четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

12 books that will forever change your perception on good governance

Save yourself the wall so as not to lose. Really "concealing" information.

In these books, the work of construction managers worldwide. They cite, discuss and recommend to the highest level. They contain the best practices of global business, modern knowledge, used by leading heads of the most efficient companies. This Handbook educated businessman.

Book 1. "10 Deadly Sins of Marketing", Philip Kotler, professor emeritus of the famous Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, USA
How to avoid common mistakes, the most successful attempt to sell your product? Recognized as a world authority in the field of modern marketing gives a comprehensive answer to this question. He identified 10 mistakes made by almost all leaders. But forewarned is forearmed. The experience of other companies will save you from rash actions.

Book 2. "Time management of Brian Tracy. How to make time work for you. "
Brian Tracy, the head of Brian Tracy International - the company's human resources, with branches in 31 countries, the United States
How to complete more? How to cope with the ever increasing volume of tasks? Recognized and respected throughout the world expert on time management responds to these and other questions. His valuable technique can be used for the organization of the working time of your employees.

Book 3. "Management Ernst & Young on drawing up business plans," Brian Ford, Jay Bornstein, Patrick Pruett, leading experts from Ernst & Young - one of the largest in the world (part of the "big four"), audit companies, United Kingdom
Experienced employees of Ernst & Young, and described in detail by specific examples dismantle all aspects of the preparation of the business plan, as well as methods of raising finance, including in the event of restructuring and bankruptcy; give practical advice that will help to present a plan for decision-makers.

Book 4. "Rules of profitable start-ups", Verne Harnish, founder of the World Business Organization EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization), the US (TOM NO)
Practitioner, which entered the top ten thinkers in small businesses (according to the magazine Fortune Small Business), wrote a book for managers who want to start a new project, create a new product, opening a new division. Where to begin? How to present? How to write a business plan? How to get capital? How to create a brand? How to choose a staff? The author based his experience of John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the great dynasty of billionaires.

Book 5. "The choice of the strongest. As leaders take major decisions about people, "Claudio Fernandez Araoz, partner and member of the steering committee of the company Egon Zenhder International, which specializes in recruiting senior management personnel, United States
How to find and arrange the "right people for the right positions?" This is where you learn a little, and trial and error is expensive. Therefore, top managers often delegate recruitment experts. But this is not an option. Key personnel manager must choose himself. This skill can be trained. No other investment in its development will not give such a high return.

Book 6. "I can hear you through. An effective technique negotiations, "Mark Goulston, a well-known professor of psychiatry, USA
How, bumping into a wall, break through it and achieve the desired result: to get an answer, persuaded to do something or not to do? His unique method of one of the best psychiatrists in America made progress with negotiators FBI and US police. Author cited nine and twelve basic rules of fast techniques that work in win-win negotiations, which have proved in practice the FBI.

Book 7. "spin-sale", Neil Rackham, founder of consultancy Huthwaite Inc.
SPIN-selling - a technique meetings with potential buyers, based on the study of large-scale sales conducted by Huthwaite. Suffice it to say that half of the Fortune 500 trains on the program of its sellers.

Book 8. "Whole life. Key skills to achieve your goals ", Les Hewitt, CEO of The Power of Focus, Jack Canfield, CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprise, Mark Victor Hansen, the popular coach and author of many bestsellers, USA
How not to burn out at work? How to set a goal to increase the chance to implement it in half? How to choose the most important and not get hung up on the secondary? The book contains recipes, how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Book 9. "effective manager", Peter Drucker, an American economist, writer, one of the most influential management theorists of the XX century
What it means to be a successful leader? What skills he should have? Peter Drucker, the classic management is convinced that the criterion of a successful leader is the ability to be "effective." Contrary to popular belief, Drucker says: efficiency is not determined by the level of intelligence, innate talents and abilities. An effective leader is different in that it uses practical methods that can and should learn. In his book "Effective Manager" Drucker defines and describes five practical elements of effective management activities that you need to know to succeed.

Book 10. "Repositioning. Business in the era of competition, change and crisis, "Jack Trout, president of Trout & Partners, a marketing consulting firm, with offices in 23 countries, the United States
If you can not find a vacant niche, use the strategy of repositioning, says Jack Trout. Its essence is simple: to inspire people with the idea of ​​a new product, it is necessary to displace the old. Trout on the example of well-known companies tells how to do it. After the previous myth is overthrown, people will start to actively seek out, what would fill the void. And here you are with your product or service.

Books 11, 12. "The structure of the fist" (2 volumes), Henry Mintzberg, professor of the leading business schools INSEAD, Professor of Management MakGillskogo University in Montreal, Canada
How to create an organizational structure that will ensure its long and successful existence? How to delegate authority? The secret to effective distribution of duties? How to build an effective system of control, while avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy? There is no question of the structure of the company, are not discussed in this book.

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