вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

7 of the rules of data visualization in the presentation

Properly executed visual component of any presentation can help to quickly and effectively communicate the key message to the audience. How correctly visualize data? To achieve the desired results, you need to follow the advice:

1. Choose the right type of visualization

Nothing beats of confidence in you and your key messages how bad the data presented. Focus on the best examples of visualization to make sure that the chosen format does not distort the information and not difficult to understand.

2. Do not overload the reader information

The statistics make the presentation more convincing, but the glut of information could mislead the reader and on the vine kill interest. It is better not to use more than 1-2 images on the slide. Get rid of any unnecessary information and make sure that the visualized data support your message.

3. Reinforce Post Image

These design and must work together to achieve the desired effect. Competent visuals evoke an emotional response. Reinforce dry figures interesting images to your audience felt the message. Here, for example, a picture of a cracked by drought the ground successfully highlights the essence of the message. In another example, the contours of contrasting US and Syria illustrate the difference between the territorial dimensions of these countries are much more clearly than any words.

4. Make it so that it was easy to compare data

Featuring the relationship and the relationship between different data, you are doing them much more valuable. The main purpose of visualization - to provide visual images for visual comparison of two or more indicators. Try to make such a comparison was as convenient as possible.

5. The design must not distort information

Be careful with the forms of visualization that can cause an optical illusion (for example, 3D-graphics, or irregular geometric shape). Good design should clarify, not hinder understanding.

6. Place the data in a logical order

Intuitive procedure reduces the time a reader spends on it to sort out the information offered. Place the data in alphabetical order or in sequence - from highest to lowest or vice versa. Judge for yourself how much easier it is perceived by the relationship between the picture presented below indices due to the fact that they appear in sniskhodyaschem order, from top to bottom.

7. Keep it simple

The clear, minimalist image contributes to the perception, while superfluous design elements only distract attention. Avoid pictures, drop shadows, or patterns that distract the reader from the fact.

Even a layman is quite able to competently use visualization to create a compelling presentation.

How to open a shop?

What you need to remember in this case? What items must be taken into account to the store makes a profit and has been popular? In some sense in a nutshell "open shop" is not so much, until we are not faced with this. So many questions need to decide that first you do not know what to begin. But if you thoroughly prepare for this issue in advance, it is possible to avoid many problems later. Let's try to figure out what you need to open the store.

The first and at the same time the most important question - what to sell. Choose the right idea for the future of the store is very important. Consider whether your product will customers appreciate, to be competitive goods from your store. Think about how big is your shop. Decide how the sale will be carried out - whether self (as practice shows, the most profitable way) whether the sale over the counter.

Think about which area will be in your store. Explore the area, learn the contingent of the population, their needs and purchasing power. It will be good if you are to talk to people and find out their opinions about the possibility of visiting their neighborhood store that you plan to open.

Make a business plan, it does not matter how big you are planning to open a shop, a business plan will provide a sequence of actions even when you open a small retail outlet at 10 square meters.
The package of documents to open shop

A special issue of pay documents in preparation shop. Bureaucratic red tape often extends over a long period of time, so make plans, is to carve out more time, money and nerves to get all sorts of permits, licenses, etc.

What documents do you need to prepare:

To register a company you will need to be prepared to answer the following questions: How many founders will have of your company, the name of the company, the main line of business, which you choose the taxation system, the authorized capital will make property or money, who will be the CEO and the chief accountant. You will need to obtain a certificate of registration of the legal entity and the certificate of registration and the INN, which will have to be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and undergo registration with the tax inspectorate. In addition, you will need to obtain an Goskomsata the assignment of codes (NACE), create extra-budgetary funds, such as pension, health, social security fund, and you will need to open a checking account in any bank and make prints.

Keep in mind that your sign shop - it is as such billboard. Accordingly, it you will need to obtain a permit, which is not so easy. To obtain a permit you will need to submit: application, registration card, notarized copies of the certificate of the opening of the company, notarized lease, thumbnail image, stamped by the company, matching placements with the owner of the building, crafted design image, color photographs of the alleged placements Card placement.

For the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision you will need to prepare the following documents: a letter of application, a certificate of business registration, tenancy agreement, a floor plan BTI, an agreement on the installation of fire alarm systems, as well as the insurance object. In addition, you will need to appoint a chief officer for fire safety and conduct the course of his training.

For sanitary-epidemiological conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor you will also need to prepare the mandatory documents: statement, certificate of registration of companies and registration with the tax inspectorate, the lease, assortment of goods, medical book store employees, sanitary passport facility certificates for goods store , the contract for garbage disposal and solid waste.

Do not forget about the resolution for cash registers. To register the cash machines (CCM), you will need to prepare the following documents: application, a lease for the premises, where there will be precisely this ECR passport CMC certified master TEC, holograms and draws maintenance, copies of certificates of opening businesses and staging registered at the Inspectorate.

The journal recommends that if financial resources allow, to think about and order nervosberezhenii obtaining all permits and licenses from the experts of legal agencies. Their services will cost you between $ 30-35 thousand, but in time, roughly speaking, about a month you will get all the necessary permits and conclusions.

