понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

Eight rules to disrupt, to get rich:

Usually when it comes to matters of financial well-being, the term "topsy-turvy" has a negative connotation. However, the multi-millionaire Robert Chemin believes that such an approach could be a way to success. In his book "As it turned out, that this idiot is rich, and I - no?" Chemin claims the wealth goes to a man who constantly violates all established rules to achieve the well-being of which he had heard.

Here are eight rules, presented by Robert Shemini that every future millionaire must necessarily disturb order to achieve its goal. Rules are represented in the traditional author, inverted upside down, right.

8. Before you invest money, how should all learn not to make mistakes.

The problem is that fear becomes a cause of inaction. "Every action has its own risk and cost of this risk, just like any omission" - says Chemin. Very often people because of their fear of overflowing of incurring losses on the possibility of refusing to engage in trade on an exchange, or invest in real estate (business investors). It is worth remembering that at the initial stage, mistakes are inevitable, but the experience that you get now, will provide many times more in the future.

7. Do not ask for help.

"We are taught from childhood that we have to do to cope with their difficulties, and if you ask for help, you do something wrong," - says Chemin. However, the timely assistance can play a key role in the success of an enterprise. Remember that earning a big pile of money - it is a team game. Man can not be an expert in all areas. Experts say that the request for assistance shows your power: it means that you have to soberly assess the distance that separates you from your goals and have the sufficient intelligence to take action and seek advice.

6. Do only what you recommend professionals.

Of course, the request for assistance involves an appeal to the "correct" advisers. However, listening to the recommendations of financial experts, ask for and what they actually pay? Very often, that advises you financial advisor, brings a lot of money ... but not you. The money that the guys from the big consulting firms get are the ones with money, you lose. Therefore, pay heed to, with whom you are dealing.

5. Do not put money into unknown areas.

One example of investments in unknown areas is buying virtual real estate in such on-line games like "Second Life". People who are not familiar with this game, wondering how you can buy and sell space on the Internet, which in the present, then do not even exist? However, with help from the №7, we realize that this "something" exists, is growing and is of great interest. Some people make fortunes on transactions with virtual real estate.

4. Try to determine the right time to invest money.

Every day, everywhere people say that the financial market or the real estate market is in decline, and now is not the best time to cash investments. Yes it is. Provided that you are going to earn a lot of money for 90 days. But if you invest for five, 10, 15 or 20 years, as it is, in theory, it should be, the market for receiving coverage time in any case, will be back to normal. Experts say that the attempt to estimate the "right" to enter the market has nothing to do with the concept of "investing". This is pure speculation.

3. Do not try to cash investments, as long as you do not have enough money or a decent loan.

Many financial experts do not agree, but Chemin sure to make a fortune, does not necessarily have access to the great credit and good credit history. A good credit history for the Americans - as the flag over the bath. But do not forget that you may need it only if you want to use your credit. While there are many other ways, for example, take a loan other people.

2. Do not get into debt.

"People think that the duty - a duty - says Chemin. - No matter how hard you work, your money can work for you is much better, if only to put them right." By most accounts, the credit card - it's evil, but it is not so. Credit disciplines, and, for example, a credit form of tuition fees is one of the best financial decisions that only you can take. Get an education, you will gain skills through which will not only pay off the loan, but also earn a lot more. The loan, in this case, acts as a guide to well-being.

1. Always have a plan.

Let the school you had a deuce in mathematics - need to remember only one thing: there is a huge number of events that have a zero probability that they will occur. So, they happen all the time. In life, something went wrong as you planned? In business, things can change eight times in an hour, so you better be ready for this, says Chemin. This means that you must have more than one backup plan, and a dozen. Your master plan under the influence of external and internal factors should be dynamically changed. Did you have an opportunity, not covered up, but can significantly bring you to your goal.

And do not forget, says Chemin, that on your way to financial wealth is necessary to prioritize. Remember that you are already rich, and your wealth is in the family, friends, health and freedom.

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