суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

32 facts about the companies and money

1. The first toothpaste Kolgeytt sold in bottles.
2. Steve Jobs: "I'll call the company Apple, if by 5 o'clock you do not offer the best."
3. Creator symbol NIKE pay only $ 35 per design.
4. The most productive day of the working week - Tuesday.
5. 'prostitute' - a brand of soft drink produced and sold by Coca-Cola, Inc.
6. 20% of rental tuxedos take in May.
7. 90% of all restaurants suffer losses during its first year of operation.
8. Cow - Japanese brand of shaving cream.
9. Duracell, the battery manufacturer, has built part of its new international office, using waste materials from our own production.
10. In 2004 the Japanese Association of Ice Cream promoted "ice cream raw" meat in hopes that it will boost the popularity of ice cream!
11. Microsoft made a $ 16,005 profit for the first year of operation.
12. Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller was the world's first billionaire.
13. The first product released Sony, was the stove.
14. In restaurants in Japan do not give tips.
15. Walt Disney Company produces approximately 120,000 kilograms of garbage every day.
16. Yahoo! was originally called 'Directory Jerry the World Wide Web. "
17. M & amp; amp; amp; M stands for Mars & amp; amp; amp; Murrie, who were the creators of these sweets.
18. One square meter "glamorous" parquet ironwood can cost up to $ 1,500.
19. The average age of a woman walking on breast augmentation - 34 years.
20. The first advertisement was published in England in 1477. It was an advertisement for a prayer book.
21. On the first Apple logo was Isaac Newton.
22. Goods for children always lie low. If you do not want to tantrums, place a child in the trolley.
23. One of the firms in France satisfied with the daily rates of sexual intercourse from 11:30 to 11:40.
24. Macintosh - name sold in the US apples, a favorite fruit Jobs.
25. In the majority of advertisements the time displayed on the clock, usually 10:10.
26. American Airlines saved $ 40 000, seizing just one olive salad fed first class passengers.
27. 80% of the toys made in China.
28. The most frequently performed song in the world - Harry birthday to you - is protected by copyright.
29. From one cubic meter of wood can make half a million toothpicks.
30. The average ATM mistaken for the year to $ 250 - not in their favor.
31. Tide takes about 70 percent of the market detergents.
32. A Chinese proverb says: "He who can not smile should not engage in trade."

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