Your store - is not just a source of income, the business is like a canvas on an easel - the source of your creativity. Of course, while you're thinking about how to get a full package of initial permits, your creative ideas of applications do not find, but when you're already thinking of a name for your store, there's a flight of fantasy begins. You can order a name for your shop professionals. In fact, naming - not a simple matter, because it is important that the name of the lure visitors to its interpretation was clear that the name of the game could not convert letters into something obscene, and not to cause bizarre associations. An example of an unsuccessful name can serve as the name of "Evening Bells" to store utensils. You hinted at in the name of the sound of crystal, that in your shop, you can find high-quality dishes, but visitors may have the opposite association - your utensils and substandard beats with the ringing, evening, such ringing.

Already on the verge of decisive action is obmozgovat and design of your store. To think appearance is before you go in search of the premises. Specific requirements for the placement will help you choose the best option.
Store at room

Will you buy, rent or build a room for his shop, it is important to consider a few key points:

Location - good if patency is your store, whether it is convenient access, whether it is possible parking nearby.

Room size and layout - in your shop should not be crowded, you need to define the office space, storage room, think, needs to be a separate service entrance.

Technical amenities - it is important that you are comfortable it was to conduct electricity, water, heating, telephone and Internet line, security systems.

Choose the right place - the key to your success, as well as the opportunity to save on engineering and maintenance issues. Therefore they are related very seriously to the choice of room.
Retail store equipment

Depending on the service system (self-service or trade over the counter), book shop equipment - shelving, cabinets, shelves, display cases. Firm specializing in commercial equipment, much, so you can easily order for your store exactly what will be needed and at the same time that well fit into the design. In the conversion of the common rooms and halls in shopping areas do not forget about the general impression in the design space. Remember that customers should like it in your store. The beautiful store people want to come back again and again.

Pay particular attention to the cash equipment - a sufficient number of its impact on the quantity and quality of sales.
Selection of suppliers

Suppliers very affect the operation of the store. Try to choose their own company with a good reputation. The delivery of the goods for your store important punctuality, commitment. The most important thing when choosing a product - it is the quality, price, delivery schedules. The journal draws your attention to the fact that long-term trade relations with developing their supplier, bringing you the most favorable conditions for cooperation. Pick of suppliers who will provide you with promotional products for your goods, name stands and so on.
Display of goods and interior decoration shop

Your product should not be expanded on the basis of maximum capacity, and on the principle of convenience for the customer and at the same time the highest safety (under the condition that the buyer can take the product in hand for the study). By opening your store, it is worth to learn at least the basics of merchandising. Use knowledge of the psychology of the buyer to obtain the greatest benefits. Think about how to place price tags, so that they work for you. For example, if you have some sort of name of the product that you release at very competitive for buyers price, and you know what that price is lower than the nearest competitor, then scroll to the price of a large price tag, or the bright inscription "Special price! ". Regarding the luxury goods is to do the opposite: let the buyer will have some time to look for the price tag of a beautiful but expensive things. At the time, the thing to hold the hands of the buyer, while he tries to find the value, you will on hand - the buyer gets used to things and does not want to part with it.

To attract the attention of the buyer use all possible ways. You need the right music, correctly set the correct tone of coverage, even smells play a role.
Recruitment for shop

Depending on the kind of activities of your store, you must select personnel. Agree, it is ridiculous to look serious woman with glasses and a suit that sells youth clothing. Seller shall not be just the person who gave you the goods, and receive from you money for it, it must also be a consultant, an assistant in the selection. Remember the famous anecdote about how people left the store in a jeep, but came in just a hook for fishing rods. Sellers are sellers of God, able to raise the level of sales to your store at a very high level. Therefore they are related to the selection of personnel for the future of the store with all the responsibility.
Do not forget that your employees need training, do not skimp on training. The professionalism of the employees will pay off very quickly.

In addition to all these global steps there are many details that are sure to be taken into account when preparing the opening of your store. For example, should consider drawing predmagazinnoy site, you should not forget about security, as well as advertising moves.

To draw your first guest, the opening of the shop prepare in advance: Let unformed on showcase will be stretched a large banner: "The opening of the month **!" On the opening day celebration arrange with balloons at the entrance, with treats and festive presentation, invite the clowns, for example, or say, a quartet. Let the popularity of your shop starts from the very first day!

суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

10 powerful lessons prosperity by Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill was one of the first creators of literature on self-development. According to many, it is one of the greatest writers of success. His classic work, "Think and Grow Rich" is one of the best sellers of all time. One day Napoleon Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and one of the greatest men of Hill days. Carnegie Hill is so impressed that he decided to interview more than five hundred people, in order to look at the secret formula for success. As part of his research Hill talked with some of the most famous people of the time, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller Sr., Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt and other successful people .

The result of the study has become one of the most successful books, called "The Law of Success." Hill made clear the concept of success almost every average person. After the completion of the book "The Law of Success," Hill began his book "Think and Grow Rich", and soon became the person whom we consider the father of the modern self. One of the most famous sayings Hill is: "What the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

10 powerful lessons prosperity of Napoleon Hill.

1. Imagination is power.

"All the breaks you need in life, waited with his imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, it is able to turn the energy of mind and to achieve wealth. "

You do not have to sit idly by at a time when you are free of affairs. Between your work you need all the power. Do you use them? Do you use such a precious gift - your imagination to create the life of your dreams? Have you pondered your dream day and night? Napoleon Hill said: "Cherish your dreams and dreams, because they - the children of your soul, your ultimate success of the drawings."

