воскресенье, 3 января 2016 г.

                        How to become rich?

To start to define two basic rules:

- The basis of your wealth №1- costs less than your income.
- The basis of wealth №2 - all surplus revenues invest in assets that give you passive income.

Next, your first step - the creation of a monetary reserve of confidence. Multiply the amount of average monthly expenses for 4-5 months. This amount you're bound to have on hand. (deposit in cash)
* Defer 10% of monthly income, it is better in the bank, not to pull out once wanted to buy another trinket.
* The 10% is easy to find if a month to keep records of expenditures. About 30% of the money spent on any individual unnecessary garbage.
* Take care of raising revenue. Each month, do something that revenue grew at least 5%.
* With each increase income half invested, you can pull the second - the pleasure, too, must receive.

- The second step - Invest in assets that are familiar. (If you do not know anything - I start to understand)

- Investments in shares, bonds, mutual funds, forex, if you are not in the subject - the same casino, but without the buzz.

- Freedom - is the presence of not only money, but also free time to enjoy them.

- Freedom of contract employees get very difficult, freelancer little easier, but not much.

- The best choice for self-realization, higher income and free time - the creation of the business - project, which will go from the heart to help people. During this will definitely pay.

- One can not do much in a day of 24 hours. You can work harder, you can take more, but soon anyway upreshsya the ceiling.

- The time other people + + creating competent delegation of operating systems - the key to success.

- To meet the basic needs of the need to have very little money. Fun should be a little more. For business and people - really a lot. All the rest - it is toys, running for happiness, in which there are no winners.

- Money usually pay too much attention to those who do not. And in the mode - I have not, but do not steal.

- Deal with your beliefs about money. While a bunch of cockroaches in my head, subconsciously you will drive money away from you.

- Wealth is measured in months. How many months you live in normal mode, if you do not work?

- A million dollars - this is garbage, not a goal. Goals - to be, do, have. And these problems can calculate the ruble.

- Pull the top is much more difficult than to sneak down. If next to you people who are negative about money, do not believe in yourself and do not have a dream - you will soon catch.

- Every day, take one step towards prosperity. Little. Tiny!!! But things. The trend is much more important than the location from which you startuesh.

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