, read everything and just start doing something.
Second year: you know who to talk to someone to build links. You do business every day. You see a map of your future travels.
The third year: you are good enough to make money. But perhaps, on their lives is not enough.
Fourth year: you earn well.
Fifth year: you will make a fortune.
Sometimes 1-4 years make me upset. I think: "Why all goes according to plan?" I beat his fist on the wall, it hurts me, I throw on the floor coconut (it's such a strange ritual). This is normal. Just keep.
6. If you make it faster or slower, it means you are doing something wrong.
A good example - Google.
7. The point is not about the money. But money - figure.
When people say "it's not about the money," they must choose a different yardstick.
"And maybe, just do what you love?" There will be many days when you will hate what you are doing. If you do it just for the love of the case, it will take much more than five years.
8. When you can say: «X - that's my business!"?
Today. Now.
If you want to be an artist, buy a canvas and paint, start to buy 500 books at a time - and start drawing. If you want to write, do these three things:
Choose your favorite author and literally type in his favorite story. Think about why he wrote each of these words.
If you want to start a business, start a business idea to work out. Change itself begins today.

9. How do I make money?
By the third year, you will spend on a new business 5000-7000 hours. This is enough to be in the top 200 or top 300 in the world, no matter what your area. And if you are in the top 200, in almost any area that is enough to make a living.
By the fourth year, you will be able to increase the scale and earn more.
By the fifth year, you will enter the top 30 or even top 50, so it will be able to make a fortune.
10. How do you know what I have to do?
It is any area on which you feel able to read 500 books. Go to the store and get it. If three months later you are bored, go back. Disappointing - this is normal. Then dips needed. The success of failure is better, but the most important lessons we get from failures.
                  11. The decisions that you make today, tomorrow will become part of your biography.
Take interesting decisions and your life will be interesting.
12. What if I like something exotic?
Repeat the above steps, and for the fifth year, you can be rich. We do not know how. No need to look for the end of the way, when you make the first steps.
13. What if my family wanted me to become an accountant?
Choose freedom, not seven. Freedom, not prejudice. Freedom, not the government. Freedom, not the satisfaction of other people's requests. Then you satisfy your own.
14. My mentor wants me to go his way.
This is normal. Learn to his way. Then make its own way.
15. My spouse (husband) worries - who take care of our children?
The person who changes himself, always finds spare time. Part of the success - it is the ability to find moments and reshape them for yourself.
16. What if my friends find me a madman?
What kind of friends?
17. What if I want to be an astronaut?
It does not change itself. This particular profession. If you like space, the ideas in this area a lot. Richard Branson wanted to be an astronaut and created Virgin Galactic.
18. And if I like to drink and hang out with your friends?
Read this post again next year.
19. And if I'm busy? Changes the spouse, or betraying your partner?
Read this post again in two or three years, when you're broke, jobless and nasty to everyone.
20. What if I do not know anything at all? I do not have a diploma or him any good.
Start over again.
21. What if I need to focus on the payment of a mortgage or other loan?
The person who changes himself, always finds spare time.
22. Why do I always feel like an outsider?
Albert Einstein was an outsider. None of the people in authority did not hire him to work.
23. What if I'm too sick to change ourselves?
The change will spur all nutrients in your body: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. Move forward, and maybe you do not get well at all, but you will feel better.
Sleep more. Eat better. Exercise. These are key steps towards change.
24. What if my partner me up, and I still suzhus with him?
Throw a lawsuit and never not think about it. Half of the problem was you.
25. And if I go to jail?
Perfectly. In prison, read more books.
26. And if I'm a shy person?
Make the weakness of his force. Introverts are better able to listen, to concentrate, they have a way to instill the love of self.
27. How to establish contacts?
Draw a circle. You must be in the middle. The next circle - friends and family. Then - the people you know through informal meetings and tea party. Then - the conference participants and the authorities in their field. Then - coaches. Then - the clients and those who earn money for you.

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