2. Repetition of thoughts necessary.

"Any idea, plan or purpose may be placed in your mind by repeating a thought."

The best way to introduce the idea in your head - the repetition of thoughts. The best way to create repetitive thoughts - time and time again to talk about what you want to grow in your mind. Be the gatekeeper of your mind, do not let the media influence your mind, no one knows to what this will yield. Take responsibility for your mind to attract what you want to see based on your dreams and desires.

3. Hard work is required.

"Big and little responsibility never meet together."

Napoleon Hill said: "The great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and are never the result of selfishness." We all want something out of nothing, but, unfortunately, it never works. The great achievements involve great work and great sacrifice. But be sure, in the long term, the price of success is lower than the price of failure. If you are suffering now, you can reign later.

4. The plan is critical.

"Create a definite plan for the fulfillment of your desire to immediately begin to follow it, no matter whether you are ready or not."

The plan is a must, it must be written and must dictate the movement with military precision. Napoleon Hill said, "First comes the idea, then the idea must be organized in ideas and plans, and then converted into reality. You can not move to success, if you do not know how to get there.

5. You need to make a move.

"There always comes your next step."

Stop waiting and start moving. It's your turn. And then when you make the move, which means you have to take another step, and another and another. The ball is back in your hands, and you can either wait or move forward until such time until you reach your destination.

6. Never let failure stop you.

"Edison failed 10,000 times before perfected the light bulb. Do not stop, even if it fails repeatedly. "

If at first you do not succeed is something in it there is nothing surprising. Edison failed 10,000 to improve the lamp again why you can not fail a few times? Take heart, those who have achieved great heights, as a rule, failed too.

7. The defeat - it's a sign.

"When you are faced with defeat, accept it as a signal that your plans do not work, rebuild those plans, and set sail again towards your cherished goal."

Every action has its consequences if you fail, take it as a "message" that your current plan is not working well. There is no need to give up their goals, just change strategy. Use the message transmitted defeat you, for the sake of making changes to the plan. Change your plan as long as it does not lead to the desired results.

8. Imagine how you attract prosperity.

"Just as your eyes need light to see, our minds must be an idea to come to fruition."

Randy Gage said, "You will experience a shortage of funds, as long as you think about the deficit," "Imagine, my friend, as you manifest prosperity in the physical world." If you are going to achieve wealth, you first have to see it in your mind. You "need to see before you reach."

9. You must have a purpose.

"There is one quality that you must possess in order to win, it's definitely in order, knowing what you want to achieve and a desire to enjoy it."

You should know what you want, and you have to have a burning desire to get it. It's very easy. Do you know what you want? Do you know "exactly" what you want? Is there a fire inside of you who longs to get it? You do not have to think about it as: "It would be nice to have it." You must be willing and eager inevitable. Hill said: "Keep a picture of the future yourself long enough and steady his mind's eye, and you will pull towards it."

10. Use self-hypnosis.

"Your ability to use the principle of self-hypnosis is largely dependent on your ability to focus on this desire, as long as it does not wish to become a hot obsession."

Self-hypnosis is a process of repetition of thoughts to himself. The word "self-hypnosis" should be part of your everyday vocabulary. The best way to self-hypnosis is the repetition of affirmations that express what you want to impress your subconscious mind. Napoleon Hill said, "When your desire is strong enough, you get superhuman strength, to achieve." You have these powers, make sure you use them.

We hope that you learned something new and useful of these lessons. Come to us more, for you will always be new and interesting articles. I wish you success.

32 facts about the companies and money

1. The first toothpaste Kolgeytt sold in bottles.
2. Steve Jobs: "I'll call the company Apple, if by 5 o'clock you do not offer the best."
3. Creator symbol NIKE pay only $ 35 per design.
4. The most productive day of the working week - Tuesday.
5. 'prostitute' - a brand of soft drink produced and sold by Coca-Cola, Inc.
6. 20% of rental tuxedos take in May.
7. 90% of all restaurants suffer losses during its first year of operation.
8. Cow - Japanese brand of shaving cream.
9. Duracell, the battery manufacturer, has built part of its new international office, using waste materials from our own production.
10. In 2004 the Japanese Association of Ice Cream promoted "ice cream raw" meat in hopes that it will boost the popularity of ice cream!
11. Microsoft made a $ 16,005 profit for the first year of operation.
12. Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller was the world's first billionaire.
13. The first product released Sony, was the stove.
14. In restaurants in Japan do not give tips.
15. Walt Disney Company produces approximately 120,000 kilograms of garbage every day.
16. Yahoo! was originally called 'Directory Jerry the World Wide Web. "
17. M & amp; amp; amp; M stands for Mars & amp; amp; amp; Murrie, who were the creators of these sweets.
18. One square meter "glamorous" parquet ironwood can cost up to $ 1,500.
19. The average age of a woman walking on breast augmentation - 34 years.
20. The first advertisement was published in England in 1477. It was an advertisement for a prayer book.
21. On the first Apple logo was Isaac Newton.
22. Goods for children always lie low. If you do not want to tantrums, place a child in the trolley.
23. One of the firms in France satisfied with the daily rates of sexual intercourse from 11:30 to 11:40.
24. Macintosh - name sold in the US apples, a favorite fruit Jobs.
25. In the majority of advertisements the time displayed on the clock, usually 10:10.
26. American Airlines saved $ 40 000, seizing just one olive salad fed first class passengers.
27. 80% of the toys made in China.
28. The most frequently performed song in the world - Harry birthday to you - is protected by copyright.
29. From one cubic meter of wood can make half a million toothpicks.
30. The average ATM mistaken for the year to $ 250 - not in their favor.
31. Tide takes about 70 percent of the market detergents.
32. A Chinese proverb says: "He who can not smile should not engage in trade."

