суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

10 powerful lessons prosperity by Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill was one of the first creators of literature on self-development. According to many, it is one of the greatest writers of success. His classic work, "Think and Grow Rich" is one of the best sellers of all time. One day Napoleon Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and one of the greatest men of Hill days. Carnegie Hill is so impressed that he decided to interview more than five hundred people, in order to look at the secret formula for success. As part of his research Hill talked with some of the most famous people of the time, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller Sr., Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt and other successful people .

The result of the study has become one of the most successful books, called "The Law of Success." Hill made clear the concept of success almost every average person. After the completion of the book "The Law of Success," Hill began his book "Think and Grow Rich", and soon became the person whom we consider the father of the modern self. One of the most famous sayings Hill is: "What the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

10 powerful lessons prosperity of Napoleon Hill.

1. Imagination is power.

"All the breaks you need in life, waited with his imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, it is able to turn the energy of mind and to achieve wealth. "

You do not have to sit idly by at a time when you are free of affairs. Between your work you need all the power. Do you use them? Do you use such a precious gift - your imagination to create the life of your dreams? Have you pondered your dream day and night? Napoleon Hill said: "Cherish your dreams and dreams, because they - the children of your soul, your ultimate success of the drawings."

2. Repetition of thoughts necessary.

"Any idea, plan or purpose may be placed in your mind by repeating a thought."

The best way to introduce the idea in your head - the repetition of thoughts. The best way to create repetitive thoughts - time and time again to talk about what you want to grow in your mind. Be the gatekeeper of your mind, do not let the media influence your mind, no one knows to what this will yield. Take responsibility for your mind to attract what you want to see based on your dreams and desires.

3. Hard work is required.

"Big and little responsibility never meet together."

Napoleon Hill said: "The great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and are never the result of selfishness." We all want something out of nothing, but, unfortunately, it never works. The great achievements involve great work and great sacrifice. But be sure, in the long term, the price of success is lower than the price of failure. If you are suffering now, you can reign later.

4. The plan is critical.

"Create a definite plan for the fulfillment of your desire to immediately begin to follow it, no matter whether you are ready or not."

The plan is a must, it must be written and must dictate the movement with military precision. Napoleon Hill said, "First comes the idea, then the idea must be organized in ideas and plans, and then converted into reality. You can not move to success, if you do not know how to get there.

5. You need to make a move.

"There always comes your next step."

Stop waiting and start moving. It's your turn. And then when you make the move, which means you have to take another step, and another and another. The ball is back in your hands, and you can either wait or move forward until such time until you reach your destination.

6. Never let failure stop you.

"Edison failed 10,000 times before perfected the light bulb. Do not stop, even if it fails repeatedly. "

If at first you do not succeed is something in it there is nothing surprising. Edison failed 10,000 to improve the lamp again why you can not fail a few times? Take heart, those who have achieved great heights, as a rule, failed too.

7. The defeat - it's a sign.

"When you are faced with defeat, accept it as a signal that your plans do not work, rebuild those plans, and set sail again towards your cherished goal."

Every action has its consequences if you fail, take it as a "message" that your current plan is not working well. There is no need to give up their goals, just change strategy. Use the message transmitted defeat you, for the sake of making changes to the plan. Change your plan as long as it does not lead to the desired results.

8. Imagine how you attract prosperity.

"Just as your eyes need light to see, our minds must be an idea to come to fruition."

Randy Gage said, "You will experience a shortage of funds, as long as you think about the deficit," "Imagine, my friend, as you manifest prosperity in the physical world." If you are going to achieve wealth, you first have to see it in your mind. You "need to see before you reach."

9. You must have a purpose.

"There is one quality that you must possess in order to win, it's definitely in order, knowing what you want to achieve and a desire to enjoy it."

You should know what you want, and you have to have a burning desire to get it. It's very easy. Do you know what you want? Do you know "exactly" what you want? Is there a fire inside of you who longs to get it? You do not have to think about it as: "It would be nice to have it." You must be willing and eager inevitable. Hill said: "Keep a picture of the future yourself long enough and steady his mind's eye, and you will pull towards it."

10. Use self-hypnosis.

"Your ability to use the principle of self-hypnosis is largely dependent on your ability to focus on this desire, as long as it does not wish to become a hot obsession."

Self-hypnosis is a process of repetition of thoughts to himself. The word "self-hypnosis" should be part of your everyday vocabulary. The best way to self-hypnosis is the repetition of affirmations that express what you want to impress your subconscious mind. Napoleon Hill said, "When your desire is strong enough, you get superhuman strength, to achieve." You have these powers, make sure you use them.

We hope that you learned something new and useful of these lessons. Come to us more, for you will always be new and interesting articles. I wish you success.

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