вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

How to open a shop?

What you need to remember in this case? What items must be taken into account to the store makes a profit and has been popular? In some sense in a nutshell "open shop" is not so much, until we are not faced with this. So many questions need to decide that first you do not know what to begin. But if you thoroughly prepare for this issue in advance, it is possible to avoid many problems later. Let's try to figure out what you need to open the store.

The first and at the same time the most important question - what to sell. Choose the right idea for the future of the store is very important. Consider whether your product will customers appreciate, to be competitive goods from your store. Think about how big is your shop. Decide how the sale will be carried out - whether self (as practice shows, the most profitable way) whether the sale over the counter.

Think about which area will be in your store. Explore the area, learn the contingent of the population, their needs and purchasing power. It will be good if you are to talk to people and find out their opinions about the possibility of visiting their neighborhood store that you plan to open.

Make a business plan, it does not matter how big you are planning to open a shop, a business plan will provide a sequence of actions even when you open a small retail outlet at 10 square meters.
The package of documents to open shop

A special issue of pay documents in preparation shop. Bureaucratic red tape often extends over a long period of time, so make plans, is to carve out more time, money and nerves to get all sorts of permits, licenses, etc.

What documents do you need to prepare:

To register a company you will need to be prepared to answer the following questions: How many founders will have of your company, the name of the company, the main line of business, which you choose the taxation system, the authorized capital will make property or money, who will be the CEO and the chief accountant. You will need to obtain a certificate of registration of the legal entity and the certificate of registration and the INN, which will have to be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and undergo registration with the tax inspectorate. In addition, you will need to obtain an Goskomsata the assignment of codes (NACE), create extra-budgetary funds, such as pension, health, social security fund, and you will need to open a checking account in any bank and make prints.

Keep in mind that your sign shop - it is as such billboard. Accordingly, it you will need to obtain a permit, which is not so easy. To obtain a permit you will need to submit: application, registration card, notarized copies of the certificate of the opening of the company, notarized lease, thumbnail image, stamped by the company, matching placements with the owner of the building, crafted design image, color photographs of the alleged placements Card placement.

For the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision you will need to prepare the following documents: a letter of application, a certificate of business registration, tenancy agreement, a floor plan BTI, an agreement on the installation of fire alarm systems, as well as the insurance object. In addition, you will need to appoint a chief officer for fire safety and conduct the course of his training.

For sanitary-epidemiological conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor you will also need to prepare the mandatory documents: statement, certificate of registration of companies and registration with the tax inspectorate, the lease, assortment of goods, medical book store employees, sanitary passport facility certificates for goods store , the contract for garbage disposal and solid waste.

Do not forget about the resolution for cash registers. To register the cash machines (CCM), you will need to prepare the following documents: application, a lease for the premises, where there will be precisely this ECR passport CMC certified master TEC, holograms and draws maintenance, copies of certificates of opening businesses and staging registered at the Inspectorate.

The journal recommends that if financial resources allow, to think about and order nervosberezhenii obtaining all permits and licenses from the experts of legal agencies. Their services will cost you between $ 30-35 thousand, but in time, roughly speaking, about a month you will get all the necessary permits and conclusions.

Your store - is not just a source of income, the business is like a canvas on an easel - the source of your creativity. Of course, while you're thinking about how to get a full package of initial permits, your creative ideas of applications do not find, but when you're already thinking of a name for your store, there's a flight of fantasy begins. You can order a name for your shop professionals. In fact, naming - not a simple matter, because it is important that the name of the lure visitors to its interpretation was clear that the name of the game could not convert letters into something obscene, and not to cause bizarre associations. An example of an unsuccessful name can serve as the name of "Evening Bells" to store utensils. You hinted at in the name of the sound of crystal, that in your shop, you can find high-quality dishes, but visitors may have the opposite association - your utensils and substandard beats with the ringing, evening, such ringing.

Already on the verge of decisive action is obmozgovat and design of your store. To think appearance is before you go in search of the premises. Specific requirements for the placement will help you choose the best option.
Store at room

Will you buy, rent or build a room for his shop, it is important to consider a few key points:

Location - good if patency is your store, whether it is convenient access, whether it is possible parking nearby.

Room size and layout - in your shop should not be crowded, you need to define the office space, storage room, think, needs to be a separate service entrance.

Technical amenities - it is important that you are comfortable it was to conduct electricity, water, heating, telephone and Internet line, security systems.

Choose the right place - the key to your success, as well as the opportunity to save on engineering and maintenance issues. Therefore they are related very seriously to the choice of room.
Retail store equipment

Depending on the service system (self-service or trade over the counter), book shop equipment - shelving, cabinets, shelves, display cases. Firm specializing in commercial equipment, much, so you can easily order for your store exactly what will be needed and at the same time that well fit into the design. In the conversion of the common rooms and halls in shopping areas do not forget about the general impression in the design space. Remember that customers should like it in your store. The beautiful store people want to come back again and again.

Pay particular attention to the cash equipment - a sufficient number of its impact on the quantity and quality of sales.
Selection of suppliers

Suppliers very affect the operation of the store. Try to choose their own company with a good reputation. The delivery of the goods for your store important punctuality, commitment. The most important thing when choosing a product - it is the quality, price, delivery schedules. The journal draws your attention to the fact that long-term trade relations with developing their supplier, bringing you the most favorable conditions for cooperation. Pick of suppliers who will provide you with promotional products for your goods, name stands and so on.
Display of goods and interior decoration shop

Your product should not be expanded on the basis of maximum capacity, and on the principle of convenience for the customer and at the same time the highest safety (under the condition that the buyer can take the product in hand for the study). By opening your store, it is worth to learn at least the basics of merchandising. Use knowledge of the psychology of the buyer to obtain the greatest benefits. Think about how to place price tags, so that they work for you. For example, if you have some sort of name of the product that you release at very competitive for buyers price, and you know what that price is lower than the nearest competitor, then scroll to the price of a large price tag, or the bright inscription "Special price! ". Regarding the luxury goods is to do the opposite: let the buyer will have some time to look for the price tag of a beautiful but expensive things. At the time, the thing to hold the hands of the buyer, while he tries to find the value, you will on hand - the buyer gets used to things and does not want to part with it.

To attract the attention of the buyer use all possible ways. You need the right music, correctly set the correct tone of coverage, even smells play a role.
Recruitment for shop

Depending on the kind of activities of your store, you must select personnel. Agree, it is ridiculous to look serious woman with glasses and a suit that sells youth clothing. Seller shall not be just the person who gave you the goods, and receive from you money for it, it must also be a consultant, an assistant in the selection. Remember the famous anecdote about how people left the store in a jeep, but came in just a hook for fishing rods. Sellers are sellers of God, able to raise the level of sales to your store at a very high level. Therefore they are related to the selection of personnel for the future of the store with all the responsibility.
Do not forget that your employees need training, do not skimp on training. The professionalism of the employees will pay off very quickly.

In addition to all these global steps there are many details that are sure to be taken into account when preparing the opening of your store. For example, should consider drawing predmagazinnoy site, you should not forget about security, as well as advertising moves.

To draw your first guest, the opening of the shop prepare in advance: Let unformed on showcase will be stretched a large banner: "The opening of the month **!" On the opening day celebration arrange with balloons at the entrance, with treats and festive presentation, invite the clowns, for example, or say, a quartet. Let the popularity of your shop starts from the very first day!

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