Koenigsegg One: 1
1360 hp, 430 km \ h, 2.5 seconds

2 500 000 $

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

12 books that will forever change your perception on good governance

Save yourself the wall so as not to lose. Really "concealing" information.

In these books, the work of construction managers worldwide. They cite, discuss and recommend to the highest level. They contain the best practices of global business, modern knowledge, used by leading heads of the most efficient companies. This Handbook educated businessman.

Book 1. "10 Deadly Sins of Marketing", Philip Kotler, professor emeritus of the famous Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, USA
How to avoid common mistakes, the most successful attempt to sell your product? Recognized as a world authority in the field of modern marketing gives a comprehensive answer to this question. He identified 10 mistakes made by almost all leaders. But forewarned is forearmed. The experience of other companies will save you from rash actions.

Book 2. "Time management of Brian Tracy. How to make time work for you. "
Brian Tracy, the head of Brian Tracy International - the company's human resources, with branches in 31 countries, the United States
How to complete more? How to cope with the ever increasing volume of tasks? Recognized and respected throughout the world expert on time management responds to these and other questions. His valuable technique can be used for the organization of the working time of your employees.

Book 3. "Management Ernst & Young on drawing up business plans," Brian Ford, Jay Bornstein, Patrick Pruett, leading experts from Ernst & Young - one of the largest in the world (part of the "big four"), audit companies, United Kingdom
Experienced employees of Ernst & Young, and described in detail by specific examples dismantle all aspects of the preparation of the business plan, as well as methods of raising finance, including in the event of restructuring and bankruptcy; give practical advice that will help to present a plan for decision-makers.

Book 4. "Rules of profitable start-ups", Verne Harnish, founder of the World Business Organization EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization), the US (TOM NO)
Practitioner, which entered the top ten thinkers in small businesses (according to the magazine Fortune Small Business), wrote a book for managers who want to start a new project, create a new product, opening a new division. Where to begin? How to present? How to write a business plan? How to get capital? How to create a brand? How to choose a staff? The author based his experience of John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the great dynasty of billionaires.

Book 5. "The choice of the strongest. As leaders take major decisions about people, "Claudio Fernandez Araoz, partner and member of the steering committee of the company Egon Zenhder International, which specializes in recruiting senior management personnel, United States
How to find and arrange the "right people for the right positions?" This is where you learn a little, and trial and error is expensive. Therefore, top managers often delegate recruitment experts. But this is not an option. Key personnel manager must choose himself. This skill can be trained. No other investment in its development will not give such a high return.

Book 6. "I can hear you through. An effective technique negotiations, "Mark Goulston, a well-known professor of psychiatry, USA
How, bumping into a wall, break through it and achieve the desired result: to get an answer, persuaded to do something or not to do? His unique method of one of the best psychiatrists in America made progress with negotiators FBI and US police. Author cited nine and twelve basic rules of fast techniques that work in win-win negotiations, which have proved in practice the FBI.

Book 7. "spin-sale", Neil Rackham, founder of consultancy Huthwaite Inc.
SPIN-selling - a technique meetings with potential buyers, based on the study of large-scale sales conducted by Huthwaite. Suffice it to say that half of the Fortune 500 trains on the program of its sellers.

Book 8. "Whole life. Key skills to achieve your goals ", Les Hewitt, CEO of The Power of Focus, Jack Canfield, CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprise, Mark Victor Hansen, the popular coach and author of many bestsellers, USA
How not to burn out at work? How to set a goal to increase the chance to implement it in half? How to choose the most important and not get hung up on the secondary? The book contains recipes, how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Book 9. "effective manager", Peter Drucker, an American economist, writer, one of the most influential management theorists of the XX century
What it means to be a successful leader? What skills he should have? Peter Drucker, the classic management is convinced that the criterion of a successful leader is the ability to be "effective." Contrary to popular belief, Drucker says: efficiency is not determined by the level of intelligence, innate talents and abilities. An effective leader is different in that it uses practical methods that can and should learn. In his book "Effective Manager" Drucker defines and describes five practical elements of effective management activities that you need to know to succeed.

Book 10. "Repositioning. Business in the era of competition, change and crisis, "Jack Trout, president of Trout & Partners, a marketing consulting firm, with offices in 23 countries, the United States
If you can not find a vacant niche, use the strategy of repositioning, says Jack Trout. Its essence is simple: to inspire people with the idea of ​​a new product, it is necessary to displace the old. Trout on the example of well-known companies tells how to do it. After the previous myth is overthrown, people will start to actively seek out, what would fill the void. And here you are with your product or service.

Books 11, 12. "The structure of the fist" (2 volumes), Henry Mintzberg, professor of the leading business schools INSEAD, Professor of Management MakGillskogo University in Montreal, Canada
How to create an organizational structure that will ensure its long and successful existence? How to delegate authority? The secret to effective distribution of duties? How to build an effective system of control, while avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy? There is no question of the structure of the company, are not discussed in this book.

5 reasons why SMM - the future in the field of control of customer loyalty:

1. social networks - it is not only the ideal media platform where you can create, to develop the site with the target audience you are interested, it is possible to collect into a single people with common characteristics, resources, social status, which are the key specifically in your business.

2. Direct communication 24/7. Savings card, mail-delivery, call-centers, sms-sending - everything is already past century, and an irritant that accumulate unnecessary waste. Easy alerts about new products, promotions and so on. Information.

3. Your ideal otzovik, forum and online call-centre, which you can properly build and answer all customer questions in a mode online 24/7.

4. Properly updating the site to social networks, you can always keep the interest of customers for your products. Recognizing their opinions, desires, anketirovat and receive data on the level of customer service.

5. All data about loyalty and popularity can be counted.
When you use other means of communication with customers, you can not count the number of reacted or those who enjoyed the service. Laiki, repost, activity statistics, visits and more clearly shows your level of popularity among other brands and opposite reaction of your target groups.

среда, 23 сентября 2015 г.

The customer is always right?

The golden rule of trading, "The customer is always right!" Everyone knows. But is this law true? In some situations, a well-known principle of business is ineffective? As an entrepreneur to solve disputes with the buyer of its products and services?

According to experts, properly resolve the dispute can be, an example of the "shirt" of the seller or the buyer in a particular situation. Each of us can act both as a buyer and as a seller. Buying goods in shops, we act as buyers by offering products and services - as sellers.

In most cases, the rule regarding the undoubted innocence of buyers really fair. After all, the customer is the main source of income of the enterprise. It is at the expense of consumer goods and services, the company makes a profit, and its employees - wages.

But sometimes customers become unbearable: excessively using their authority to require the seller that the latter is unable to provide.

The basic rules of correct solutions of disputes with the client

The first rule is: do not rush to answer the claims of the customer. Hurry up with the reaction in disputed situations with customers is not necessary, as you should not try to please in every way. Having dealt with the scandalous situation in the consumer, the entrepreneur will be able to figure out where the organization of the working process, he made a mistake.

The second rule: a mandatory analysis of the situation. Before you decide, well, analyze the situation. After hearing the complaints of the client, specify which out of the situation he sees and what the result of his suit. Most often, it is the buyer's response is a major clue in solving the dispute. Action taken together, will enable the company to reduce losses, maintain the good reputation of the company and meet the needs of customers, making them regular consumers of goods and services.

The third rule - an instant solution to the conflict. Once the cause of the dispute is found and identified ways of its decision, should immediately proceed to the liquidation of a dispute.

The fourth rule - the elimination of aggressive situation in controversial issues. The faster will be repaid passion, the more quickly to resolve the dispute.

Conclusions: There is no need to justify to the client, to curry favor with him or argue. Knowing your rights and responsibilities - that is the key to successful communication with the consumer. The main weapon has always been a seller restraint and composure. Not all customers are the same. Some because of their ignorance and inexperience using the phrase "the customer is always right!" Even in situations where their wrongness is obvious. In this situation, wrap the main dispute, so that customers feel like a winner: a sale is consummated, and the profit obtained. It is important to remember that trade has always been under the creative affairs and diplomatic relations. Knowing this will allow to agree with the phrase "the customer is always right!" In all situations.

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

Simple and honest manual for those who want to succeed at work.

1. Change yourself never stops.
Every day you have to decide whether to go forward or backward. You change yourself every day. Always something moving.
2. It is necessary to start from scratch.
All categories of past life - just vanity. Were you a doctor? You studied at an elite university? You had millions? Did you have a family? No one cares. You have lost everything. You - zero. Do not try to prove that you are something more.
3. Do you need a mentor.
Otherwise, you go to the bottom. Someone has to show you how to move and how to breathe. But do not worry about finding a guru (read on).
Three types of mentors.
4. If you do not have a passion for something, do not worry.
Do you have the desire to be healthy. Start with this. Go small steps. To succeed, need not obsession. Doing their job with love and success will come by itself.
5. The change itself will take five years.
Here's how to pass the years:
The first year: you toss, read everything and just start doing something.
Second year: you know who to talk to someone to build links. You do business every day. You see a map of your future travels.
The third year: you are good enough to make money. But perhaps, on their lives is not enough.
Fourth year: you earn well.
Fifth year: you will make a fortune.
Sometimes 1-4 years make me upset. I think: "Why all goes according to plan?" I beat his fist on the wall, it hurts me, I throw on the floor coconut (it's such a strange ritual). This is normal. Just keep.
6. If you make it faster or slower, it means you are doing something wrong.
A good example - Google.
7. The point is not about the money. But money - figure.
When people say "it's not about the money," they must choose a different yardstick.
"And maybe, just do what you love?" There will be many days when you will hate what you are doing. If you do it just for the love of the case, it will take much more than five years.
8. When you can say: «X - that's my business!"?
Today. Now.
If you want to be an artist, buy a canvas and paint, start to buy 500 books at a time - and start drawing. If you want to write, do these three things:
Choose your favorite author and literally type in his favorite story. Think about why he wrote each of these words.
If you want to start a business, start a business idea to work out. Change itself begins today.

9. How do I make money?
By the third year, you will spend on a new business 5000-7000 hours. This is enough to be in the top 200 or top 300 in the world, no matter what your area. And if you are in the top 200, in almost any area that is enough to make a living.
By the fourth year, you will be able to increase the scale and earn more.
By the fifth year, you will enter the top 30 or even top 50, so it will be able to make a fortune.
10. How do you know what I have to do?
It is any area on which you feel able to read 500 books. Go to the store and get it. If three months later you are bored, go back. Disappointing - this is normal. Then dips needed. The success of failure is better, but the most important lessons we get from failures.
                  11. The decisions that you make today, tomorrow will become part of your biography.
Take interesting decisions and your life will be interesting.
12. What if I like something exotic?
Repeat the above steps, and for the fifth year, you can be rich. We do not know how. No need to look for the end of the way, when you make the first steps.
13. What if my family wanted me to become an accountant?
Choose freedom, not seven. Freedom, not prejudice. Freedom, not the government. Freedom, not the satisfaction of other people's requests. Then you satisfy your own.
14. My mentor wants me to go his way.
This is normal. Learn to his way. Then make its own way.
15. My spouse (husband) worries - who take care of our children?
The person who changes himself, always finds spare time. Part of the success - it is the ability to find moments and reshape them for yourself.
16. What if my friends find me a madman?
What kind of friends?
17. What if I want to be an astronaut?
It does not change itself. This particular profession. If you like space, the ideas in this area a lot. Richard Branson wanted to be an astronaut and created Virgin Galactic.
18. And if I like to drink and hang out with your friends?
Read this post again next year.
19. And if I'm busy? Changes the spouse, or betraying your partner?
Read this post again in two or three years, when you're broke, jobless and nasty to everyone.
20. What if I do not know anything at all? I do not have a diploma or him any good.
Start over again.
21. What if I need to focus on the payment of a mortgage or other loan?
The person who changes himself, always finds spare time.
22. Why do I always feel like an outsider?
Albert Einstein was an outsider. None of the people in authority did not hire him to work.
23. What if I'm too sick to change ourselves?
The change will spur all nutrients in your body: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. Move forward, and maybe you do not get well at all, but you will feel better.
Sleep more. Eat better. Exercise. These are key steps towards change.
24. What if my partner me up, and I still suzhus with him?
Throw a lawsuit and never not think about it. Half of the problem was you.
25. And if I go to jail?
Perfectly. In prison, read more books.
26. And if I'm a shy person?
Make the weakness of his force. Introverts are better able to listen, to concentrate, they have a way to instill the love of self.
27. How to establish contacts?
Draw a circle. You must be in the middle. The next circle - friends and family. Then - the people you know through informal meetings and tea party. Then - the conference participants and the authorities in their field. Then - coaches. Then - the clients and those who earn money for you.

понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

Eight rules to disrupt, to get rich:

Usually when it comes to matters of financial well-being, the term "topsy-turvy" has a negative connotation. However, the multi-millionaire Robert Chemin believes that such an approach could be a way to success. In his book "As it turned out, that this idiot is rich, and I - no?" Chemin claims the wealth goes to a man who constantly violates all established rules to achieve the well-being of which he had heard.

Here are eight rules, presented by Robert Shemini that every future millionaire must necessarily disturb order to achieve its goal. Rules are represented in the traditional author, inverted upside down, right.

8. Before you invest money, how should all learn not to make mistakes.

The problem is that fear becomes a cause of inaction. "Every action has its own risk and cost of this risk, just like any omission" - says Chemin. Very often people because of their fear of overflowing of incurring losses on the possibility of refusing to engage in trade on an exchange, or invest in real estate (business investors). It is worth remembering that at the initial stage, mistakes are inevitable, but the experience that you get now, will provide many times more in the future.

7. Do not ask for help.

"We are taught from childhood that we have to do to cope with their difficulties, and if you ask for help, you do something wrong," - says Chemin. However, the timely assistance can play a key role in the success of an enterprise. Remember that earning a big pile of money - it is a team game. Man can not be an expert in all areas. Experts say that the request for assistance shows your power: it means that you have to soberly assess the distance that separates you from your goals and have the sufficient intelligence to take action and seek advice.

6. Do only what you recommend professionals.

Of course, the request for assistance involves an appeal to the "correct" advisers. However, listening to the recommendations of financial experts, ask for and what they actually pay? Very often, that advises you financial advisor, brings a lot of money ... but not you. The money that the guys from the big consulting firms get are the ones with money, you lose. Therefore, pay heed to, with whom you are dealing.

5. Do not put money into unknown areas.

One example of investments in unknown areas is buying virtual real estate in such on-line games like "Second Life". People who are not familiar with this game, wondering how you can buy and sell space on the Internet, which in the present, then do not even exist? However, with help from the №7, we realize that this "something" exists, is growing and is of great interest. Some people make fortunes on transactions with virtual real estate.

4. Try to determine the right time to invest money.

Every day, everywhere people say that the financial market or the real estate market is in decline, and now is not the best time to cash investments. Yes it is. Provided that you are going to earn a lot of money for 90 days. But if you invest for five, 10, 15 or 20 years, as it is, in theory, it should be, the market for receiving coverage time in any case, will be back to normal. Experts say that the attempt to estimate the "right" to enter the market has nothing to do with the concept of "investing". This is pure speculation.

3. Do not try to cash investments, as long as you do not have enough money or a decent loan.

Many financial experts do not agree, but Chemin sure to make a fortune, does not necessarily have access to the great credit and good credit history. A good credit history for the Americans - as the flag over the bath. But do not forget that you may need it only if you want to use your credit. While there are many other ways, for example, take a loan other people.

2. Do not get into debt.

"People think that the duty - a duty - says Chemin. - No matter how hard you work, your money can work for you is much better, if only to put them right." By most accounts, the credit card - it's evil, but it is not so. Credit disciplines, and, for example, a credit form of tuition fees is one of the best financial decisions that only you can take. Get an education, you will gain skills through which will not only pay off the loan, but also earn a lot more. The loan, in this case, acts as a guide to well-being.

1. Always have a plan.

Let the school you had a deuce in mathematics - need to remember only one thing: there is a huge number of events that have a zero probability that they will occur. So, they happen all the time. In life, something went wrong as you planned? In business, things can change eight times in an hour, so you better be ready for this, says Chemin. This means that you must have more than one backup plan, and a dozen. Your master plan under the influence of external and internal factors should be dynamically changed. Did you have an opportunity, not covered up, but can significantly bring you to your goal.

And do not forget, says Chemin, that on your way to financial wealth is necessary to prioritize. Remember that you are already rich, and your wealth is in the family, friends, health and freedom.

пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.

Jaguar XJ13 (1966)

Price: $ 15,000,000
Maximum speed: 274 km / h.
Acceleration to 100 km / h: 3.4 seconds.
The amount and type of engine: 4994 cm3 (5 litre V12)
Engine power: 509 hp
Vehicle weight: 998 kg.
Drive: RWD

Jaguar XJ13 1966 issue objectively the most unsuccessful projects into a coherent series yaguarovskih sport prototypes. Although originally written as the successor of the famous E-type for the racing series Les Mann, model XJ13 further tests showed its complete failure of the racing, which put an end to the further development of this line.

Created in a single copy, the car had an all-aluminum body. The only surviving copy of the XJ13 was badly damaged in an accident in 1971, but was rebuilt and today is the rarest and most precious car brand Jaguar.

понедельник, 14 сентября 2015 г.

15 tips to change everything!

1. Understand what you really like. The golden rule is - do what a real pleasure, and then you'll be much happier.

2. Give up the garbage that you eat, drink and smoke every day. There are no secrets and wily diets - natural food, fruits, vegetables, water.

3. Learn a foreign language. This will enhance the depth perception of the world and open up unprecedented opportunities for training, development and career growth. Russian-speaking Internet users 60 million. English speaking - a billion. Progress Center is now on the other side of the border, including the language.

4. Read the book. The approximate circle - your professional area, history, science, personal development, sociology, psychology, biography, high-quality literature. No time to read because the ride while driving - listen to audio books. The golden rule - read / listen to at least one book a week. This 50 books a year that will transform your life.

5. Spend sensibly every weekend. Go to a museum, enjoy a workout, Congress to be the city, jump with a parachute, to visit relatives, go to a good movie. Expanding the zone of contact with the world. The more experience you have passed through himself, the more interesting is the life, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

6. Start a blog or a regular diary. Still nothing. It does not matter that you do not possess the eloquence, and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that in its pages you'll be able to think and reason. And if you're just a regular write about what you love, readers will come.

7. Put the target is fixed on paper, in Word or blog. The main thing is to be clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can achieve it, or, or not. If you do not deliver, then the options to achieve at all.

8. Learn to type on the keyboard blindly. Time - this is one of the few treasures that you have, and you should be able to print almost as quickly as they think. And you should not think about where is the letter you want, and what you write.

9. Ride time. Learn to manage their own affairs so that they worked almost without your participation. To begin with, Honour Allen (Getting Things Done) and Gleb Archangel. To take decisions quickly, act immediately, do not procrastinate. All cases either do or delegate to someone.

10. Give up computer games, aimless sitting in social networks and blunt surfing the internet. Minimize communication in social networks, leave one account. Destroy the apartment Television.

11. Stop reading news. All the same, the key events will be talking all around, and the additional noise information does not improve the quality of decision-making.

12. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have time more than in the evening. If the summer at the weekend you vyedesh from Moscow at 7 am, then to the 10 you'll have in Yaroslavl. If vyedesh 10, you'll be there at the best time for dinner. Man enough 7 hours of sleep, provided high-quality physical activity and normal diet.

13. Try to surround yourself with honest, fair, open, intelligent and successful people. We - that is our environment, which we learn everything that we know.

14. Use every moment and every person to learn something new. If life makes you a professional in any field, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what his motivation and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even the taxi driver can be an invaluable source of information.

15. Start to travel. Never mind that there is no money to Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of rest is not related to money spent. When you see how diverse the world, you will cease to dwell on the space around you, and you will become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.

четверг, 10 сентября 2015 г.

7 reasons why it is better to work for yourself.

Many people after graduation and reaching a certain age are convinced that it was time to get a job. However, this is not the best idea. "Why?" - You will be surprised. Everything is very simple. There is an alternative - to work for themselves, and at least 7 reasons why it should be done.

You earn the clock.

Of course, to get a well-paid job and to exchange their time and labor for the money - a great idea. However, it is not reasonable. Why, you ask? Because the work you get paid only when you are working. Have you ever thought that it would be better and easier to get money even when you are not working. Imagine how your life would change if you earn income around the clock.

At work, you spend more than 40 hours a week. This fact few people care about. Each of us care about the value and importance of what we get. That's what we are willing to pay. Therefore agree that exchanging your time for money - not the best way to make money. There is a way much better, which you produced is separated from the value of the cost of your time.

This, for example, starting a business, investing in anything, the income from the implementation of your inventions, website creation, receiving royalties for creative work, etc. In this case, you set up the system constantly deliver value to people and generates income operates continuously, regardless of whether you are giving her the time or not. At the same time, it needs to first spend some time and effort to develop and implement your own system of production revenue. Start the system, you no longer have to trade your time for money. From that moment the bulk of your time will be focused on increasing your income through the improvement and development of your system or run the new systems.

All proceeds - yours.

With employment you need to make so many values, so that you have enough to cover not only the cost of your salary (bonuses, benefits package, etc.) and taxes, but also to make sufficient profits to owners or investors. Thus, you pay only the portion actually produced by your values. Your real salary may be several times higher, but most of the money you will never get it. When you work for yourself - all of your income.

Sami adjust your income.

When you want to increase your income, employment, you constantly have to prove the validity of your claims. In this case you do not always get you satisfied answer. In a system of income You decide, and adjust when and how much you should get.

To acquire knowledge, how to become financially independent.

Usually, people get a job to gain experience. However, we all get the experience of life, regardless of whether we have a job or not. Any work only gives the experience of this work. In the beginning you do you recognize a lot of new, but then moves without any changes. Because of this, you tend to miss many other features, more valuable and important. Ask yourself, what kind of experience you want to buy? Knowing how to perform a particular job well, trading your time for money - or the knowledge of how to achieve financial independence, while not needing a work for hire? Most likely, you will choose the second option.

Their own masters.

When you get a job, you have direct manager or owner. What happens if you do not agree to submit to or perform someone else's team? Many of you have such work is a pleasure, because it suppresses or causes frank protest. In the case of the creation of its system of income you are their own masters.

Nahodites safe.

Most people believe that getting a job - the most reliable and secure way to support themselves and their families. I do not know how in our society can feel safe being in a situation where at any time you can lose the main source of income - work. As an employee, you can not feel safe, because you do not control the situation. Only by working for yourself, you keep everything under control.

Opredelyaete your social circle and freedom of movement.

When you work in a particular structure, you have to communicate by people working in the same area. In addition, there are any company's corporate culture. This imposes certain restrictions and requirements to you. Not all of you will agree to be in this relationship. Working for yourself, you are completely independent in their choice - with whom and when to communicate and how to behave in a given situation. You do what you like and live happily.


Everyone has a choice: get a job or creating income in other ways. Many of you already know that the job search - not what they need. Trust your intuition. Once you decide to work for yourself, you will realize that others are able to give great value, and they will gladly pay you for it. As time passes, you will see that it was one of the most of your wise decisions.

вторник, 8 сентября 2015 г.

7 golden rules how to look rich. So, for those aiming high:

1. Art est celare artem!

Ancient wisdom says: artfully conceal art! Be adept at honing his style, but strictly to hide from others, that perfection is achieved at the cost of a lot of work.


Never wear "labels out." Logos - -attributika posers. Patricia - other unspoken signs of belonging to an elite caste. In some circles - is smoothed hair and a quilted jacket. Carefully study the society, which seek to enter.

3. denies everything!

Do not flaunt the high cost of things. Remember, financial vulgar nouveau riche show off issues and the poor. After another million no need to assert themselves at the expense of clothes, temptation "conspicuous consumption" is already long gone.

4. Appreciable invisibility

Let your clothes will be the embodiment of restraint and minimalism. There is always a way to indicate the status indirectly. Have two dozen white shirts, and only subtle nuance is enough for a smart look.

5. "new money"? No, the "old money"!

Your clothes simply has no right to look outrageously new shoes squeak and rub his legs and hair to be "svezheostrizhennoy and freshly painted." After all, the taste and the money came to you yesterday? Gradually you get rid of discouraging compliments: "Oh, dear, you have a new blouse!" And "Oh, Simon, are you a haircut!".

6. virtuoso ease

The secret to stylishness - if occasional, inadvertent Details: accident rasstegnuvshayasya buttons of his vest, shirt snub gate. It's - well-deserved degree of freedom. Today, you can hardly find a millionaire to diligently traditional costume - it is now a uniform hired manager and a cheap performance - a driver and a guard.

7. Luxury re-look

Realize it. And always be ready to re-close look at you, it - will inevitably follow. Respectus!